What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 443 There's Even More Of Her?!

Chapter 443 There's Even More Of Her?!

I had several of my summons jump on the demon, pinning it on the ground with their weight while the King turned her gaze to the demon with her sword held above her head.

"By my will as King! The sword of the monarchs shall strike you down! [Monarch's Judgement]!"

The sword that the King was holding started emitting light, the light forming into a giant blade of light that stretched all the way to the ceiling and piercing through the roof of the tower.

She held it in the air for a moment before she swung it down, smashing the giant sword on top of the pinned demon.

Not gonna lie, I was totally expecting her to yell something like "Excalibur!" or something, I dunno.

The light sword cut through the ceiling of the tower before smashing down on the demon, enveloping a good chunk of the area with the light.

There was a scream from within the light and the light sword disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared.

Everything that the light had touched was disintegrated, leaving a giant hole on one side of the tower that showed the outside.

The only sound left was the soft breeze coming from the hole that the King had made.

"Ngghh… I'll admit the King is stronger than me for now…" Odeta muttered from the side.

Awww… It's ok Odeta~ You'll become strong enough in the future where you can do that with your fists~ Here, let me squeeze those abs for a little bit~

Ahem… Whoops, can't forget where we are. Now that the demon is gone…josei

"Are you alright? Do you feel like you're turning into a demon?" I asked the older Tiara.

She groaned and sat up, patting where the sword had pierced her chest with a hand, "I'm… Fine. I think? That was not pleasant…"

"I could tell… You sure you're ok? If there's any remnants of that demonic mana, I'll suck it out for you. No need to hold back."

"No, no… I'm fine. I want to ask though… How are you able to call this many summons?"

I turned to look at the army of Shadow Summons that was still standing there.

"Umm… Long story… Just don't ask…" I pleaded, dismissing the summons back into my Shadow.

"Fine… Let's just… Save your princess and get all of you back to your own dimension before things get worse."

As though on cue, a tear opened up in the space of where the Pale Fiend had disintegrated, black lightning and fire crackling around its edges.

The older Tiara widened her eyes at the sight, "Not good… The dimensions are connecting… They're already trying to link this dimension to yours… If we don't hurry, portals are going to start opening all around this dimension and the demons will be free to pour into yours! We need to stop this right now!"

All of us turned to look at the princess that was still suspended in the air by the chains. Despite all the noise we made, she was still unconscious so I suspect her state of being was not natural.

I ran towards the princess, trying to wake her up by shaking her shoulders.

"Tiara? Tiara? Wake up!"

No matter how I shook her, she still remained unconscious.

I turned towards the chains, trying to see if there's a way to free her of the bindings.

Odeta came forward and tried to break open the chains with her bare hands, pulling and hitting on them with her fists.

As expected, the chains held strong despite her efforts.

The King and the older Tiara also joined us, the King looking at her daughter's state with a grim face.

"Can you use the same skill to break the chains, Your Majesty?" I asked.

The King shook her head, "As you saw, that skill has an incredibly large area of effect… I will not put my daughter at risk for that."

"Then do you have any other ideas on how to free Tia… Princess Tiara?"

The King used her sword to tap at the chains, "Assuming these chains didn't get weaker after crossing over to this dimension… They're strong enough to even withstand my [Sacred Slash]... Unless there is something stronger than that…"

Hmmm… Maybe a charged [Laser] might work?

Just as I was planning to do just that, the mirror behind Tiara lit up.

I turned towards it as the surface of the mirror seemed to swirl like a liquid, transforming itself into a greenish hue that no longer reflected what was in front of it.

"What… What's happening?" I asked.

No one answered me, all of them clearly as lost as I was about what was going on.

All of a sudden, the swirling stopped and the surface of the mirror solidified itself into a green sheen before a figure was flung out from the mirror.I think you should take a look at

Everyone stepped aside and the figure crashed into the ground behind us, a single spear embedded in their abdomen.

We had our weapons up in preparation for a fight but the figure stayed on the ground, unmoving.

At first I thought that person was dead since there was literally a spear embedded in their abdomen but I noticed the rise and fall of their chest so that means they were still alive.

Katsuki approached them first, her daggers held at the ready by her sides.

She stood over the figure for a moment, her face scrunching up when she saw their face before she reached down and repositioned the figure so that we could all see their features.

It was Tiara.

Or rather, an even older version of Tiara.

While the one from this dimension looked to be around eighteen or maybe in her early twenties at most, the one on the ground looked like she was in her late twenties to early thirties.

"What the hell is going on?" This dimension's Tiara gasped.

Before anyone could answer, there was a cry coming from the mirror and we turned back to see the green surface had turned blue without us knowing.

Another Tiara had limped out from the mirror, looking quite haggard with her clothes in tatters and her sword broken in half. She was also missing her left arm and her right eye with an arrow stuck in her left side.

She looked up at us with her remaining good eye which I noticed seemed to be clouded over.

The half dead Tiara turned to see the Tiara that was suspended in chains before suddenly lifting her broken sword intending to strike at the unconscious princess.

King Justinia moved faster than everyone else, intercepting the sword from falling on her daughter's head.

The half dead Tiara did not seem too bothered and simply raised her sword to try again, acting as though the King was not even there.

My attention was then pulled away again when the sound of something wet being pulled out came from behind me.

Turning back, I found the Tiara that had a spear through her abdomen had regained her consciousness and was pulling out the spear from her own body without a sound from her lips.

She didn't even flinch when the spear was pulled out and part of her intestines came out with it to spill onto the floor, her grip on the spear shifting to hoist it over her shoulder in preparation to throw it.

Unfortunately, she was aiming at our unconscious Tiara.

Katsuki reacted immediately and slashed her daggers at the spear wielding Tiara, cutting off her wrist to make her drop the spear.

Eh… Did you really have to go that far?

That Tiara seemed to take a moment to register the fact that the spear was dropped before simply reaching down to pick up the spear with her other hand and hoist it over her shoulder again.

I didn't get a chance to blink before Katsuki sliced off the other hand as well, the spear dropping onto the ground noisily.

The handless Tiara stared at her wrists that were spurting out blood like a fountain before slowly looking back up at the chained up Tiara, blood still pouring out of the hole in her abdomen.

She seemed to have finally succumbed to her wounds as she toppled face first onto the ground, never to move again.

I then heard a sound akin to glass shattering and I turned to see one of the seven chains that bound our Tiara break apart into pieces.

At the same time, the other Tiara that the King was defending against also fell face down, revealing she had been fighting with a hole in her back the entire time and also succumbed to blood loss.

She even fell on top of her broken sword which ended up stabbing herself through the chest when she fell as well.

Almost instantly, another one of the chains shattered, leaving only five chains left.

At this point, we already knew what was linked to the chains and turned to look at the mirror.

The surface of the mirror changed colours again, prompting another Tiara to walk through it.

This one was wearing full plate armour without the helmet.

Unlike the others however, she looked like she was in perfect health and she furrowed her brows when she saw all of us standing in front of the chained up Tiara.

"Step aside or you shall be cut down," The armoured Tiara declared.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," The King responded, her own sword raised defensively.

"Then die where you stand!"

The two leapt at each other, their swords meeting in the middle.

Seriously… Could things get even more crazier than this?!

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