What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1084 Being 'Forced' On A Tour

Chapter 1084 Being 'Forced' On A Tour

(Iris POV)

I don't understand this 'play' thing at all.

My Omniscience told me that this was something beings might do for 'fun' but I do not see anything 'fun' about this.

They called this 'hide and seek' where there would be someone amongst the participants who would do the searching while the others focused on looking for a place to hide from this 'seeker'.

I believe I had seen the little dragon play this with Master before and I still don't understand what is so interesting about this?

The goal of this game seemed to be hiding from Master while He looked for us, but couldn't Master easily have found us if He used His Omniscience? Why would He not use it to find us?

The 'child' who had originally dragged me here also dragged me with her when the game started, pulling me to another part of the city and away from the park.

I didn't resist and simply let her pull me along, where she eventually brought me to an alley to squat down and hide behind some boxes.

"Ehehe~ I think we are safe here!" She giggled.

I could not help but ask, "How long do we need to stay here?"

She seemed surprised by my question but she then started giggling again, "Ehehe, I dunno? Until Daddy comes and find us I guess~"

"Truly incomprehensible… Is there a point to this game?"

"Ehehe~ It's fun!"

"It's fun to hide?"

"And let Daddy find us! Have you not played hide and seek before?"

I shook my head, "I have not."

"Yay!! Then this is your first time! Don't worry, as your senior in hide and seek, you can leave it to me!"

I don't understand what is there to leave to her since it seems like all we have to do now is simply wait behind these boxes.

She then patted her chest proudly, "I know the best spots to hide! This is one of my favourites! Daddy usually doesn't find me here until the others are found!"

I tilted my head, "Isn't that a bad thing? We get to spend less time with Him in this case. And if you've been found here before, doesn't that make this a bad place to hide?"

"Ehehe~ As long as we're the last ones to be found, we win~ And Daddy will give us a cookie!"

Once again, completely incomprehensible. If the ultimate goal is just to hide from Master, then we could have just created a space of infinite dimensions and simply hid there. Master would still find us eventually but it would still be a better option than just hiding behind some boxes in the same Plane of existence as Master.

"Is this your first time in the city?" She asked suddenly.josei

"Ara? I suppose you can say that."

She gasped, "Ehhh?!! Then we shouldn't be hiding like this! Let me show you around! Come with me!"

The 'child' stood back up and took me by the hand once more, pulling us out of the alley and into the main street, forgoing the plan of hiding completely.

"This is the City of Dreams! Daddy made it for us to play in! Here where we can get pampered by Daddy however we want! Daddy made a lot of Daddies so that we can get pampered all the time! You have your own Daddy too, right?"

I realised she meant if I had a split body of Master to accompany me around, so I nodded.

"Ehehe~ Daddy loves us a lot and He pampers us a lot too! You can do anything you want here with Him! Like over there, there's this sweets shop!! Come on!"

She dragged me towards the shop she had pointed, pushing open the door that seemed to have been designed to be able to be opened by beings of smaller statures.

Stepping inside this 'sweets shop', I found that there were other 'children' also inside the shop that was staffed by various split bodies of Master, each of them being crowded by at least five of the aforementioned 'children' and asking for sweets.

The 'child' continued pulling me towards one of the counters where a split body of Master was seated at, the counter itself also designed to allow beings of shorter heights to reach easily.

"Daddy! Daddy! Cookies please!" She squealed energetically.

That split body of Master smiled at her before pulling out two cookies from inside a jar below the counter, "A cookie for Litia and her new friend yes? Here you go~"

"Yayyy! I love you Daddy!"

She took the cookies and handed one of them to me, "Try it! Daddy's cookies are the best! These are the same ones we can get if we win the hide and seek!"

Once again, truly incomprehensible. If that prize is already something you can get easily here, then wouldn't that make the prize pointless?  Why would anyone even participate in such a contest for it in that case?

Even with Omniscience telling me that it was because the game made it more worthwhile still made no sense to me.

Both of the cookies were given by Master as well so the value of it should be the same. Truly incomprehensible.

The 'child' was staring at me with what appears to be anticipation in her eyes and Omniscience told me that she was waiting for me to taste the cookie and to give her my opinion on it.

I bit into the confectionary in my hands.

It was sweet but it wasn't like I haven't tasted Master's cookies before.

"It's yummy," I told her, using the response that Omniscience told me would be the most optimal thing to say.

"Ehehe~ I know right?! Daddy's cookies are always yummy! And if you don't want cookies, there's other sweets too! Right Daddy?"

The split body of Master chuckled, "Haha, you want a lollipop then? Here you go~ And for your friend too~"

"Yayyyy!! Daddy is the best!!"

I was handed the second lollipop while she stuck the first one in her mouth.

Omniscience told me how I should eat it so I chucked it in my mouth as well, still not finding anything special about this.

"Now we have our sweets, let's continue the tour!! I have to show you everything!!" The 'child' cheered, already pulling me out of the shop before I could say anything with lollipops in our mouth.

I looked back and I noticed the split body of Master waving at me with a wide smile on His face.

The action itself wasn't what caught my attention but I thought I noticed a faint sparkle in His eyes for a moment there.

Checking with Omniscience told me that it was merely just a reflection of the light so I forgot about it and focused on the more important question.

How long more do I have to keep this up before I can go see Master's real self?

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