What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 100 The Same Client Again

Chapter 100 The Same Client Again

After promising Lisa that I would still come back to visit her from time to time, I went back home after collecting my rewards from The Guild.

"Ara, ara? Welcome home my little one! How was your quest?"

"It was ok. I got an escort quest for an interesting alchemist today and she taught me alchemy in return."

"Ara, ara? How nice~ What's her name?"

"Lisa. She's the owner of the alchemy store at the second level of the Merchant's district called 'Lisa's Pot Shop'."

"Lisa was it? What a coincidence~ I've met her grandmother before. How is she now?"

I'm not even surprised that she knows about her.

"She seems to be doing fine, though she's quite lonely I guess?"

Mother nodded, "Ufufufu~ Her family circumstances are a little special~ Did she tell you about it?"

"Eh? I guess? She said she was raised by her grandma while her parents are busy with the farm, so she learned alchemy from her grandma too."

"Ara? There's actually more to it than that but I suppose that's the main gist of it~ Will you be going back to see her?"

I thought about it for a moment, "I suppose? She's fun I guess."

At least she said she wouldn't propose to me anymore until I at least come of age, though that was ironic considering I already got proposed to by a pair of Amraps sisters.

Well… I doubt I would meet her that often anyway and I do wonder what Odeta and Ardi have been up to these past few years?

"Ufufufu~ Just six more days before you can start school now! Ahhhh~ My dearest child will finally start attending school! Mama can't wait to see you put on your uniform!"

"It's just a blazer, Mommy… It's not that special."

"Ara, ara? But it is to Mama! Ufufufu~"

Really? I mean… It's basically just a jacket that I will wear over my usual dress…

I suppose this is a mother kind of thing? Though I guess I have to admit I'm a little excited about it too.

There's still a week left anyway so let's just take it easy for now.


The next morning, I got dressed up in my armour again and headed out to the same Guild branch to look for more quests to do.

This time, I wouldn't mind taking a quest that may take a little longer as long as the pay was good.

Looking through the board, I found a rather peculiar E ranked quest.

This one was also an escort quest but it involved bringing someone close to a goblin village of all things and the reward is only twenty Creas?

The last goblin subjugation quest gave me ten times that amount though?

Oh, I guess because killing the goblins on this quest is not necessary and the client probably is a scout or someone wanting to observe them or something, so this reward was more of a risk fee than subjugation fee.

Oh well, it should be simple enough. Follow them there, then follow them back, should be done within a day or two at most.

In case the goblins attack, I could just wipe them out like how I did with the previous subjugation quest anyway, which means materials and Mana crystals for me to sell!

Yep, let's just do this one!


"Ehehehe~ Doesn't Miss Aster think this is a little like fate?"

"Why do you even need to go there, Miss Lisa?" I sighed, walking beside the alchemist who was also my client for today.

"I'm glad you asked! There's this really useful mushroom that is a key ingredient in making Intermediate healing potions found nearby that village. I'm not exactly looking to subjugate that village so I just need someone to accompany me there!"

"Unnn… Then why not just have the village subjugated? Then you can come here without an escort."

Lisa giggled, "Ehehe~ It's not like it's that close to the goblin village in the first place so the dangers of meeting one is relatively low. Besides, the goblin village actually helps a little since the goblins would also fight against the other beasts and monsters in the area which makes it safer overall than if they weren't there. That's why you don't see a quest that asks for its subjugation back at The Guild."

I tilted my head at her, "But wouldn't the number of goblins increase over time and they become a threat eventually?"

"That's when a quest would be posted to get rid of them! Although nothing is stopping a Mercenary group from going there and subjugating them by themselves either. It's interesting to know that the ecosystem is actually quite resilient! If the goblins are gone, then something else will just take their place eventually, like Hell Wolves for example!"

"Huh… You seem to be really knowledgeable about this?"

