What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 222 Deepsea Merfolk Merrick

Chapter 222 Deepsea Merfolk Merrick

Turns out, the pirate's ship really contained most of the loot.

In fact, there was quite a significant amount too, with Emilia estimating the value of their cargo to be at least the same as the pirate captain's bounty which was more than enough compensation for her even after splitting it three ways.


Like real, honest to god, chocolate! Not those that were used to wrap up that Grey Powder or whatever!

Om nom nom nom nom nom~

"Wahaha~ Sister Aster looks so happy!"

I looked up from the chocolate I was stuffing in my mouth, "Mmfff? Didj' yew shay sumthin'?"

"Nothin'! Is it nice?"

"They're yummy~"josei


For some reason, Odeta seemed to be laughing for no reason but that's fine, these chocolates really are delish!

"If Aster wanted sweets, you could have just told me, you know?" Delmare spoke up, having decided to join our search around the ship instead of waiting on the beach with her sisters. She seemed to want to follow me around for some reason.

I immediately stopped eating and swivelled around to face her, "You can?!"

The Siren nodded, "I brought along some ingredients to make cookies but I wasn't sure if anyone wanted it so I didn't make any. If Aster wanted some, I can make a few later for you?"

"Waaah! You're the best Delmare! I want them! I want them!" I squealed, moving up to hug her.

"Awawawa… I… I'll make you some later!"

Unnn! This is the best! And here I thought I wouldn't be able to taste any home made sweets since Katsuki isn't here with me!

Ahhh… I hope my Inugami maid is fine…

I ended up giving some of the chocolates to Delmare just so that she could use them to bake her cookies later. In the meantime, the trash and corpses were dumped below the ship's deck while the loot was stored back in my Pack of Folding.

According to Emilia, we would return to the port after we have dealt with the Grey Powder to sell everything else together. Then we can finally go and hunt down her ship and take it back for her.

Dinner was as usual though we ate on the beach instead of the ship this time.

And as she had promised, Delmare made some cookies as dessert for me which I happily finished up, crumbs and all.

Emilia then told me to follow her while the rest were using the pirates' tents to set up camp for the night.

The Nekomata brought me to the ruins of the cottage and began looking around as though searching for something.

She then went towards the ruined frame of a bed and tried to lift it, only to fail quite spectacularly since there was a wooden pillar collapsed against it.

"Do you need help with that?" I asked.

"If Lady Aster doesn't mind…" She sighed, stepping aside.

I went ahead to pick up the pillar before tossing it to the side, wincing a little as the pillar made a loud crashing sound before rolling towards the wall.

The others looked over at the sound but I waved to them to let them know we were fine.

I then bent down and did the same to the bed frame as well, lifting it up to prop it against the wall on its side.

Emilia went under the bed and pulled out a rug that was laid on the floor, revealing a normal looking wooden floor underneath it.

"Oh thank the Gods, I was afraid those stupid pirates might have found this but it looks like they were too dumb to look here."

I was just about to ask what she was talking about when she pushed one of the floorboards into the ground, causing part of it to flip over to reveal a hidden handle on the other side.

She then pulled on the handle which caused a section of the floor to rise up with it, revealing it to be a trapdoor. Under it was a staircase that led into the bowels of the earth.

"Heh heh. Follow me~" She gestured, descending down the steps.

Although I could see perfectly in this darkness, I went ahead to cast [Spotlight] to illuminate the area for the Nekomata.

Emilia led me down the staircase until we reached what I'm guessing was a basement of sorts. Within it was a workbench that had seen better days and a pool of water with some weird looking tube sticking out from it.

"You can bring out the boxes of Grey Powder here, Lady Aster! When Merrick comes here later, I'll trade with him here."

I raised a finger, "About that… Is he one of those people you mentioned that are unable to come on land or something?"

She nodded, "I see Lady Aster doesn't know this but there are two kinds of Merfolk. The ones we have seen so far belong to the first kind where they can both breathe on land and in water. The second kind are those who are unable to breathe on land and would suffocate like a normal fish would on dry land."

"Huh… Any reason why there are two of them?"

