What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1094 The Only One To Wake Up

Chapter 1094 The Only One To Wake Up

(Brendan POV)

I felt myself waking up from a deep sleep.

It was probably one of the best sleep I ever had, in fact.

I needed a moment to remember where I was and what I was doing before feeling a hand pat my head.

"Did you have a good nap, Brendan?" Master's voice came from above me.

I looked up to see Master smiling down at me, bringing back memories of my sisters and I being pampered by Master before we were cuddled to sleep.

I could feel my face heating up in embarrassment as I realised all of us were basically swept up in Master's pampering to the point that we forgot what we came here for.

Scrambling to my feet, I pulled myself away from Master before I could be drawn back into that trap where I knew I wouldn't be able to escape if I fell into it again.

Master tilted His head at me, "Is something wrong, Brendan?"

Instead of answering Master, I looked around me to see the rest of my senior sisters all wrapped up in their own copy of Master's arms while deep in their own dreamworld.

All except Diao Chan who was missing but I figured out where she was and what she was doing from the lewd slapping sounds coming from behind some bushes.

I turned my attention back to my copy of Master, "Forgive me, Master. But I need to find the real you."

I thought that he would stop me or at least try to entrap me again but contrary to my expectations, that copy of Master merely smiled and pointed in a certain direction.

"I'm on top of that hill over there. Do you want me to bring you there?"


I looked at him warily, "This… Isn't a trap right?"

He tilted her head at me, "Why would I trap you?"

"Aren't you meant to prevent me from finding your real body?"

"Not at all. I'm only here to make sure you feel pampered so if you feel that you need to find the real me, then I'll happily guide you there."

Wait a minute… Let me just get this straight…

These copies of Master aren't here to trap us but just here to pamper us..  Meaning it was us who trapped ourselves.

Also, Master was within our reach this entire time?josei

"Ummm… If Master doesn't mind?" I answered a little hesitantly.

My copy of Master got up and stretched out His hand to me, causing me to reach out instinctively to grasp it with my own hand.

I tried to fight down the embarrassment of being led by the hand by Master but at least no one else was here to witness it. The copy of Master also did not see it as a big thing either and merely guided me towards our destination silently.

We hiked up the hill and I started hearing cheers and shouts coming from the other side of the hill, making me wonder just what was going on there? Was Master involved in something else there?

Soon enough, we had crested the hill and sitting under the shade of a tree was Master himself. The aura He was giving off was just subtly different from the copy beside me which clued me in that He was definitely the real one and not a split copy.

And as though to show that He had fulfilled His purpose, the copy of Master that had guided me here disappeared into thin air.

"Master?" I called out a little hesitantly.

Master turned around and His face lit up the moment he saw me.

"Brendan! I'm guessing my split body wasn't able to satisfy you anymore?"

"Ah… Err… That's not it… I… My sisters and I are here to save you from Cai Hong…."

That sentence sounds so ridiculous and I can't believe I actually said that out loud.

Master chuckled, "Ahahaha! Well I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that this was the conclusion all of you came to. Well come sit here and I'll explain."

I obeyed and sat myself beside Master, still in my child form.

Master gestured in front of Him and I realised there was some sort of game being played on the field below us. It looked to me like several people were chasing after a single ball and trying to kick it into what I assume to be the goal on either side of the field.

I wondered why Master would show me a scene like this until I realised that Cai Hong and Master's stalker were both participating in that game as well.

"This is actually all part of a plan Cai Hong and I made you see. As you might know, Iris believes that nothing else in existence is worth her attention aside from myself, right? That's why we're putting her through this to change her mind," Master explained.

I turned to Master, "Through playing games?"

Master nodded, "Through playing games. Look."

I shifted my gaze back to the field to see Master's stalker kicking the ball with a smile on her face. Something I never thought would even be possible when she wasn't doing something related to Master.

"She's… Having fun?" I asked.

"Without me there too. It's great, isn't it?"

"But… Why? Master?"

Master grinned at me, "Why is she able to have fun without me or why am I doing this?"

"Why is Master doing this?"

"Oh come now. I'm not blind you know? I know for a fact that Iris and the rest of you don't get along well and Iris herself isn't exactly used to how the current me is. That's one bad thing about immortality you see. Some immortals remain unchanging even when the universe has changed around them. That's why I figured the best way to fix this problem is to inspire Iris to want those changes herself."

I see… I guess that makes sense… Somewhat… I think? I don't actually know but since Master was the one who planned this it should be fine right?

"Then does that mean that Cai Hong didn't abduct you, Master?"

Master chuckled at my question, "Well, you wouldn't be wrong in saying that Cai Hong did initially abduct me here since she thought the fight was still going on. But don't worry, I already solved the misunderstanding."

"Ah… I see… Then umm… What should I do, Master?"

"Hmm… Nothing? I guess you can watch the game with me? Oh, I know, you want head pats?"

I swallowed and looked around me frantically, checking if there was anyone else nearby.

Seeing that I was alone, I turned back to Master and nodded my head sheepishly.

To my surprise, Master carried me and plopped me right on His lap before proceeding to pat my head.

Unnngg… I really hope none of my senior sisters witness this… I wouldn't be able to look at them with a straight face if they did…

But… This is nice… It already feels way better than Master's clone… I don't even care about Master's stalker anymore...

I wonder what my senior sisters would say if they learned about the true purpose behind this place?

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