What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 496 Intermission - A Siren’s Love Song

Chapter 496 Intermission - A Siren’s Love Song

Chapter 496 Intermission - A Siren's Love Song

Delmare hummed to herself as she enjoyed her lunchtime in the school's garden.

Even though she had eaten her lunch in this garden multiple times before in the past, this time it felt like the garden was much more vibrant than usual.

Then she realised that perhaps it was herself that felt more vibrant and happier than usual instead.

There was even a good reason for her to be in such a mood. The Siren couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness rising up within her as she recalled what happened that day.

She kissed! She kissed Aster!

Delmare let out a soft squeal as she recalled how soft Aster's lips were and the euphoria she felt when their tongues were entwined, the memory was enough to make her go giddy with happiness.

An idea for a song came to mind and she quickly took out her notebook to start jotting down the lyrics. At the same time, she was also humming a tune that she believed would be a good accompaniment for the song.

It only took her about a few minutes before she was looking down at a few stanzas that she was quite happy with.

"Oh, my dearest with eyes so bright,

Your lips, a symphony in the night. josei

With one sweet kiss, our souls entwine,

Bound together, in love divine~"

Delmare stopped herself, letting the meaning of those words catch up to her before a wave of embarrassment filled her and she covered her face with her hands.

Instinctively, her tail also started slapping against the ground in tune with her own emotions, the sight of which would have been enough to make a certain Meslatar swoon at her cuteness.

It took her twice as long to recover from her embarrassment than to write those few stanzas.

"Ahhh… I wonder if Aster would like to listen to me sing again…" She wondered aloud.

It was unfortunate, but Aster had decided to do her own self study today so she wasn't at school. Otherwise, Delmare would be spending lunchtime with the Meslatar instead of hanging outside in the gardens on her own.

Her eyes drifted down to the notebook where the start of her love song stared back at her.

"Mmm… I guess I should complete this so I can sing to her tonight~ Ehehehe~"

The Siren picked up her notebook and pen again, scribbling a few words that she wanted to use that would help her complete her song.

Slowly, she started to sing, attempting to get the feel she wanted to create the perfect song for her lover.

"Hmm~ Hmm~ Let's see now… Beneath the moon's enchanting glow… Within the park of wanton moans… No… Umm… Beside the lake that softly flows… Mmm… I need something better than this…"

The Siren continued to scribble into her notebook, crossing out the lines and rewriting them several times while whispering the words to herself.

It took her a while but she was still riding on the high of the memory of her kiss so she was able to create the song pretty easily.

Looking down at her completed song, she felt the desire to sing it out loud right away so that was what she did.

In the garden of the academy, a beautiful voice started to drift around as Delmare sang her love for Aster, pouring her entire being into the song.

Every other sound in the garden seemed to fade just so that Delmare's song could be heard all around.

Even the wind blowing through the garden only served to carry her song further instead of diminishing it, going so far as to provide the perfect backdrop for the Siren as the trees and flowers swayed in tune with her song.

Unbeknownst to the Siren, several students happen to be there as well, all of them captivated by the melody of her song.

Most of them were already aware of her beautiful voice, some had even set up a fanclub for the Siren where they would try to listen in on her singing from afar.

They had already tried to approach her before but she had turned down their invitation to sing in front of an audience, stating that the only person she was willing to sing for was Aster.

The Siren did, however, hint that she might be willing to sing in front of a crowd if Aster was part of it.

As of now, the fanclub had no plans to try and create such an opportunity, especially when the Aster Fanclub was enforcing a 'no interference' policy at the moment. Seeing that most of the members of Delmare's fanclub were also members of Aster's fanclub, they would not go against this policy either.

Most of them were hoping that this particular rule might be lifted or changed the next school year.

Of course, quite a number of students were unhappy about such a restriction but the leaders of the fanclubs were very strict about enforcing this rule. A few students have tried to break it but each of them found themselves knocked out and left inside an empty classroom everytime they tried.

Everyone else with that idea got the message and stopped trying after that.

Thus, the only thing that the students who wish to listen to Delmare's singing could do now was to hope that Delmare would sing on her own and they could listen in.

The Siren herself was aware of such students hanging around her for this purpose but she did not mind it that much.

While it was true that she found more satisfaction singing for her beloved Aster, it was also not a lie for her to admit that she found satisfaction in letting everyone know about her love for Aster through her songs as well.

Even before they kissed, a few of her classmates had asked her about it and she confirmed it. It wasn't like Aster or herself were doing anything to hide it in the first place.

Of course with how many love songs she had already sang with Aster as the subject, pretty much everyone knew that they were dating now.

Her voice reached its crescendo, the final notes of her love ballad echoing across the garden before slowly fading away.

The garden soon returned to its original atmosphere and the students who had been listening in also woke up from their dreamlike state, all of them having been completely captivated with the raw emotion and love that Delmare had put into her song.

Delmare then picked up her notebook once more and did a few more edits to it, her nature refusing to accept anything but perfection when she would eventually sing this song for Aster.

She giggled to herself, feeling blessed that she had the fortune of finding such a wonderful partner for herself.

To the Siren, it was not an exaggeration to say that she believed she owed her current life to the Meslatar.

Had Aster not found her in that cave of hers, she might not have known how big the World was and may have even stayed there until her final days without ever venturing out.

She also felt a little envious of Lisa, the Infrid being able to freely express her love for Aster without holding herself back.

Despite Mary helping to teach her the norms of this World, she still found it difficult to be as assertive as Lisa. Still, she was trying her best to try and emulate Lisa's actions to get Aster's attention.

The Siren let out a soft sigh of content, her mind still occupied with the memory of the kiss.

Now that they were officially a couple, she wondered if she could ask Aster to kiss her more without holding back.

The rustling of leaves brought her out of her reverie, making her aware that she was not alone in the garden.

Delmare looked around, spotting a few students already dispersing while the others were trying their best to look busy.

She smiled to herself despite that, the satisfaction of knowing her audience knew of their love welling up inside her chest.

Seeing that it was almost the end of lunchtime anyway, she simply gathered her things and activated her Somatomancy spell to transform her tail back into legs again.

Looking down at the smooth legs in front of her, Delmare was reminded that this was one other secret that she would keep from Aster.

The Meslatar already knew Delmare was using her legs as a base for the Siren to transform her tail into, but what Aster did not know was that the Siren sometimes uses this fact to pleasure herself while admiring those legs.

It has not grown to the point of a fetish yet but it was a fact that Delmare found Aster's legs alluring, especially when she always wears those stockings that really just made it all the more flawless.

One reason why Delmare wanted to improve her proficiency in Somatomancy was to be able to make her leg transformation permanent just so that she could wear stockings without worrying about tearing them unintentionally.

Such a day was still far off though, so she would have to be content with just enjoying that look and feel on Aster herself.

In the meantime, she really needed to get back to class before she's late.

And then… When school is over, she will look for Aster and sing her the new song she made.

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