What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 423 Everyone Is Mingling In These Parties

Chapter 423 Everyone Is Mingling In These Parties

"You're gorgeous, Aster~"

I smiled wryly, "That's like the fifth time you've said it tonight…"

Lisa giggled while putting on the ring that would transform her into her Mahun disguise before putting on her actual mask, "Have I? Well, it's true so I can't help it~"

I adjusted my [Mask Of Impossible Identity] as we stepped out of the rented carriage, "Please remember that I'm your sister tonight… Wouldn't it be weird if you keep complimenting me like that?"

She gave me a confused look, "Why would that be a problem?"

Oh right… They don't have the concept of incest being taboo here… So even if two siblings were being intimate, no one would even care.

"Umm… I'm shy," I half lied.

Lisa descended from the carriage after me, "Ehehe~ Just leave everything to your big sister tonight!"

Yeah… I'm pretty sure that would involve her going down on me at some point tonight… Not that I'm complaining though, considering what kind of party this is.

Lisa raised a finger, "Remember this Aster! For these kinds of parties, the main thing is that you should not ask about the other person's identity! You need to act like they are just another person even if you may know who they are! That is, unless the other party reveals their identity first!"

"Yes, yes, I got it. Both Katsuki and you have told me that quite a number of times already."

Unfortunately, Katsuki isn't with me tonight so it's just Lisa and me.

I looked up at the manor in front of us. This one was located in the lower levels of the Nobles District and from what Katsuki has told me, this family was a Count with their main home located on the borders. They only have a manor here for the sake of status and letting their son have a place to stay while he attends the Academy.

Which means the head of the family isn't here and the son is akin to a teenager throwing a party while his parents aren't home.

Although I doubt this would be a problem for his parents since it's something that was 'expected' of them in noble society.

I approached the manor with Lisa's arm around mine, the both of us being stopped at the front door of the manor by an elderly looking butler.

"Welcome to Young Master Irbo's party, my ladies. Do you have the invitation?"

Lisa pulled a small card from between her bosoms and handed it over to him.

"Thank you, I have indeed received the invitation. Please head on inside and enjoy yourselves. If you require anything, do not hesitate to approach one of the servants."

Lisa gave him a curt nod before we stepped into the manor.

It seems like the party was already in full swing with a number of people already gathered in the hall.

Most of them were just conversing amongst themselves while some of them were dancing to the tune played by a live orchestra at the side.

The hall itself was decorated quite richly and the house was bigger than Julia's. Which was no surprise since her house was a Viscount while this guy's a Count.

Despite all the glamour and glitz all around the hall, my sight was immediately drawn to the one thing at the far side of it.

"Sweets!" I gasped, already salivating at the sight of all those delicious goodies arranged on the long table that no one else seemed to be touching.josei

Lisa, surprisingly, did not share in my enthusiasm and sighed at the sight of the nobles, "As expected of these nobles… All with their heads stuck up their asses…"

I ignored the sweets I was salivating over for a moment to look at Lisa, "Do you hate nobles?"

She huffed, "Oh no, I wouldn't go so far as to say that I hate them. More like annoyed I guess? I have nothing but respect for the nobles who actually work for the good of the people as they should and I'm clearly aware of how noble society helps drive the country forward. But there's just a sizable number of younger generation nobles who believe that their status is a given and abuse it."

"What about me?"

"Ehehehe~ I love, love, love you of course!" She giggled before hugging me.

"My, my, welcome dear ladies to my party. Please make yourselves at home!" A voice interrupted us.

We turned to see a young man wearing a lavishly decorated suit with an equally gaudy domino mask walk up to us.

Lisa released me and curtsied to him, prompting me to do the same since I'm not acting as Aster but just Lisa's relative right now.

"Lord Adorbo, thank you for the invitation once again. But is it alright for you to reveal your identity like this?"