"Oh, there's quite a few debates about it actually. Some claim that the second kind of Merfolk were cursed by God Yokmii where they are unable to leave her domain. Others claim that they are the first creations of God Yokmii and thus are favoured to live in her domain. There are also some who claim that they might be a species of the Merfolk who have evolved to be able to live deeper underwater, since they are able to reach depths that the first kind of Merfolk cannot."

I blinked at her, "Evolution?"

Emilia frowned at me, "Don't tell me Lady Aster is one of those people who aren't even aware about the concept of evolution?"

"Umm… No, I do know about it… I'm just surprised that you do…"

She rolled her eyes, "Of course I do! Don't you see? I'm a prime example of it! We Metropolitans evolved from those Nomads so why wouldn't I be aware of that?!"

Oh. The 'Metropolitans' are the Nekomatas who have chosen to live in the cities instead of sticking to the hunter-gatherer lifestyles of the 'Nomads'.

But… But that's not evolution… That's just a difference in culture and ideals isn't it?

Then again… What do I know? I'm just an outsider anyway. I would know less about this World than she does.

I simply just nodded at her, "In that case, which one does Emilia believe?"

She shrugged, "I don't really care. It's not like knowing about it would get me more money anyway. What I do know is that Merrick would be able to help us with this Grey Powder thing. Speaking of which, you can start taking them out now."

I did as she asked and started pulling the plates inside the Pack of Folding out until I found the ones for the boxes, dropping them on the ground to return them back to their original size.

And as though on cue, I heard the sound of water splashing and I looked towards the pool to see a figure poking its head out of the water.

I guessed that this was Merrick.

While the Merfolk I've seen so far pretty much have the top half of a Mahun and the bottom half of a fish, Merrick was quite different as his head was basically a fish's head while his torso still resembles a Mahun's, albeit just blue in colour.

"Emilia?" He called out, his voice raspy and dry.

Emilia brightened up, "Oh! Merrick! Long time no see! Is the tube not working?"

He dove back down into the water and his voice came from the tube, this time sounding more normal instead of that dry voice from earlier.

"Testing, testing. Can you hear me?"

"Oh yes! It's working perfectly! Thanks for coming here!"

"Mmm, Maurice already told me what happened and there's no way I'm passing up on what? Eight crates of Grey Powder?"

"Ohohoho~ You got that right~ I assume you came here with the money prepared?" Emilia laughed.

"Hmm… I would like to say I would, but I unfortunately don't have the coins on hand to hand you eighty thousand Creas right now, Emilia."

The Nekomata's face instantly changed into a scowl, "What do you mean? How could you, of all people, not have that amount of money?"

"It's been a few years Emilia, things have changed quite a bit around here. Things have not been completely smooth for me, you know?"


"Emilia… Are you sure--"

"Shut up, just tell me who and don't waste my time. Unless you are willing to go and get me someone else who can buy this Grey Powder from me within the day."

There was a pause from the other side of the tube, "... A group of smugglers who call themselves The Pavilion… They are based on an island not far from here, just up north actually. You could probably just reach there by rowboat…"

"I know the place… Fine. If I do this for you, I expect to be compensated."

"... If you can do it… I'll tell you who is the mastermind behind your attack."

Emilia furrowed her brows, "So you do know… But that's not good enough. I can go and get that information myself. I don't need you to tell me that."

There was another pause, "Alright what about… Whatever you manage to get from those smugglers, you can have thirty percent of it."

"Sixty percent."

"Thirty five."

"From what you said, I'm essentially restarting your business for you, aren't I? Fifty five percent."

"I wouldn't be able to continue it if you left me with no capital… Forty percent."

"Forty five percent, but I will need you to get all the sweets that you can get. Like an entire crate… No, three crates of it. I don't care what kind they are as long as their sweets."

My eyes immediately lit up from her words as I stared at her in awe.

"I didn't know you were that big of a sweet tooth… Fine. I'll get it done. How long do you need?"

"Be back here in the morning."


The other side of the tube went silent after that.

Ok, as much as I am attracted by the prospect of more sweets… What was that all about?

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