What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1182 The Final Ten... I Mean Eight

Chapter 1182 The Final Ten... I Mean Eight


Hmm… I expected my disciples to struggle against this group of Origin Wielders but it seems like they were doing fine… I think?

I mean… They're still beating them up, but they seem a little bit more… Err… How do I even say this?

"Unhinged?" Iris suggested while cuddling against my side.

I raised an eyebrow at her but she just smiled at me innocently, the 3D glasses still on her face.

Ugh… I suppose that's the word for it.

Like… Lian Li's literally throwing those Origin Wielders around right now… Like physically grabbing them by the foot and slamming them around on the ground while storm clouds floated around her to strike at her opponents she's manhandling.

She also looks really angry for some reason and I don't know why…

On Manami's side, she practically made her side of the continent in an eternal hellfire, going so far as to nullify the Supreme gods' protection over that area as well.

Mirroring her was Kiyomi who, instead of creating a raging hellfire, had plunged her side of the World into eternal darkness where the concept of living was suspended entirely.

Then there was Eris who had literally cut off an entire section of the planet and sent it into space. Though it did not kill her opponents directly since they could survive in space, it was considered their loss as they had gone out of the competition area.

On the other side of the spectrum, Brendan was causing the least amount of collateral damage but in turn was causing his opponents the most pain. The poisons he was brewing was at least several times more potent than before and seemed to be specifically brewed to make the affected Origin Wielders suffer.

Last but not least, there was Diao Chan, Elaria and Tsuki, the three of them literally making use of someone else's power to get through the competition.

Elaria was, as usual, using her giant mecha army to sow destruction across every part of the World she came across.

She even went one step further and nuked one part of the World by sending some of her mechs to self-destruct amongst the Origin Wielders, disintegrating any of them unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast.

Tsuki had gone ahead to reform her idealised version of me and then replicated me by several hundred times, sending out the clones to fight for her.

She even made it so that this version of me was self-replicating, which kind of made it seem like this World was experiencing some kind of zombie apocalypse… Except the zombies can fly around and shoot lightning from their hands…

Finally, there's Diao Chan who kept up with her brainwashing of other Origin Wielders and making them submit to her by seducing them with her charm. That entire section of the World had basically transformed into one giant orgy party and she's going all out with her brainwashing too.

She completely stripped them of their free will and made them all slavishly loyal to her, going so far as to even change all the male Origin Wielders to females as well just to get more followers.

I just hope that she did all this with the intention of changing them back to normal afterwards… Though the Supreme gods should be taking care of that once the competition ends.

This was definitely the first time I've seen them this intense in their fights. Then again, I suppose this was just them going all out.

'Ara, ara? I suppose Master isn't wrong in thinking that~'

What is that supposed to mean?

'Ufufufu~ Nothing at all, Master~ I admit that I am also quite blind to everything else when it came to things regarding Master~'

Now you're just plain not making any sense.

'Ufufufu~ Just know that I love you very much Master~ Could I have a kiss?'


I leaned over and Iris tilted her head up, allowing me to kiss her on the lips.

It was a chaste one with both of our lips closed but that still made the two of us shudder from the perfection of it.

I was expecting it to be a short one but Iris suddenly reached forward to hug my neck, pulling me to deepen the kiss.

I wasn't even sure how long that kiss lasted but when we separated, the next announcement we heard came from the Supreme gods.

"We're down to the final ten participants! The area will shift once again!"josei

Oh what? Damn, I miss that entire part? That must have been a long kiss.

Also… What the heck happened?! The World is practically torn apart! There's giant craters and even sections of the World cut into pieces!

Oh wait, of course that would happen considering who was fighting. It would be more weird that the World was still completely unscathed after that.

Just like before, the World was compressed and the land shifted itself to make the area smaller, reducing the contest area down to the size of a large city with everyone arranged in a circle at the very edge.

I also realised that they don't count the Origin Wielders that Diao Chan has under her control as participants anymore, so there's actually still a lot more than ten people left in this competition. I'm ignoring the clones and mechas Tsuki and Elaria made of course.

It seemed like my disciples had calmed down a little, though it's obvious they were still on edge, probably because they would still have to fight each other very soon.

The last two Origin Wielders were looking at my disciples with conflicted expressions on their faces, the two of them knowing full well that even at their best, there was no way the two of them could fight against all eight of my disciples and come out unscathed.

Still, they seem determined to fight till the end, either because of pride or because the gods they were representing might be upset with them if they were to back down.

One of the remaining Origin Wielders turned to the other, "We have to team up…"

"Agreed. Let's give it our all and maybe we can at least take a few down with us!"


The two of them charged forward, the Origin energy wrapped around their bodies in a blinding flash of blue light.

As expected of the final two who reached the end, they were indeed strong.

Yelling out a war cry, they charged straight towards the centre, ready to unleash their power to fight against my disciples to the death…

And they got wrecked about five seconds later…

Well… I have to give it to those two Origin Wielders for trying at least… But the odds were definitely stacked against them…

Speaking of which, Muon was already eliminated in the earlier rounds by another Origin Wielder and she didn't even get to cross paths with my disciples.

Now it's just my disciples left in this battle royale it seems… I wonder who's going to come out on top?

Speaking of… I'm quite surprised that they managed to defeat all those Origin Wielders though, last I heard, even Muon was giving them trouble.

Did I miss something while Iris was kissing me?

'Ufufufu~ Don't think about it, Master~ It was a nice kiss, wasn't it?'

Hmm… I can't argue with you on that one. It was indeed nice.

Well, at least I can still see my disciples now.

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