Huh… So this guy is the student that invited Lisa? And I guess this counts as him revealing his identity first since he said to make ourselves at home?


Still… Not to be mean but did his parents really name him Irbo Adorbo?I think you should take a look at

"Hahaha, it's all fine as long as everyone else has their identities hidden. I just can't help myself after all. There's no need to hold back since this is the type of party where social ranks do not matter!"

"I thank Lord Adorbo for your hospitality. Then we shall not hold back."

"Hahaha! That's the spirit! Shall I get you ladies anything to drink?"

"That would be unnecessary, we would not be proper guests to impose on you any more than this. And it also seems like there's others looking to speak with you as well."

He turned in the direction that Lisa was nodding towards and there were a group of young ladies looking in our direction.

"Oh, I see! I should also be properly greeting them as well! Please enjoy yourselves!"

He then left us and Lisa relaxed her shoulders while breathing out a sigh.

"Was it that bad?" I asked.

"Ugh… Aster already knows that I don't like to do all this pretentious stuff… Even putting on airs to do my teaching job is already tiring enough…"

Oh I definitely remember how nervous she was when she was meeting Mother for the first time. She even went and learned Noble Etiquette just for that day which really made me love her to bits for that.

I'm not saying that's also part of the reason why I just go along with her whims but… Well… I do enjoy her company.

"Anyway! Why don't we get some sweets for you in the meantime? They look like they prepared a lot over there!" Lisa suggested.

Scratch that, I really love her!

Nom, nom, nom~ Mmmmm!! These sweets are delishhhh!!

"Nom~ Why isn't anyone else eating these sweets? Nom, nom~" I asked in between stuffing my mouth with the sweets.

Lisa used a napkin to wipe at the corners of my mouth, though I wondered why she was drooling a little herself. If she wanted to eat some sweets as well she could just go ahead, you know? It's not like I'm too selfish to share with my lover.

"Ehehehe~ Because they're busy looking for partners right now~ Did Aster forget about what kind of party this is? Even if it's going to descend into an orgy, they would still want to have a good time with their partners~"

Oh… So those people that are dancing and talking to each other are just trying to size up the other party to see if they are a worthwhile fuck?

That already sounds tiring… Is that really how noble society works? Guess I'll note that down.

As though on cue, several people approached me just as I finished devouring the fruit tarts I was tasting.

"Good evening my ladies. I hope we are not intruding?"

Hmm… Two guys, two girls, all of them seemed to be the same as that Irbo guy so I assume they must be his classmates or something.

"Why hello there!" Lisa greeted them cheerfully with none of the decorum she was showing the young lord from earlier. "You're definitely not intruding so please don't worry about it! Are you in a group together?"

That's kind of a weird thing to ask, Lisa… They came together so shouldn't you be expecting them to be in a group? Or are you asking if they are friends? But I thought we're not supposed to be asking others about their identities?

The young man leading the group nodded, "That's right, we're together! So I was just asking if you might be interested to mingle with us?"

Lisa turned to look at me.

Eh? Why are you looking at me? Are you asking if it's alright to talk to them?

I shrugged to show that I didn't really care.

I mean, it's just talking right? We can just talk a bit and maybe these people might even like sweets! Then we can enjoy the sweets together! That's way better!

Seeing that I also had no problems with it, Lisa turned back to smile at them, "Of course not! My sister and I are pleased to mingle with you!"

The boy brightened up, "Oh! That's great! Then we'll make sure to properly take care of you two later on as well! I hope you don't mind that there are two more girls here?"

This time it was my turn to speak up, "Oh~ We definitely don't mind them! In fact, do you two like sweets? Here! Have some!!"

"Eh? Oh! Erm… Thank you!" The two girls giggled before taking the sweets I offered.

Hehe~ This is how parties should be like right? We eat and talk while enjoying the atmosphere!

Oh wait… This is the sizing up to have sex phase isn't it? I was so focused on the sweets that I forgot…

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