What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 338 Star Cavern

Chapter 338 Star Cavern

"We've arrived~" Dreamcatcher announced, stopping the cart at what appears to be a small pier of sorts with several small boats moored there.josei

The centauress lowered herself to allow us to get off before turning back, "I shall wait for you to return over here. So take your time and enjoy yourselves, you two lovers~" 

I felt a little embarrassed while Lisa quickly got off to move over to my side of the cart to extend a hand towards me, "Watch your step, my lady~"

I rolled my eyes at her but took her hand and let her help me down from the cart despite that.

"So, where did you bring me this time?" I asked.

She spread an arm towards the body of water in front of us, "It's the sea!"

I giggled, "I can certainly see that, ehehe~"

Lisa also giggled at my little joke before she took my hand in hers, "Let's go, Aster!"

She pulled me towards the pier and I noticed a small hut had been built beside it where a single elderly Mahun was seated outside with a smoking pipe in his mouth.

"Good day, young'uns, here for a day out at sea? Waters are calm today!"

Lisa took out a medium copper coin from her pouch, "Oh yes we are~ We would like a boat please~"

The old man took the coin from Lisa and slipped it into his pocket smoothly, "Certainly, you can have the one at the end of the pier. Enjoy yourselves~"

Lisa pulled me by the hand again as we went towards the boat he had directed us to.

It was a relatively simple row boat where one would row with the two oars at the side to propel the craft and it was just big enough for three persons.

Lisa directed me to the front of the boat while she took the oars.

I offered to use my [Shadow Summon] to row the boat but my Infrid had insisted that she be the one to do it. She was quite adamant about it so I didn't push it.

We rowed out into the sea with the pier getting smaller and smaller in the distance.

"I didn't think you would bring me boating," I mused while watching the waves that gently bobbed us along. "I thought for sure you were going to take me swimming."

"Oh! That's a great idea!! Ahhhh! Now I hate myself for not thinking about that sooner! Aster in a swimsuit… Ahhhh!! Not good, I won't be able to hold myself back if that was the case!"

Now that she mentioned it… I wonder what kind of swimsuit Lisa would wear if we were to go and swim together?

A bikini perhaps? Or a one piece? Maybe she might even choose not to wear anything?

Nah, that can't be possible…

Although I will have to admit that if Lisa appeared in front of me in a swimsuit… It might also be hard for me to hold back…

I noticed that we were following along the coast and the shore slowly started to incline towards a cliff a good distance above the water. I then realised that Lisa's destination was a cave of some sort located at the bottom of said cliff.

She rowed us towards the cave's opening and it seemed like there was a natural current flowing through the cave so Lisa let the boat drift on the current and patted the space on her side.

"Come join me here, Aster! There's something nice that will appear soon!"

"Hmmm? What would be appearing?" I asked while moving over to her side.

No sooner had I sat down beside her, the darkness around us lit up in a fantastic display of lights.

I gasped as I beheld the spectacle before me. With the lights reflecting off the surface of the water as well, it really looked like we were currently floating in a sea of stars.

The lights were also multicoloured too, each one blinking at me as though welcoming me into their midst.

Words of a distant past came unbidden into my mind, where Mother had called me the 'conqueror of stars'.

"What is this place?" I asked in wonder.

Lisa giggled, "It's called the Star Cavern, which you might guess it's due to the fact that it looks like stars~ The light comes from the various crystals that are exposed to the air on the cave's walls."

I see, that certainly is interesting.

What's more, it really looked beautiful.

I never expected that Lisa might bring me to a place like this but it definitely was a pleasant surprise.

She leaned closer to me and I felt her fingers entwine with mine, clasping my hand in hers.

I turned towards her to see that she was leaning against my arm, her head tilted up to look at me with slightly parted lips.

"Aster…" She whispered, her lips moist. "Would you believe me if I said this was one of the visions I saw with my Clairvoyance?"

"Is that why you brought us here?"

"Ehehehe~ Maybe? The vision was a little different though. We were not on a boat like this but I was being carried by Aster while we fly amongst the stars~"

"Eh? I was?"

"It was really romantic~ I saw you when you were all grown up and you were holding me in your arms~ Your magnificent wings flapping behind you while we sailed through the sky~ Ahhhh~ Just thinking about it makes me swoon~"

Ahem… Well… I'm not sure when that future would even come to pass, assuming if it even happens… What would I even need to do to be able to fly so high up there?

Oh wait, Lisa didn't say we were flying in space, so perhaps I just took her flying one day while the stars were out. Yep, that makes more sense.

Now that she said that, it made me a little interested in what other futures she saw.

I tightened my grip on Lisa's hand, "Were there any other interesting futures that you saw?"

Lisa giggled, "Ehehe~ You will have to forgive me for not saying, Aster~ But I fear that quite a number of them might not happen if I were to tell them to you~ Besides, some might not come to pass anyway."

"But you told me about this one though?"

"Mmmm~ Because even if that one didn't happen, I'm content with this one right now~"

She took a moment to pull off her ring which dispelled her illusionary form, turning her back to her Infrid self.

Mmm… I definitely prefer her true form over her illusion.

Just look at those sexy horns and tail~ Plus… Purple looks so good on her~

I felt her hand reach up to cup my cheek, her lips parting as she moved closer to me.

I moved in the rest of the way and kissed her, causing the Infrid to let out a moan of delight when I did so.

Her hands moved to my back and I mirrored her as well, the both of us pulling each other closer as we indulged in our kiss.

Her tongue slowly pushed its way into my mouth and my own tongue went forward to welcome her in, engaging her in a slow, sensual dance while we tasted each other.

We broke our kiss for air and the two of us stared into each other's eyes, both of us breathing hard.

"Haa… Haa… Aster… I love you… I love you so much… Let me stay by your side."

I tilted her head towards me, "I love you too and you're mine~"

We kissed again, moaning in each other's mouths as we were once again connected through our lips.

Our boat continued to float along the current, carrying us deeper into the cave while we continued exploring each other's mouths.

I wasn't sure if I was the one who pushed her down or if she pulled me down with her, but when our lips separated to breathe again, Lisa was lying down on the boat while I was on top of her.

A trail of clear saliva connected our lips, neither of us saying anything while we stared into each other's eyes and basking in our warmth.

Just as I was about to move in for another kiss though, a voice called out from the side.

"Eh?! Aster?!"

Both Lisa and I turned to the side to see Delmare peeking at us from the side of our boat.

I sat up and Lisa clambered up from the bottom of the boat as well.

"Del?! What are you doing here?!" Lisa cried, sounding a little upset that the Siren had appeared.

Delmare puffed her cheeks, "Hey! I didn't do this on purpose! I found this place on my own and I sometimes come out here for a swim! I didn't know you were bringing Aster here! In fact, I wanted to bring Aster here too! This isn't fair!"

"Well I already brought Aster here so you can't bring her here again! Now shoo, shoo! We were having such a nice moment too!"

"Oh I could see that, both of you just laying on a boat and kissing each other… Hmph… I'll show Aster an even better place when it's my turn!"

The Siren then dived back into the water, disappearing with nary a splash.

Lisa sighed, "Ugh… Now the mood is ruined… I'm so sorry Aster… Maybe we could--"

I silenced her by placing a finger on her lips.

She planned all this for me, there was no way I would let it end just like that.

She was surprised at the touch until she turned to me to see me smiling at her before moving towards her again.

Her lips parted once more and I pushed her down to start kissing her again.

I have to say, the boat was pretty stable even when we were being quite vigorous.

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