What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 259 Even Your Manager Can't Save You

Chapter 259 Even Your Manager Can't Save You

I scowled at the monocle wearing Mahun who had presented several different clothing to me, "Is this really the best that you have? Are you really going to tell me that something like this can even bring out the beauty of my darling?"

He bowed his head at a perfect ninety degrees, "My deepest apologies my lady, I will bring out another one right away!"

"Utterly embarrassing. Is this the standard for every shop that isn't in the capital? Even the roadside stall owners there know better than to waste my time like this. Truly deplorable."

The Mahun could only spout even more apologies as he rushed away to find more clothes.

After my entrance earlier, we were shown to a private room at the back of the shop that doubled as both a changing and waiting room.

I have already made him bring several different varieties of clothes and had Lisa change into a few of them to try them out. Yet, no matter what it was, I had always claimed that they were not good enough.

At this point, there was a large pile of clothes that were discarded by the side of the room, all of them having been rejected as inferior goods by me.

If it wasn't obvious by now, I'm really just here to mess with them.

Hey, no need to feel sorry for these guys, this place is not even as good as it looks.

The most obvious indication that this place was not as classy as it claims to be was the fact that this place did not serve us any sweets and they did not even have staff on hand to dress us. The shop Mother brought me to buy the dress had these services and it wasn't even located in the capital.

Like they expected us to dress ourselves? What is this place? Some kind of thrift shop?

Lisa was currently dressed in a really beautiful red dress that showed enough of her cleavage to turn eyes but still hid enough to remain decent. The dress also sported a slit at the side to reveal a tantalising amount of thigh.

If I wasn't trying to mess with this store, I would have agreed that this dress suited her and might have even purchased it. But too bad we're both trying to mess with the store so it's not good enough.

Lisa waited until the Mahun was out of sight before she spoke up, "Ehehe, Aster… I never knew you had this naughty side of you~"

"Indeed, it is also my first time seeing Mistress act like this," Katsuki added from the side.

I let my persona crumble as I giggled at them, "Well, what can I say? I don't like the fact that you were bullied by them~"

"Ehehe~ What should I do, Aster? You're looking really cool right now~"

Umm… But I'm not even doing anything much though…

Lisa glided across the room to sit across my lap, the skirt of her dress sliding away to reveal her stocking clad leg that she crossed scandalously.

"Mmm… What should I do Aster? Seeing you take charge like that… It kind of makes me feel a little hot~" She moaned, moving her face close to mine to nuzzle my neck.

I cleared my throat, "Now, now… Behave a little, Lisa. That guy should be returning soon so why don't you change out of that dress and back to your own clothes first?"

Lisa made some sad mewling sounds before she detached herself from me, doing as I suggested.

The way she changed out of her clothes looked a little more sensual than necessary though, which I believe was done on purpose. Even the way she put on her own clothes looked pretty sexual with how she bent over in obvious ways that gave me a full view of her intimate parts.

At least she managed to dress herself just in time before the Mahun returned, several more different styles of clothing hanging on his arms.

He gestured to the clothes, "My lady, I believe a few of these would be to your liking, would you care to try them on?"

I turned to Lisa, "What do you think, my dear? Does anything there catch your eye?"

Lisa went up and inspected each of the clothes with a critical eye.

She made him stand there while she picked up each piece of clothing to model in front of the mirror, taking her own sweet time to do so.

The Infrid even made sure to show her contempt as she tossed all the clothes she inspected over her shoulder like they were just common trash.

Some of the discarded clothes even landed on top of the man's head, which I was half sure that Lisa was doing on purpose.

Naturally, he could not get angry about the current situation and could only keep his customer service smile as he calmly picked the clothes off his head to deposit them at the side. The moment he did so however, another set of clothes would then land on top of his head again, making him look quite ridiculous.

"Trash… Bad… Even more trash… Crap… Utter crap… This one is crap too," Lisa sighed, tossing all the clothes aside. "Everything is trash, there's nothing here at all that is even worth my time to try."

I took that as the cue that Lisa wanted to leave and gave an exaggerated sigh, "And here I was keeping my hopes up for something good, it turns out I was wrong to even expect anything in the first place."

I stood up from my seat, prompting Katsuki and Lisa to join me by my sides.

The assistant was looking up at me in trepidation, "My… My lady?"

"What? Are you now also hard of hearing or something? Then let me say it clearly, your clothes really are way too trash for someone like me to even consider using, much less my darling. You should make a sign at the front to let everyone know of how low class this place is to avoid wasting everyone's time."

"My… My lady… Please wait, I… I will get you the best ones we have! They will be sure to--"

"What?!" I roared, interrupting him. "You're telling me that all this while you've been showing me inferior goods?! How dare you! How bloody dare you?! Who do you think you are?!"josei

I reared up my fist and punched at the table nearby, breaking it into pieces.

Whoops… I only meant to just slam the table, not break it… Oh well, I'll just pretend like I meant to do that.

I turned up my chin and flicked my hair in his direction, "I am definitely never coming back here again and I'll also let all my friends know how poor of a place this is! Good day!"

With the monocle guy still recovering from the sight of the shattered table, I stormed towards the exit of the store with my companions in tow, ignoring all the stares from the others in the store.

He quickly chased after us, his pride now something inconsequential as he clasped his hands to plead with me while walking alongside me.

"Please wait, my lady! Please let me prepare a few gifts for you! Take it as an apology from us for your time here! Just give me a minute to bring it to you!"

I sniffed in his direction, "I highly doubt anything you prepare would be worth my attention anyway, much less my darling's."

He then turned his attention to Lisa, "My lady! We have more clothes that I think would fit your tastes! I can offer several sets of them for you to take back to try! They'll be gifts from my shop to you! You don't need to worry about anything!"

Lisa scoffed, "Oh please. From what I have seen so far, wearing your shop's clothes would only lower my own worth. Your clothing is worth as much as the trash on the street so don't flatter yourself."

The assistant was obviously getting more and more desperate by the second, "Ple… Please wait, my lady! How… How about this? We have a new shipment of clothes and accessories coming in tomorrow! I'll set aside them for you as gifts! I'm sure there are a few that might be of interest to you! Why not give them a try?"

"Ha? You want me to come down here to waste my time a second time? You've got guts, I'll give you that."

"That… That was not my intention at all! I… If my lady could let this one have the honour of knowing where I could send these gifts to you, I would arrange for them to be sent to your doorstep!"

"Haaa? Why would I give you the opportunity to dump your trashy goods at my home? That would just lower my property value at the same time!"

"My… My lady… Please… I'm sure I would be able to find something suitable for your tastes if given enough time to prepare!"

Lisa stopped in her tracks to face him, "You should really stop trying because no matter what, there is one thing you are unable to change."

"That… That's not true, my lady! If you could point out any mistakes we have, I will do all I can to rectify the problem immediately!"

That made Lisa's lips curl upwards into a knowing smile, "Oh, I highly doubt it. You see, the main problem here is the fact that this place really isn't for the likes of me. It's way too low class for me to even step foot in, much less even shop at. Now if you will excuse me."

She pushed past the stunned Mahun and followed me out of the store, her chin tilted high up intentionally.

Yep, this is definitely what that little piece of trash deserves!

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