"Ehehehe~ Grandma taught me a lot when I was younger! She used to be an Adventurer so she visited a lot of places in the past! If Miss Aster is interested, I can show you her notes too! She's been to many places including the Frostiminir Kingdom, you know?"josei

"I wouldn't mind that, but I think we should pay attention to our surroundings for now," I pointed out.

Yeah, considering we are currently inside a forest filled with monsters, perhaps we should be paying more attention to our surroundings instead of having a casual conversation.

Truthfully, I already had a few of my summons following us so we should be safe but you can never be too sure.

"Ehehe~ Sorry! I just get excited when I'm with you Miss Aster~ Anyway, the cave where the mushrooms grow is just up ahead!"

I looked at where she was pointing and sure enough, there was a large cave just up ahead.

The only problem was that there was a group of Wrunch guarding the entrance and they did not look like they were there to sightsee.

"Err… Does Miss Lisa know them?" I asked.

She shook her head, "Erm… I'm afraid not… The last time I came here, they were most definitely not present…"

"So… Bandits?" I guessed.

"Or maybe they're the escort for another alchemist after the same mushrooms I am?"

Well… At least she's optimistic about it, but I suppose that is possible.

I turned to her, "What do you suggest we do then?"

"Ehehe~ Usually it's the escort doing the suggestions, Miss Aster~ Since if fighting is inevitable, it would be you who is risking your life after all~"

What a nice system they have here, though I wonder what would happen to the client if the escorts get themselves involved in a situation they can't get out of?

"Unn… But I'm still new though… This is only my second escort quest."

Lisa giggled, "Don't worry! I'll support you in whatever you decide Miss Aster!"

"At least tell me if I'm making a mistake…"

"Ehehehe~ I can do that too!"

I thought for a while and nodded, "I suppose I can go talk to them and see what they want, maybe they are friendly?"

"Ohh~ Let's go then!"

"Eh? No, no, you stay here where it's safer."

"Ehhhhh?! You can't expect me to see my future partner go into danger while I stay behind and watch right? I won't stand it! Let me go with you, Miss Aster!"

"But… As you said, it might be dangerous…"

"That's why I will go with you! Don't worry, Miss Aster! I do have my own way of defending myself!"

She took out a dagger from her waist and showed it to me proudly.

I was about to tell her that a small dagger wouldn't do any good until a screen popped up in front of me.

[Intermediate Poison Steel Dagger - A steel dagger coated with Intermediate rank poison capable of incapacitating a Magridar.]

Ok… I take that back… This weapon can even incapacitate a giant so a Wrunch would definitely stand no chance against it… Though the question would be if she could land a hit though.

Still, at least I know she's not completely helpless.

I reluctantly agreed and we both stepped out into the clearing and gained the attention of the two Wrunches guarding the cave entrance.

"Woah there! What are you doing here?" One of them demanded.

"We're here to gather alchemical ingredients in that cave over there," I explained, watching them warily. "I don't suppose you are also escorting someone who is doing the same?"

The two of them looked at each other for a moment before turning back to smile at me.

"Yeah, we are. Our client is inside and we're just out here to make sure no monster comes in. You can go inside if you wish."

Lisa giggled, "Really?! That's a big help! Let's go in, Miss Aster!"

She pranced ahead and I followed behind her, passing between the two Wrunch guards who had stepped aside to let us through.

The moment I went past them, however, I immediately turned around and blocked the elbow strike the one on my left had thrown at me.

He was shocked by my reaction but a punch straight to his gut had him doubled over on the floor and groaning in pain.

The other one tried to shout for help but my leg had kicked out before he could and my heeled boots smashed against his temple and knocked him out instantly.

The first Wrunch tried to get up but a knee strike to his chin also knocked him out cold on the ground.

Yeah… Too bad for them, [Screen] had already shown me that their titles were "Member of Jaw Bandits" so I knew they were up to no good.

Now that just brings the question of whether this should turn to a bandit subjugation?

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