What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1045 Foxes In Space

Chapter 1045 Foxes In Space

Chapter 1045 Foxes In Space

(Manami POV)

When Elaria told me my 'jump condition' was to hover just above the ground and do a waltz, I had wondered what kind of Universe I would be sent to that made me do that.

The answer to that became very apparent when I landed there, however.

Looking at my reflection, I checked myself out in the skintight suit I was currently wearing.

It was made of some kind of stretchy material that hugged my curves tightly and yet despite that, it still felt rather comfortable to wear. Surprisingly, there was even a hole for my tails to poke through as well.

What was more interesting than my attire was the room I found myself in.

The walls were completely white and there was a single bed built into the wall right under what I assume to be a hexagonal window that showed nothing but an inky blackness on its surface.

The room also had various objects I have never seen before strewn about, including pictures of this universe's version of me and the rest of my sisters in various places alongside Master.

One thing that stood out the most, however, was the fact that I was floating without even using any Techniques.

Putting aside the weirdness of this Universe, I should first try to find Master, especially since I don't seem to be able to use my telepathy to contact Him. Probably because this Universe's version of Master is different from mine so I don't have his telepathic signature yet.

Unfortunately, I do not see anything that even remotely resembles an entrance to the room unless I'm supposed to go through the window?

Using my power of flight, I floated my way towards the window, pressing my hand against its surface.

The blackness of the window suddenly receded, showing me a view of the outside that was filled with a sea of stars.josei

I was still in the midst of marvelling at such a sight when I heard a hissing sound coming from behind me.

Turning back, I found my cute little Kiyomi dressed in the same skintight suit floating in a doorway that was not there earlier.

"Hello sister. Master told us to meet Him in the cockpit. He wants to check up on our situation."

Ara? The cockpit? I wonder what that is?

"Ufufufu~ Then lead the way, my cute little Kiyomi~"

She turned around and pushed against the doorframe, propelling her away from the door.

A panel then slid from the wall that closed up the doorway like it was never there to begin with. It was only when I took a closer look at the wall did I notice a thin line along the wall that marks the outline of the door.

I flew towards it, trying to figure out how the door worked.

Unexpectedly, the door actually slid open the moment I got close to it. Was it inscribed with some kind of inscription that allowed it to open up automatically? How interesting.

Floating out of the room, I realised that the corridor outside was also just as white with the only features being two sets of handrails lining the walls on either side.

I floated along the corridor right behind Kiyomi, finding it rather amusing that she was using the handrails to propel herself while I merely floated behind her.

We eventually arrived at another door that slid open, revealing a small room with two chairs inside with various black coloured boards and a large window that showed a view of the outside.

Kiyomi moved towards one of the seats, leaving the other one open for me to occupy.

Not seeing Master around, I took the empty seat before my little sister started pressing something on the weird looking table in front of her.

There was a buzzing sound and the black board in front of me changed to a picture of Master.


Ara, ara?

Master is wearing a uniform of some sort that makes Him look especially dashing! I hope Elaria is able to make those clothes and convince Master to wear them too!

"Manami, Kiyomi, what's your status?" The picture of Master asked.

Oh, this must be similar to the device that Elaria made to allow us to talk to each other without using telepathy. I suppose in this Universe they are more common?

Ah, Master asked me a question… But since I do not possess the memories of myself from this Universe, I had to turn to my little sister for help.

Kiyomi took my hint and nodded, "We are still on our way to Privos Prime, Master. Our engines are fine but we had to divert power away from some of our subsystems including the gravity generators as one of our generators was hit."

Ara? I never thought that I would hear my little sister speaking like Elaria one day. She's so cute~

I wonder if the me of this Universe also spoke like that?

The picture of Master nodded, "I see. Any pursuers?"

My cute little Kiyomi shook her head, "Not at all Master, sensors are also clear. I believe we managed to get away from them."

"Good, then I'll meet the both of you at Privos Prime."

I couldn't help but raise my hand there, "Master? Where are you right now?"

Master diverted his gaze away from me and seemed to be looking at something above him for a moment, "I'm still on the Gell Cluster highway, so I should be there at most an hour later than you two according to our destination's time. Don't worry, you won't have to wait long."

I'm not too sure about what Master is saying but I could guess that He was not somewhere nearby at the moment.

No matter, I've had to deal with another Universe where Master never came to the village to save me so I had to go find Him. This was already much better than that one so I can wait~

Master and Kiyomi then started saying some other incomprehensible things about selling some kind of orb which I didn't understand but I managed to pick up some bits and pieces from their conversation.

Both Kiyomi and I were transporting something and we were attacked by someone. We managed to escape but our ship was damaged so we needed to stop over at this 'Privos Prime' place for repairs and Master was meeting us there.

What I didn't understand was where the ship was since what I've seen so far did not match what I know of how a ship looks like.

I did understand that this is a Universe where science had become more prevalent and individuals with powers were very, very rare. In fact, it was to the point that conjuring a fireball requires a machine embedded in their body to accomplish.

How quaint…

"Sister? Elder sister?"

I was brought out of my musings from a gentle nudge by Kiyomi.

"Sister… Is something wrong? You've been out of sorts for a while now. Perhaps you should take a rest after all?"

I considered my options for a moment before smiling at my cute little sister.

"My dear little Kiyomi… Do you believe in parallel Universes?"

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