What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1186 An Alchemist And Succubus Walk Into A Battle Royale

Chapter 1186 An Alchemist And Succubus Walk Into A Battle Royale


The next pair is a little surprising considering it was Brendan and Diao Chan. I believe the two of them have not interacted with each other much which would be quite interesting to see how this pair would turn out.

Brendan would be the one who is at an obvious disadvantage here, since most of the things he needs require him to set up in advance while Diao Chan had her small army of slavishly loyal Origin Wielders at her disposal.

The only good thing for Brendan was that those Origin Wielders aren't of the right mind to use their abilities to the fullest since most of their minds were taken over by their desire for Diao Chan.

Diao Chan giggled at him, "Kukuku~ Is there any chance that I can convince you to give up, Brendan?"

"And live the rest of my life in humiliation? I do not think so, senior sister Diao Chan. It is unfortunate but I shall be giving my all to this fight of ours."

"Oh, but isn't that so boring though? Wouldn't it be nice if you just gave in to your desires and… Go find Master?"

"Hmm… For a moment there I thought you were going to ask me to come to you instead."

Diao Chan waved her hand casually, "Please Brendan, we both know where your desires lay. With my domain over desires, I can practically see the desires of those around me. If I were to just lay there without a shred of cloth, you wouldn't even take a second glance at me. On the other hand, if I were to lay a picture of--"

"AHHHHH!! That's enough from you!" Brendan interrupted unexpectedly, a rare display of him losing his composure.

Surprisingly, Diao Chan actually looked shamefaced and covered her mouth with her hand, "Oh my, I am so sorry… I forgot… Umm… Sorry Brendan…"

He sighed in response, "It's fine… Don't worry about it."

Hmm… I wonder what that was about?

'Ufufufu~ It's better that you don't know, Master~'

Hmm… If you say so…

Speaking of which, my two split bodies were still busy consoling Lian Li and Kiyomi, the former currently being headpatted extensively while the latter was sitting on my lap while kissing me.

Moving my attention back to the fight, Diao Chan spread her arms out to the side and the Origin Wielders peeled themselves away from her, most of them moaning sadly about having to detach themselves from the goddess.

She smiled at him, "I suppose we should start then, Brendan? Are you prepared to lose?"

Brendan pulled out a bottle that he materialised out of thin air, "I could ask you the same as well, senior sister. I'm afraid you are the next one to be eliminated."josei

"Kukuku~ Let's see about that~"

Diao Chan pointed her finger at Brendan and half of the Origin Wielders under her control went forward to attack Brendan while the other half shot out beams of energy at him.

Brendan tossed the bottle in his hand up into the air before materialising his domain around him.

A translucent shield appeared that protected him from the energy beams and also kept the ones rushing towards him at bay.

They started hammering away at his shield and causing cracks to appear on its surface before the bottle he threw in the air earlier came back down to shatter on the ground behind them.

The Origin Wielders closest to the bottle turned in the direction of the bottle before a colourless gas enveloped them, causing them to let out screams of pain while they melted into puddles of goo.

Damn… That's pretty morbid even for you, Brendan… He went and literally brewed up their demise in a bottle…

The rest of the Origin Wielders kept their distance and joined in shooting energy beams at him, aiming to take down his shield.

Unfortunately for them, Brendan seemed to have created that shield as a direct counter to them since instead of breaking apart, it got stronger instead.

Diao Chan smacked her palms together and dispersed the demise gas that Brendan created, allowing her small army to charge at Brendan once more.

Brendan then raised his hand and slammed his palm on the ground, creating a shockwave that washed over everyone but seemingly doing no damage at all to them.

The effects became clear when Diao Chan's Origin Wielders started stumbling around awkwardly before falling flat on their face, as though they own motor functions were impaired in some way.

"Did you… Make them drunk?" Diao Chan asked perplexedly.

"Sometimes the solution to a problem may just be the most simplest and inelegant one," Brendan replied while conjuring up several balls of water above his head.

Diao Chan must have sensed danger from the balls and directed her will at them with the intention of dispelling them.

She managed to break four out of the five balls before the last one was shot at her, the goddess of Desire barely able to lift up her arm in time to defend herself from the water ball that flew at her with blinding speed.

The liquid was splashed onto her arm and she had a moment to look confused before the Origin Wielders that were still around suddenly disappeared.

"What did you do?" Diao Chan demanded.

"An antidote to your control. You don't seem to be reading my desires very well, Senior sister."

She scowled, "Well what do you expect? You have that damnable shield up that has been blocking all my attempts at it so far."

"Huuu… I apologise, Senior sister, but I simply won't allow myself to lose here."

"Kukuku, is it because I almost spilled your little secret?"

"Not really… But I think you'd prefer to get back to Master's side sooner right? So wouldn't it be a good idea to help you speed up that process by defeating you here?"

"How bold, of you Brendan~ As much as I want that, I unfortunately will have to dec--"

"Sorry Senior sister… But you've given me too much time," Brendan interrupted.

Diao Chan frowned, only to realise that in the time that they had been talking, Brendan had actually created six balls of water and used the last one to draw a very intricate pattern on the ground that spanned the entire area around them.

He clapped his hands together and Diao Chan's domain broke apart like it was made of glass.

Before she could recover, Brendan had already brewed up her conditions for loss and activated it through the domain they were standing on, resulting in my succubus witch was the next to be defeated.

As Brendan had said, the solution was truly simple even if it was a bit inelegant.

She appeared right in the arms of my split body that I had prepared beforehand in a princess carry.

At first she was pouting and obviously upset that she lost to him mid conversation but when her eyes met mine, her unhappiness at being defeated had melted away completely.

"Ahaaan~ Master~ I missed you~ I want you inside me now~" She moaned, already wrapping her arms around me.

Sigh… Of course Diao Chan… Let's just… Err… Join Kiyomi over there I guess…

If you would just stop trying to strip me for a minute… Oh forget it, let's just do it here I guess…

At least she's the easiest one to console so far…

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