What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 224 Wrunch Smuggler Vs Amrap

Chapter 224 Wrunch Smuggler Vs Amrap

I checked that guy's stats.

[Name: Bruk

Title: Brute, Mountain, Meathead

Race: Wrunch

Gender: Male

Current Mood: Rage


500 Strength

200 Dexterity

230 Endurance

10 Magic


Hunting (Tier 2), Sailing (Tier 1), Martial Skill-(Axe Proficiency (Tier 1), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 1))]

This Bruk guy really is just pure brawn I see… I almost thought he was a monster instead of a normal Wrunch from his stats.josei

Although I admit I was half expecting him to be an Off-Worlder too but it doesn't seem like that's the case.

Seeing that his Martial Skills are both at Tier one… I'm assuming he has been completely relying on his strength instead of any technique for his fights.

Odeta also spotted him and pointed a finger at him, "You there! Let's fight!!!"

As expected of Odeta to challenge a strong opponent straightforwardly like that.

The Wrunch turned and glared at her, "We have no quarrel with you… Why have you attacked us?!"

Odeta tilted her head, "Because you're bad guys? Why else?"

"What?! Are you twelve years old or something?! Who would come and attack an entire smuggler group for such a stupid reason?!"

Odeta puffed her chest, "I am twelve, so what?! And you being bad guys is a good enough reason for me to beat you up!"

The Wrunch scowled, "And here I was thinking you were looking for a strong mate or something. Unfortunately for you, I'm not interested in children so I'm going to kill you."

"Wahahaha! Not if I kill you first!"

Bruk let out a roar and charged at Odeta, the Amrap doing the same as well.

The two of them met in the middle, their hands grabbing onto the other's as they pushed against the other in a contest of strength, the Wrunch standing just a little bit taller than Odeta.

The other smugglers were momentarily distracted by the fight between the two so I took that chance to get my summons to continue the massacre.

What? This wasn't some honourary duel or whatever. Also, these guys are aware that I can summon multiple [Shadow Summons] at the same time, so there's no way I'm letting any of them leave here alive to spread this information.

While my summons were handling the mobs, I kept my focus on the fight between Odeta and the Wrunch, ready to intervene if necessary.

Odeta might be thinking this was a duel between them but as I had learned from Emilia's fight with that pirate captain, I should not expect him to fight fairly either.

Who knows? He might just suddenly throw some poison at Odeta or something, you never know.

The two of them were still locked in that contest of strength where they were pushing at each other with their hands. Unfortunately, as evident from his superior strength stat, the Wrunch was slowly pushing Odeta back inch by inch.

Odeta growled at the fact that she was losing in terms of strength and tried to push harder, only for the Wrunch to do the same as well to keep up his pressure.

Soon, Odeta's hands were pushed to the sides of her head and the Wrunch even smirked as he leaned his head closer to Odeta.

The Amrap was not amused, so she pulled her head back before ramming forward, headbutting the Wrunch right in the nose.

Bruk roared out in pain as his head was flung back from the impact, allowing Odeta to take advantage of his momentary lapse in concentration to deliver a snap kick to his abdomen.

The Wrunch growled as he released his right hand to cradle his stomach in pain, right before he swung the same arm in an attempt to punch Odeta.

Odeta, while still holding on to his other hand, quickly ducked under the punch before delivering one of her own into his stomach.

The smuggler doubled over, instinctively trying to take a step back away from Odeta but she pulled him back with her other hand before delivering a left hook across his chin.

The blow was hard enough to send the larger opponent stumbling away and crashing onto the ground, the Wrunch looking quite dazed from the blow.

He tried to push himself up, only to see Odeta step over him and deliver another punch across his cheek to knock him back onto the ground.

Bruk roared out in rage and swung his arm in an arc, catching Odeta in her side and flinging her away from him.

She rolled on the ground to absorb the impact and settled into a crouch, her head snapping back to look at her opponent just as he leapt towards her.

The Amrap rolled away again, allowing the enraged Wrunch to smash his fist into the ground and leaving an imprint there, the two of them getting back up to glare at each other.

No words were exchanged before they charged at each other again, this time with their right fists raised.

They punched at each other at the same time, their fists meeting in the middle with a loud bang, causing the ground to shake slightly from the impact

The Bruk guy then grabbed Odeta's outstretched wrist before pulling her to him, causing her to stumble at the unexpected movement which allowed him to deliver a lariat right into her neck.

Odeta fell on her back heavily while the Wrunch stood over her with his fist raised in preparation to punch at her face.

I was going to cast a [Static Bolt] on him but Odeta went ahead to punch him in the crotch before I could, making me wince while the Wrunch roared out in pain and fell on his back.

The Amrap then rolled back on her feet before stomping on Bruk's chest, which seemed to have been the wrong decision as he reacted in time to catch her by the ankle.

He then punched her on her side, blowing her away hard enough to crash into a nearby tree, the Amrap growling out in pain.

He got back up and rushed towards her just as she was turning around, shoulder bashing Odeta back into the tree and snapping the entire trunk in half.

The Wrunch then picked up the fallen tree in his hands before swinging it at Odeta, smashing it right across her face.

To her credit, that blow only made her stumble a little which allowed her to reach up and catch the tree when he tried to swing it back at her again.

Bruk let go of the tree to charge at her, his arms spread out in an obvious attempt to try and grab her.

Odeta growled at him and used the tree to swing at her opponent, only to have him dodge under the swing before he moved behind her and grabbed her in a bear hug.

He lifted her up and flexed his arms, beginning to crush her in his grip and forcing her to drop the tree.

Odeta let out a yelp and tried to smash her elbow into the Wrunch's side. Unfortunately, at that angle, she was unable to deal any real damage to him.

Once again, I was prepared to jump in to help her but Odeta went ahead to prove that she could handle herself by starting to chant.

"Let energy flow through my veins and give me strength! I ask for the strength to surpass limits and go beyond boundaries, may those that stand before me tremble from my might! [Body Current]!"

She reached up one of her hands and grabbed onto Bruk's interlocked fingers and squeezed down hard.

There was a loud crack and Bruk immediately tried to let go of her, only to find out that he couldn't as she held a firm grip on him.

She then bent her waist and flipped him over her head, smashing the larger opponent onto the ground with a loud crash and releasing her hold on his hand, revealing that she had crushed his fingers in her grip.

The Wrunch did not even get the chance to inspect the damage on his hands before Odeta had reached down to pull him back up on his feet.

He seemed to still be disoriented from the pain and thus was not able to respond to Odeta punching him with the same strengthened fist into his chest.

There was a loud squelching noise as the entire section of the Wrunch's chest was blown apart, leaving a gaping hole at where his ribs should have been.

Odeta stepped back as the Wrunch smuggler's eyes rolled to the back of his head before collapsing forward on his knees, wobbling there unsteadily for a moment before finally crashing face first on the floor.

The Amrap turned to me and punched her fists in the air victoriously, "Win!! I'm the stronger one, sister Aster!!"

I couldn't help but clap for her, the Amrap looking so cute despite the blood that was splattered across her face and chest.

Welp, my summons had already killed off every other smuggler that was around the place while the fight was still going on, so I guess all we need to do now is to stuff every single valuable into my Pack of Folding and we can go back to the others.

Still, that was the first time I actually saw her use magic I believe.

I have to say… The results were quite explosive~

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