What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 493 The Students Have Weird Requests

Chapter 493 The Students Have Weird Requests

It was an innocent enough request so I patted her head without question.

The girl then left with a very contented look on her face but that was when my companions started pulling on my arms.

"Sister Aster!! Me too! Me too!!"

"Aster! Pat me too! I don't mind if you pat me in other places while you're at it either~"

'Pat me, Aster <3'

I proceeded to pat the heads of all three girls while ignoring Lisa's requests to pat her elsewhere.

Only when they were satisfied did I turn my attention back to the party.

"Umm… So just asking… What do students like us usually do here?" I asked.

Lisa perked up, "Hmm? Socialise I guess?"

"I know that… But like… What do we actually do? Do I just walk up to random students and start talking?"

Lisa giggled, "That's pretty much it~ And if you want to, you can invite anyone you fancy home with you~"

"… I'm not going to do that… Everyone else here is too young for my tastes…"

"Ehehe~ Well at this point we should also do our own mingling as well~ Does Aster want me to find someone I can bring home with us today for you? Maybe one of the nobles?"

"No, bad Lisa."

She pouted at me but she didn't object. Instead she merely sashayed away with a very obvious sway in her hips.

Delmare and Odeta also left to mingle on their own, leaving me by myself.

This time, I decided that instead of being approached, I would be the one approaching someone else so I tried looking for a few students that I could talk to.

A pair of male and female students were standing at the side of the hall just looking out at the crowd with drinking glasses in their hands. Although by the colour of the liquid, I don't think it's wine that they were holding at least.

Deciding that they were the safe options to start with, I headed towards their direction.

The boy was the first to notice me and his eyes widened as I approached. The girl beside him noticed his sudden change and shifted her gaze to see what he was looking at.

When she saw me, she almost dropped her glass but caught it at the last moment, trying her best to look less flustered as I got closer to them.

I curtsied, "Good evening. I am Aster. First year Special Class student."

"Haba haba haba…" Came the eloquent reply from the boy.

The girl elbowed him in the ribs before quickly returning my curtsy with one of her own, "Well met, Lady Aster. I am Vivienne Isper, third year Special Class student specialising in Cryomancy."

The boy recovered and bowed, "Goo… Good evening Lady Aster… I am Thorne Hearon… Also a third year Special Class student… My best magic is Geomancy…"

Vivienne continued, "I saw your challenge with student Samuels, it was truly quite a breathtaking duel in my opinion. Never have I witnessed so many types of magic being cast in a single fight."

I smiled at her, "I thank you for the compliment, though I will admit that I did not expect him to use enchanted items to challenge me."

Thorne spoke up, "And… I think it was quite foolish of him to think that he could match you with such a half hearted attempt. I'm more surprised that the student council actually allowed such a technicality to pass."

I shook my head, "It may not have been what I intended for the challenge, but he did not violate the rules that I have set so there is no wrong in what he did."

Thorne inclined his head, "Lady Aster is indeed quite magnanimous."

Vivienne nodded in agreement, "Your speech was also wonderful, Lady Aster. It may just be my opinion, but I think that yours is the best out of everyone's!"

… That is quite a big claim… Considering just what I said during my speech… I was literally putting myself up on a pedestal and saying that all of you won't even get to reach my level no matter how hard you tried, you know? How is that even a good speech?

Actually… Don't answer that. I'll just take it at face value…

I smiled at her, "Thank you for the praise, Lady Vivienne. It was nothing."

She giggled, "Not at all! You are truly worthy of the title of Queen. Although I have to know… Was it your idea to take up the position of student council president?"

Ugh… Don't remind me…

I shook my head, "I would have to admit that it was not my idea. It seems that Sir Daniel had thought the position would be fitting for me and thus suggested that I took it."

Thorne clasped his hands together, "Oh! That reminds me! Who amongst the Student Council does Lady Aster fancy?"lightsnovel

I blinked at his question, "Pardon?"

"Oh you know, there must be someone you fancy right? I personally think the secretary Leonard is really cool! But I heard he has someone else he likes already so I don't think I have a chance with him… Not to mention the fact that he might not like younger guys like me…"

Ah… This guy swings the other way… Got it.

Vivienne swatted her friend with a hand, "Please, Thorne. We all know that Lady Aster has a girlfriend don't we? She's definitely more interested in girls than boys like me."

Ok, so she's a lesbian… What an interesting pair of friends…

I cleared my throat to get their attention again, "Speaking of which… Do either of you know who are the ones elected to be the next student council members?"

Vivienne tapped her chin with a finger, "Hmm… I don't think it's confirmed yet… But I know some of the possible candidates at least."

"Could you tell me who?"

"Mmm… I believe--"

Before she could finish her words, I heard the sound of several footsteps coming from behind me and a flustered voice called out from behind me.

"La… Lady Aster! Please pardon my intrusion!"

The three of us were surprised by the unexpected interruption and turned to see a group of girls standing behind me.

Judging by their looks, I'm assuming they were second or first years like myself.

The one leading them was a blonde haired girl and she immediately bowed her head when I turned to her.

"La… Lady Aster!! This… This may be presumptuous of us… But we… We heard that you were giving out headpats to those who asked of you… So… Erm… Erm… Please pat my head!! Please!!"

What the heck?

Ok, this was either spread by Lisa, Odeta or Cassandra… I know that Delmare wouldn't… Actually scratch that… The Siren might be even singing about it in a corner right now so all of them could be spreading that around right now…

Vivienne let out a gasp, "Lady Aster is giving out head pats?! Ple… Please include me as well! I sincerely request that you head pat me too! I'll even pay you for the services rendered! Fifty Decreas!"

The girl that had asked about the head pats first scowled, "Lady Aster! I'll… I'll pay you more! Seventy five Decreas! So please head pat me first! You don't need to hold back!"

That seemed to stir up the other girls behind her as they each started to offer me even more money just so that I could pat them first instead.

Whoa, whoa! Calm down everyone!! It's just headpats!! Why do you all even have to pay me for it?! Can you all chill?!

While I was trying to calm these girls down, another group came up to me, this one a mix of girls and boys.

"Lady Aster!" The leading boy called out, temporarily silencing the others with his voice. "We… We would like to… To be granted the honour… To kiss your feet! We're also willing to pay!"

What the fuck guys?!

The group of girls who had been asking for headpats immediately glared at the other group, their leader walking to the front to jab a finger at the boy's chest.

"Hey! What the hell do you even think you're asking of Lady Aster?!"


Well… At least she's sensible enough to tell that even something like that was absurd…

"You think you can just come here and steal a march on us?! We're here first! Get in line!"

Ah… They weren't upset about the fact that the feet licking was an absurd request… They were just upset that they were skipping the line…

Just as I was wondering why they were even arguing about this… Another group of students came up to me, this group was also a mix of girls and boys but a girl was leading them.

She curtsied, "Lady Aster. It would honour us greatly if you were to allow us the privilege of touching your bosoms. Worry not, we are all prepared to compensate you for this privilege."

The head pat and the foot licking group immediately started cussing out the third group, forgetting their earlier animosity in favour of fighting the third group.

Now there was a three way argument happening in front of me between three different groups.

Seriously… What the hell is wrong with the students in this school?!

Odeta, Lisa, Delmare!! Don't think I didn't spot the three of you sneaking into the crowd there as well!!


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