What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 330 System Update

Chapter 330 System Update

"The system update?" I parroted.

Drebann smirked, "Yeap, I'm guessing you already figured out that not all you Off-Worlders came to this World at the same time, right?"

"I kind of figured that, yes…"

"Ahahaha! As expected of… Ah, you have a name in this World now don't you? Aster, isn't it?"

I nodded, not really surprised that he knows since even the other goddess also knew despite meeting me for the first time.

He snapped his fingers, "Yep, yep. I knew it. So let's cut to the cha-- Ah, you have a question?"

I lowered my hand that I had raised to get his attention, "Yes… Why do you seem so… Different?"

Not visually different, he still has that cloven hooves, antlers and all that jazz. Ok, aside from the shirt he was wearing of course.

He spread his arms to show off the floral patterned shirt he was wearing where he left it unbuttoned to reveal his bare chest.

"Oh this? What do you think? The last time you asked if I was cold and I thought it might be a good idea to wear a shirt for fun. This looks nice, doesn't it?"

All he's missing is a pair of sunglasses and he'll look like those stereotypical tourists at the beach.

I nodded, "It does give you that sunny kind of vibe. It's pretty chic I would say."

"Ha! I knew you have better tastes! The last Off-Worlder said I looked like those old perverts that would try and harass girls outside!"

I didn't think about that but now that he mentioned it, it kind of looks like it too… But I guess the fact that he has antlers and hooves kind of offsets that.

Also, I have a feeling that something bad happened to the person who told him that so I'll just keep my mouth shut.

"Umm… While I would admit that you do look different, that wasn't what I was referring to…"

He smirked, "Oh, is it because I seem less formal than the last time you saw me?"

I nodded again, "Did something change?"

"Ha! Of course something changed, you Off-Worlders came to our World. Isn't that the biggest change there is?"

"I'm guessing you're being entertained by the other Off-Worlders?"

"Oh, I definitely am! Who knew just by letting all of you run free would create such big changes within the World? Also, you're included in the number too. I have to say though, there's a lot of you who are degenerates."

I'm not even surprised to hear that… Considering just what kind of World this is as well… I'm already finding myself becoming more like one too…

I cleared my throat, trying to change the subject, "Anyway… You were saying something about a system update?"

"Oh, yes! Ahem… As you know, Off-Worlders like yourself are entering this World at different times to minimise the possible chaos you might bring. That's why even now, there are still Off-Worlders that have not entered the World yet."

"I thought you guys didn't mind the chaos we brought?"

"Yes, yes. A little bit is fine but too much and it makes it less interesting you see?"

"Fair enough… Carry on."

"Ahahaha! So the system that we let you use to create your new self has gone through some updates and changes since the last time you used it. Since you're here, you're granted the privilege of using this new updated system to update yourself again!"

I blinked at him, "Update myself?"

"That's right!"

"Err… Does that mean I can recreate myself or something?"

"Hmm? Are you dissatisfied with your current self or something? If you want to recreate yourself from scratch again… I guess I can allow it but you'll need to die first."

"Ah… No, no, no… I'm fine with my current self. I'm just wondering how far I can go with this new system. So how far can I go without needing to die?"

"Well, for one, you can change your boons and banes if you'd like. We added a few new ones since the last time and also rebalanced a few of them. The ones that you have already obtained can be removed and changed for a price, but those that you have yet to gain can be removed if you want at no additional cost."

"So… Like I picked Alchemy before this but I learnt it before getting the skill… Does that mean I can get a refund for it?"

"Oh, you most certainly can."

That's pretty cool, but I have to ask one thing that came to mind.

"Does everyone get this update?"

"Not at all. They would need to get that Divine Communication Stone before they can come back here."

"I'm guessing that's the stone that I received as a Dungeon clear reward?"

He nodded, "The very same."

"So how do we get this aside from receiving it as a Dungeon reward?"

He started counting off his fingers, "Treasure chests, random monster drops. And we also dropped a few randomly around the World for people to find."

"Eh… Doesn't that mean it's completely up to chance for us to even receive this update?"

"That's right."

"But… Does that mean that if I didn't get this stone, I would have wasted my points getting the Alchemy skill?"


"Err… I don't know… But doesn't that seem unfair?"

He placed his hands on his hips, "I think you of all people know how unfair life is, don't you? Especially when you paid those extra points to ensure you were reincarnated into a suitable family. Might I also add that you drew arguably the best result for that as well? You're in one of the most influential families in this World and you have a mother who loves you more than she loves herself, you know?"

I'm aware of the family part but the part about Mother… Umm… I can't say much since I never really experienced maternal love before in the first place.

I shrugged, "Alright… Then I guess this means that those people who don't find a stone like this just has to suck it up?"

He also made the same shrugging motion, "Pretty much."

"And what if a person of this World picked this up instead? Does it just grant them an audience with the gods?"

"Oh, no, at least not like this. They would get a simple blessing from us, that's all. And before you ask, that thing is a one time use item so technically, you're also competing with the people of this World to get this before they do~"

Ok… I guess this is their way of helping us while also not showing favouritism to us at the same time? I dunno how gods work.

"But was it really necessary to make it such that I have to orgasm to activate the thing?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow, "What? What do you mean?"

"Err… You know? The nun went to put the stone on the altar and err… Well…"

He looked up into the air as though to search for something before his lips curled up into a grin, "Oh, I see. That's not a requirement, you know? The priest or priestess of the temple just has to pray to their god in your stead or even just guide you in your prayer to activate it."

"E… Eh?! Then… What…"

"She just wanted to orally pleasure you from the start. It's normal, don't worry about it."

… Seriously? Did she just see me appear in front of her doors and thought to herself 'I want to lick this girl's pussy. Oh she's a futa, her dick is fine too'?

"Are the people of this World that horny?"

Drebann grinned, "You should know, don't you? Actually, maybe you wouldn't since you have yet to see the rest of the World yet. I'll just go ahead and tell you that ritualistic orgies exist. If you have the chance, do go and visit the cities of the Nekinumi Kingdom and the Elhiria Republic. I think you'll like it there."

"Let me guess… There's public orgies happening all around the place?"

"Ahahaha~ Not to that extent, but I would say that you'll probably get propositioned to a lot~"josei

"What the heck? Why? Have they not seen a Meslatar before?"

"Ahahahaha! So it really is true! You actually aren't aware of it! This makes it so much better! This is why you're so interesting! Here, just so that you can make things even more interesting, I'll give you more points for this system update. Go ahead and enjoy yourself! Ahahahaha!"

What the heck is wrong with this guy? I'm not aware of what? What is he even talking about? Is it something to do with my race or something? Maybe if I ask Mother about it, she could tell me?

Actually, I'm definitely not asking her… What am I supposed to say? 'Mommy, do you know why people keep wanting to have sex with me?'

Yeah, no thanks. I'll just try and figure it out on my own.

Anyway, since he was clearly not going to tell me with how he's still occupied with laughing over there… I'll just go ahead and check this new system out.

Maybe I can even choose some better stuff for myself now that I have a better idea of how this World works~

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