What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1035 Jump Conditions

Chapter 1035 Jump Conditions

Chapter 1035 Jump Conditions

(Elaria POV)

After delivering my speech, I got busy with setting up the machine that would allow us to start our Universe hopping!

"We have less than a month before those tentacled freaks arrive you know?" Onii-sama's fake little sister told me.

I rolled my eyes at her, "I already know that. What do you think I was doing while I was gone? I've already mobilised the entirety of Onii-sama's Space Navy to keep them back."

"You think an intergalactic warship is enough to stop a cosmic horror?"

I scoffed at her, "Of course not. But a few thousand of them plus three stars of death should be enough to at least make them feel some pain, yes?"

Her eyes widened, the look of utter shock on her face already making my efforts completely worthwhile. Let me just secretly take a picture of that surprised face with my hidden camera and then store it somewhere~

"How… How did you make that many? To even create one of those already requires a crew of several tens of thousands to operate one, we don't even have that many people in this continent! Not to mention that thing that can destroy planets!"

I wagged my finger at her, "Heh, heh~ Do you think I have yet to crack the code on creating artificial intelligence?"

"You made AIs?"

"Hell yeah I did."

"Are you not concerned that they would go rampant? Did you use Asimov's three laws?"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "What the heck is ass-if-moth?"

"You know? The three laws of robotics? Did Aniue not say anything to you about this?"

"Oh, you mean that bullshit about robots not being able to harm humans and what not? Nah, that's like the dumbest laws I can use! I want my creations to hurt people, especially those that go against us! So all I need is for them to only be loyal to myself and us! Who cares about anyone else?"

She opened her mouth to say something but slowly closed it before taking a moment to consider my words.

"You're right… So you really did manage to create AIs?"

I nodded proudly, "Yeah! Pretty easy when you can use magic actually. Onii-sama showed me some of it before where you can make things using a person's soul. All I need to do is grab some wandering souls around, implant them into the program to give them life and they practically just--"

"Wait, what?! You're using souls?!"josei

"Err… Yeah? Why?"

The fake little sister blinked a few times at me, looked me up and down and then crossed her arms, "You managed to make use of souls in your experiments and you didn't even tell me? Well spill it, how did you enslave those souls?"

"Oh, it's not enslaving actually, I just feed them to the program and then they get cut up and digitised to grow the AI! Pretty cool huh?"

"How do you deal with personality issues though?"

"The personalities of those souls aren't absorbed. They're fragmented and trashed and I'll implant custom made personalities in their place instead."

"Oh, that's pretty cool."

"Ahem… Sorry…" A voice interrupted us.

We turned to see Brendan looking at us with a complicated look, I didn't even notice him coming towards us.

"Did you just say that you… Capture souls to create… Err… Whatever that is?"

"Artificial intelligence!" I reminded him.

He nodded, "Yeah… That… Don't you feel like this is a little bit… Bad?"

I tilted my head at him, "Bad? How?"

"Like… Shouldn't you combine several souls together to increase the efficiency? I've tested that you can combine a maximum of five before they lose coherency."

I gasped, Brendan's a genius! I should try that with my next batch of AIs! No wonder Onii-sama trusted him with those Origin liquid!

He then gestured to the machine I was setting up, "So… Umm… I don't exactly know how to phrase this properly but… What the heck is that?"

"I'm glad you asked! After hearing about you guys talking about multiple Universes, I went and made this baby up!" I laughed, giving the side of my machine a light smack. "Using the wormhole theory and also linking them together using a tunnel with a mobius strip design, this thing will allow us to connect to the other Universes and save Onii-sama!"

Sister Lian Li came up to me, "Oh? So this will allow us to teleport ourselves to other Universes?"

I waved my hand, "It's not that simple. Sister Eris and her alternate universe selves could do it since she was already fractured to begin with and thus her alternate selves could slip into other Universes. For us, we are mostly anchored in our respective Universe, that's why you don't see any of our alternate selves coming here."

"Then does this mean we're only sending Eris to save Master?"

"Heh, heh~ Not at all! All of us will be going! I'm using the same idea that Onii-sama is using now! We'll just be sending our consciousness to our alternate selves and take over their bodies! Then we'll just go and find Onii-sama and make that version of Onii-sama remember us by showing him this little movie I made of our daily life!"

I showed them my tablet where a montage video of us hanging out with Onii-sama at the beach started playing. It even showed parts of our usual life inside Onii-sama's courtyard too.

I continued, "You can have Onii-sama read your mind or project it out somehow to him, I've calculated that this would have the highest percentage chance of Onii-sama turning into our version of him!"

The fake little sister narrowed her eyes at me, "When did you even record this?"

"Heh, I already told you, I have eyes everywhere~ I even have recordings of our lovey dovey sessions with Onii-sama if you want?"

"I'm good… Actually, yes I do want them."

Sister Lian Li also raised her hand, "Me too."

Brendan coughed, "Let's… Talk about that later. So how and when do we start?"

"Oh! It's already ready! I'll just start it up, you guys put these Synchrominds over your heads and then we just need to find the jump conditions and we'll have you slingshot your consciousness straight to the other Universe!"

The fake little sister gave me an incredulous look, "Synchro-what?"

Sister Lian Li raised an eyebrow at me, "Jump conditions?"

"Yep! These little things synchronise your minds across the multiverse! Thus Synchromind! And in order to synchronise you with the alternate version of you, you need to do something that would link you to them, thus jump conditions! Why don't you start first, sister Lian Li?"

I handed her the device that looked like a metallic headband that would link into her mind the moment she wore it.

She shrugged and put it on right as I started typing away on a console on the machine.

"Ok! We're aiming you towards this Universe and… Your conditions are for you to… Erm… Shout out that you love Onii-sama with all your heart and then do a front flip."

All of them stared at me.

I raised my hands, "I'm not joking. This may not make sense to us, but apparently the other you did this and it was very significant to her which is what you need to do to synchronise yourself with her. Do it and you'll find yourself there!"

Sister Lian Li still seemed doubtful but she eventually shrugged and sucked in a deep breath.

"I LOVE YOU MASTER!!" She screamed before doing a front flip.

The moment her feet touched the ground, her eyes suddenly glazed over and she just stood there with a vacant expression.

Success!! I managed to invent a machine that can bring you to another Universe! Praise me, Onii-sama!

Oh wait, he's still not here, nevermind, I'll get him to praise me later!

"So who's next?!" I grinned, holding out two Synchrominds in my hands, eagerly awaiting my next victim… I mean traveller.

"You've got to work on the naming of that thing…" The fake little sister muttered.

Oh shut up! I invented it! I get to call it whatever I want! Now put it on!!

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