What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1101 Welcome To The Sisterhood

Chapter 1101 Welcome To The Sisterhood


So… I'm not sure how much time passed… I think it was maybe close to a few centuries or so in real time but I could be wrong…

It was honestly hard to say since even time was being Ended and created over and over again while I was fucking Iris.

When the two of us finally came back to our senses, the space was warping back and forth between a state of existence and nonexistence.

I won't lie, that was the most mindblowing sex I ever had in my entire life.

So there I was, laying down with Iris on top of me on the bed, the two of us enjoying the afterglow of our sex session.

"Sex is wonderful, Master," Iris sighed contentedly, her finger drawing circles on my chest.

I made a noise of acknowledgement while stroking her back idly.

She suddenly sat up, "Can we go again, Master?"

"Really? We just spent like… I don't know how long just having sex though?" I pointed out.

"But that's not enough, Master~ We should do it again~ It's not like time matters right?"

I smiled at her, "Are you trying to compete with Diao Chan for having the highest libido?"

"Ara, ara? If it means I get to experience this wonderful feeling even more with Master, then absolutely~"

I chuckled at her words, "Later, ok? I want to see how my disciples are doing."

She pouted cutely at me but I know she understood so the two of us wiped this space from existence and returned to our own reality, specifically the space where I had left my disciples.

A very interesting sight was laid out in front of me where each and every one of my girls were either unconscious or screaming out in pleasure.

It seems like a few hours had passed by inside here and none of my split bodies gave the girls any time to rest. Each and every one of them were subjected to several hours of constant, non-stop pleasure and I think I broke a few of them…

Like… Lian Li, Manami and Kiyomi were arranged in a circle while my split bodies continued to thrust into them from a missionary position. It was only now that I realised that the dull pressure around my groin area was due to this and not because of Iris.

I had to lower my sensitivity significantly while doing it with her so whatever sensation I had received over here with my disciples had been dulled quite a bit.

I clapped my hands together and dismissed all my split bodies, releasing my girls from their prison of pleasure and restoring them back to health.

All of them blinked and took a moment to recall what they were doing.

"Ahhhnnn~ Master~ That was perfect~ Could we do that more often?" Diao Chan moaned while squirming lewdly.

"Ah… I have to agree, Master~" Eris moaned, her body shivering from remembering the pleasure.

"Ufufufu~ Same here, Master~" Manami giggled.

I chuckled, "Perhaps, but do it in moderation ok? I don't want any of you losing your minds to something like this and forgetting yourselves. That would greatly disappoint me."

The threat immediately sobered them up and they nodded at me.

"In that case… Umm… How long more before I can ascend, Onii-sama?" Elaria asked while poking her fingers together.

Oh right, there's only a few of my disciples left that have yet to ascend isn't there? Namely Brendan, Elaria and Diao Chan.

To be honest, I'm already really surprised that the others managed to ascend this quickly since I was expecting at least a few years before the first one ascended.

But here we are with more than half of my disciples already ascending to godhood.

The look on Elaria and Diao Chan's face told me that they also did not want to wait longer than necessary so if I had something that could help them ascend quickly, they would want it.

I was just about to use omniscience to find the most optimal way of helping them ascend when Iris stepped forward.

"Elaria should return back to your home town and look through experiment seven two six, Diao Chan should make use of the Witches that you've gathered and learn their Spells to craft that final Spell. As for Brendan, he is just missing a key component found in the Death Mountains where Master had fought Lilith. He should head there to search for it."

Everyone turned to stare at Iris who gave them a knowing smile before retreating back to my side again.

They then shifted their gaze to me and I just confirmed with omniscience that whatever Iris said was true, so I nodded at my disciples.

Elaria and Diao Chan scowled a little at Iris but thanked her nevertheless.

"Ufufufu~ It is my pleasure~ Are we all not fellow sisters now? It would make sense to help each other, would it not?"

Iris has really grown huh? She's so cute now! Head pats for you!

Elaria and Diao Chan then requested that they get started on their ascension project so I brought all of us out into my Courtyard again, the two girls rushing off to tell Brendan the news.

"Ara, ara? Then what should we do now, Master?" Manami asked, licking her lips.

Iris turned to look at me, silently asking me for permission to answer her question and I thought this would be a good opportunity for them to get closer so I nodded a go ahead.

Iris looked at each of my girls in the eyes seriously, "Though you may all have ascended, you still need to gather your Divine Essence like Mater had mentioned before. So concentrate on discarding your mortal shell and embrace the body of the Divine. If you were to be able to also incorporate Origin energy into your soul, you might even be able to join us in the centre of the Universe as well~ And if you can go to the centre of the Universe… Ufufu~ You never need to worry about being left behind anymore~"

That definitely caught their attention and they immediately went up to Iris questioning how they could do that.

Ahhh~ Is this the start of a beautiful sisterhood? Maybe they would come to accept Iris as one of their own after this?

Iris really knows how to ingratiate herself to my disciples huh?

Well, I hope that things will calm down in the next few days. I think I've had enough things happen around here to last a lifetime…josei

That also brings up a question I only just realised…

What happened to living an easy life?!!

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