What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 292 Let's Go Hunt A Lich

Chapter 292 Let's Go Hunt A Lich

Since that stupid lich had threatened that he would return for me, Mother took that threat really seriously and even assigned more people to accompany me at all times.

Yeah… This is impossible… I have like six to seven other servants following me wherever I went aside from Katsuki… There's absolutely no way I can keep my real identity from being found out at this rate…

"Ugh… There's no way I can do this," I groaned, slumping onto my bed face first.

Delmare patted my back gently, "Umm… Don't Worry Aster! I'll help you too! Would you like me to sing you a song to help you?"

"Unnn… I would actually like that," I admitted.

Delmare moved onto the bed with me and laid down her tail so that I could rest my head on it.

To be honest, I had initially thought that her tail might be slimy or wet due to it being a fish's tail but it was actually cold in a nice and cooling way. Plus it's actually quite comfortable to lie down on her.

She began to hum a calming melody which actually helped ease my worries a little. Of course she was not using any of her magic since there were others in the room as well.

Odeta crossed her arms in front of her chest, "If that guy is such a problem, why don't we just go get rid of him? Just beat him up and make sure he can't bother us again!"

Lisa sighed, "Easier said than done, Odeta… We don't even know where he could be since he can teleport around…"

Unn… We already know he has hidden bases but we don't know where and how many there actually are.

I sighed, "If we could track him somehow, then that would be great…"

Odeta threw her arms up in exasperation, "Arrgghh! I definitely can't track him with how little trace he left behind! If only he left something that we could use to follow him… Even if it's a smell or some cloth he left somewhere, we might be able to find something!"

Lisa suddenly gasped, "Oh, but there is!! Didn't Aster leave her scent on him?! We can use that! Katsuki is an Inugami, right? You should be able to track her scent!"

I blinked at her, "Eh? When did I leave my scent on him?"

"When Delmare made you shoot out your seed all over him, of course!"

Ah… I actually forgot about that…

"But… Wouldn't he have cleaned himself the moment he teleported himself back? I doubt he would keep that all over him especially if he smelt it…" I pointed out.

Katsuki shook her head, "Mistress, an undead like that lich does not have a sense of smell."

Oh, so that's how it works here. Well, I wouldn't know since in some cases monsters like them could also smell.

But still, even with Katsuki's excellent sense of smell, how is she supposed to find him in this entire city? Assuming he's even in this city and not somewhere else on the continent since he's able to teleport long distances.

Katsuki bowed her head, "In that case, please give me two hours, Mistress, I shall be back with news."

E… Eh? Wait… Two hours? Is she really saying she can search through this entire city in just two hours?

With a deep bow, Katsuki left the room, presumably to begin her search by locating the smell of my semen.

That sounds really weird no matter how you put it…

"Is something like that even possible?" I asked no one in particular.

Lisa giggled, "Well, if it's any other person, I don't think it's possible. But if it's Katsuki, I think she would be able to do it."

I'm not sure where Lisa got that level of confidence from but I do trust Katsuki after all, so I won't question it.

In the meantime… I'll just enjoy Delmare's singing while I lay here and get spoiled by everyone~


It was exactly an hour and a half later when the door opened again and Katsuki appeared.

"Mistress, I've found him."

I sat up from Odeta's lap where I had been busy squeezing her abs, "Ehhh?! You really managed to find him?!"

"That is correct, Mistress. It seems like he has taken over a Dungeon on the outskirts of the city to use as his base. It's a relatively small and unpopular Dungeon that almost no one goes to. The only people who might go there are beginners or those who came across the Dungeon by chance. That lich would then kill them and turn them into undead."

"So that's where he's getting his army from? He's been supposedly dead for at least a decade hasn't he? He might have gathered quite a large army of undead in that time…" I hypothesised.

Odeta stood up and flexed her arms, "No need to worry sister Aster! I'll go and take care of that stupid monster!"

Katsuki turned to her, "I'm afraid that might be difficult even for you, Odeta. The opponent this time is quite strong and he has both the advantage in numbers and also personal strength. If you were to go in alone, I'm afraid you would be defeated quite easily."

Odeta growled, "So that means I'm still weak?! Grrr… I knew it! I'm still not strong enough! I still have a long way to go!"

Well… To be fair, I'm pretty sure that Odeta would be able to beat up the lich handily in a one on one fight. But if the lich were to make use of his full capabilities including his magic, I do not think Odeta would stand a chance against him.

Not that I would let her go and fight him alone in the first place anyway.

Katsuki then turned back to me, "Mistress, I would like to seek your permission to join the assault on that lich."

"Eh? Assault?" I repeated, a little surprised.

"That is correct, Mistress. We have people trained to deal with things like this and they are already prepared to go hunt the lich as we speak. Since I am Mistress's personal maid, if Mistress would rather that I stay by your side, I would remain here instead." She explained.

"I was under the impression that I would go and deal with him myself?"

Everyone turned to me in surprise after I said that.

pαndα---noνɐ1,сoМ Lisa shook her head at me, "Why would you even think that, Aster? Doesn't it make much more sense that you stay somewhere safe while others go and take care of him since you are his target?"

"But this is my problem isn't it? Shouldn't I be taking care of my own problems?"

I mean… In my past life, I've always felt annoyed that those lousy parents of mine pushed their problems onto me… That's why I have also made it a point that I try not to push my problems onto someone else. If it's a problem that I could solve myself, then I would not trouble someone else to take care of it for me.

In this case, this lich was obviously after me for some reason and I do have the ability to take care of him myself if I were to go all out on him. Unless he somehow has more powerful undead and monsters under his command or the number of undead he has vastly surpasses my Shadow Summons. In that case, I might need to struggle a bit more than I expected.josei

That's why, there's no way I'm willing to just stay at home or even just somewhere supposedly safe while letting others solve this problem for me.

I'm not some helpless damsel who could do nothing on her own after all, damnit!

"If you're going to beat up that idiot, I'm going along as well! I need to give him a piece of my mind since he's the one that caused me to suffer this entire month! If I don't at least beat him up, I won't be satisfied, you know?!" I protested.

Katsuki looked at me with concern, "But that lich might take the opportunity to capture you or attack you, Mistress… Are you sure you wish to go as well?"

I huffed, "Did you forget? That guy can teleport anyway! If he really wanted to, he could teleport to me the moment he knows that you are in the Dungeon. And because you are all away in that Dungeon, the number of people here would decrease so he'll have an easier time with me. Since you're all gathering a sizable force big enough to take him down, shouldn't that mean that's the safest place as well?"

Everyone looked at each other after my proclamation.

Come on! It's true right?!

Plus I wouldn't be a burden as well! I can fight!

Odeta grinned at me, "Wahaha! Sister Aster just wants to fight him as well right? Don't worry, I'll protect you too!"

Well, let's just go with that, at least that would mean I have one supporter at least.

Lisa shrugged, "Aster does have a point I suppose? We can just go with her can't we?"

"I'll help too!" Delmare added in hurriedly.

Katsuki bowed her head, "If Mistress has already decided that this is what you wish to do, then please allow me to accompany you, Mistress."

Oh… That's it? I was expecting the need to convince them more by telling them how useful I would be. Then I remembered that their priority was allowing me to do whatever I wanted while protecting me even if it meant willingly walking into the secret base of some monster that was after my life.

Oh well… Let's go then!

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