What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 490 Is This Speech Ok?

Chapter 490 Is This Speech Ok?

Chapter 490 Is This Speech Ok?

"... and for the final year students, you have the rest of the World waiting for you to make your mark on it. I am very proud to see that all of you have grown into such fine young adults. May the knowledge you have gained in this school continue to serve you throughout your journey. Thank you."

Applause came from the audience and I felt nervous all of a sudden. Like I've only just realised that I was next to give my speech.

I looked down to reassure myself that I still had the script folded in my hand, though seeing that it was there didn't exactly alleviate my fears.

Once the applause died down, the principal continued, "Now it's time for the top students of each year to share a few words with you. For the first year, let's welcome Aster on the stage!"

Cheers rang out from the entire crowd and there were even whistles coming from a few parts of the hall.

So that's the kind of reception the top student gets huh… Maybe I should have planned for an entrance after all…

I stepped onto the stage with my script clutched in my hand, trying my best to hide the nervousness from showing up on my face.

I stepped up to the podium and laid the script on the table, the action causing the entire hall to silence itself almost immediately as if by magic.

All eyes were on me and I suppressed a shiver that went up my spine.

Alright… Let's do this thing.

Sucking in a breath, I started to read out from the script prepared for me.

"Principal, teachers and my fellow students… I come before you as the embodiment of unparalleled achievement. A living testament that sometimes saying things are impossible is nothing but an excuse."

Oh gods I almost choke on that one… josei

Wait a minute… I may have only glanced through it just now but I don't remember it starting out like this… Did the script get switched?

Fuck I can't stop now.

I continued on, "Amongst my peers within these hallowed halls, there are none who can claim the same achievements I have made. And to say that I owe my achievements due to talent would be an injustice. Nay, what I possess is beyond what talent is even capable of achieving, it is the embodiment of the… Divine…"

lightsΝοvel.cοm Oh my god… Am I really claiming that I am some destined child or even the avatar of one of the gods?

I looked out at the people gathered in the hall, expecting to at least see some people enraged by this but yet, everyone was just sitting there listening to me.

Fuck it, let's just go with it.

"It is because of this that sets me apart from the mundane path of mediocrity, as even excellence is beneath me. It is not an exaggeration that I claim my achievements have soared beyond the stars themselves and reached beyond the heights that mortals have thought possible. As we are gathered here today, I invite you all to… Bask in my presence and splendour."

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck… What the hell am I even saying?!

Is anyone booing? No, of course there isn't. But everyone just silently staring at me isn't helping either!

Should I change some of the words? But what can I change them to?!

Ahhhh! My brain is not braining at the moment!

Erm… Erm… Fuck it, what's the next line?

"Let it be known that I have merely shown a small fraction of my capabilities. That which you have witnessed so far is… Not even close to my absolute best. It is only due to my magnanimity that no one has been… Blinded by the sheer brilliance of my potential."

Waaaaahhh!! What is this?! I've mostly resorted to self study in the latter half of the school year, you know?! What the hell am I even saying?!

And seriously! My Authority Projection is working overtime trying to keep my face straight!!

I think I just want to lie on the ground and die of embarrassment right now!! How can I even say any of this normally?!!

I think if I were to hear any student say something as brazen as this, I would probably beat them up the next time I see them!

But when I looked out at the crowd in front of me, I saw quite a number of them even sitting at the edges of their seats while looking at me with big smiles on their faces… Like as though I wasn't just bragging about myself and simply telling them that I owe my accomplishments to them or something…

I sucked in a breath and looked back down at my script to see the next few lines I would be reading.

"I believe that I have already shown the vast gaps between myself and everyone around, but I do insist that there is no need to feel inferior for I am considered to be out of the norm. It would be foolish to even consider me as someone who could be measured by normal standards."

I frowned a little at the words.

I mean… This is true, considering that I literally received boons from the Gods to reach where I am right now. But doesn't this kind of contradict my first words where I said that the impossible… You know what… Nevermind.

"Thus, I beseech you, my fellow students, to continue to struggle in the limits of your own mortal standards while I continue to watch over all of you from high up above. Fear not, for I extend everyone the… The privilege of basking in my glory, no matter how inferior you may feel. I will also allow all of you the honour to… To remember that I have graced this stage in front of you. That is all."

Kill me please.

How can anyone even accept a speech like this without wanting to beat up the person who delivered said speech?

I really only went ahead to say everything because I was already panicking quite a bit and my mind was completely blank while reading it out…

But seriously… Did my script get switched out? Or was I not paying attention when I was reading through the script Katsuki handed me this morning?

Even then, I'll admit that the contents were not as pompous as the first few iterations I had received…

Wouldn't the students want to murder me if I were to deliver those speeches to them instead?

Just as I was worrying about how the students would react, several of them closest to the stage leapt to their feet.

I thought they were going to rush up towards the stage but they started cheering and clapping enthusiastically, prompting the others in the hall to do the same as well.

Err… Correct me if I'm wrong… But I seem to be receiving a standing ovation right now aren't I?

"Uwooo! Big sister Asterrrr!!"

"Our queen!! Our queen!!"

"I love you!!"

"We'll follow you for life!!"

Are you all masochists or something? Is this school just filled with masochists?

I decided this was the best opportunity to leave so I gave them all a wave which only made them cheer even louder as I walked off the stage, allowing the principal to retake the podium once again.

Daniel was there to meet me with a wry smile on his face.

"Very ambitious Aster. I suppose that is to be expected for someone of your calibre. Anything less and I would be disappointed to be honest."

I tilted my head at him, "Umm… Really? I didn't think you saw me that way?"

That made him raise an eyebrow, "Hmm? I suppose we have not interacted much but I believe the both of us know who is the one who holds the most authority here, don't we?"

I was just about to say that it was obviously him since he was the student council president but he did not wait for my answer before chuckling.

"Kukuku~ I suppose I should just be glad that you did not make use of your popularity to overthrow the student council. Though I would have just offered you the position if you were to ask. I did already say that you were an honorary member so you could have just made use of that position anyway."

… Eh?

Wait what?

I know that there are a number of people who like me but… What do you mean by making use of my popularity to overthrow the student council? Did I even give the impression that I was thinking of doing that in the first place?

The principal then announced the best student of the second year would be delivering their speech next and a girl started walking towards the stage, passing by us.

She took a moment to smile at me, whispering just a single word before walking past, "Queen~"


Not noticing my confusion, Daniel continued after the second year student had walked past, "I intend to name you as the next president of the student council if you don't mind, Aster. What do you think?"

What do I think?! I think everyone here is crazy!

I'll only be a second year student you know?! Why would you place a second year student as the student council president?!!

What is wrong with this school?!!

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