What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 61 Hiring Some Guides

Chapter 61 Hiring Some Guides

The rest of the journey was uneventful enough, with the most interesting part of our journey being the nights I spent wedged between Katsuki and Mother in the tent.

Katsuki was obviously reluctant to share a tent with me stating it would not be proper but since I didn't want her to sleep outside, I made it into an order and she had no choice but to obey.

One very important thing I have to mention…


She was really against it at first which was surprising considering she hasn't outright rejected me for anything before this but she relented after I started begging her. Only sad part is that she requested me to only do it in private.

She even let me hug it to sleep!! Ahhhh!! Truly beyond blissful!! I want to hug her to sleep every night from now on!!

Ahhhh… Fluff fluff~

Ahem… Moving on…

Just as the time was nearing midday, our stopover destination was in sight.

"Welcome to the Lehcarouc Kingdom's centre of trade! Latipac City!" Jack gestured smugly.

The city certainly lives up to its name because that place was huuuuuge!

According to Mother, Dragon View Trade City was initially designed to be a trading port first before they had to fortify it because of Dragon attacks. Latipac city on the other hand, was designed as a fortress being the last line of defence before invaders would reach the capital city, only to later turn into the trading hub with its central location.

A giant hexagonal shaped wall surrounded the city and featured six entrances on each side. Apparently they only started with two entrances but more were added later to maximise the speed of which one can enter the city.

Within the city itself were six main roads that led from each gate to merge in the very centre of the city to form a giant plaza where the paths meet to serve as the city's administrative centre.

The main roads also serve to separate the different districts of the city with each section focusing on various different kinds of trade.

In other words… The city looks like a pizza from above.

Our convoy entered from the northwestern gates easily enough. The guards did a quick check of all of us and we only needed to present our identification with Katsuki simply showing her slave collar.

I did notice several mages stationed near the gates watching everyone entering the city, no doubt scanning everyone for magic bags and hidden contrabands.

With that, our group stepped past the walls and into the city itself, mixing in with the rest of the merchants and visitors currently moving through the city's main streets.

Just like what Jack and Markus had said, unlike Dragon View Trade city, pretty much everyone around was a Mahun and my group stood out quite a bit.

Our convoy soon stopped at an open area where everyone started piling out of their respective wagons, gathering ourselves in front of Dennis.

"We've arrived at Latipac City! Thank you all for travelling with us and the Free Wind Mercenary group for escorting us! Our next destination will be Crown Capital City so for those of you who would be joining us for that trip, we will set forth two days from now!"

The others thanked the Mercenaries for their protection once again before they dispersed.

"What are we going to do now, Mommy?" I asked.

Mother tapped her chin with a finger, "Ara~ I suppose we can either stay here for the two days before setting off or look for another caravan group that is setting off today. What does my little one like to do?"

I don't really mind spending two days here especially since this is a new place after all, it would be a waste to arrive at a new place and barely spend any time there before moving on. Transits are sad.

With that decided, we wanted to head out to search for an inn to stay for the next two nights. But before we could even leave, Jack appeared in front of us again.

"Hello there again ladies! I'm guessing it's your first time in this city right? Need a guide? I've been in this city enough times to serve as a guide for you!"

I tilted my head at him, "Umm… You do remember that I told you I'm a futa and have no interest in guys, right?"

He grinned, "Oh trust me, there's no ulterior motive for this. I'm just offering our services for the fair ladies that we had enjoyed the companionship of for the past few days."

"In other words… You want us to hire you as guides?"

"Ahaha! I suppose you can see it that way! So how about it? I'll be willing to lead you ladies around for just five large bronze coins. You get a knowledgeable guide and also a few well known Mercenaries as your own escort! That would stop any other guys from annoying you by trying to pick you ladies up! A good deal, don't you think?"

He does have a good head for sales, I'll give him that.

I looked at Mother and she simply smiled and nodded at me, so I shrugged.

"Alright, I suppose it wouldn't hurt," I accepted his offer before passing the coins to him.

"Oh, we'll make sure you won't regret it! Are we ready, gang?"

Four of his party members appeared beside him including Markus and Loyd who I have already met before. The other two were female Mahuns with one of them being the spear wielder I saw while the other was obviously a mage with her cloak and staff.

Jack gestured to his party, "Ladies, you already know Markus and Loyd but these two here are Sabrina and Melissa."

The two girls bowed in greeting while Jack turned to me, "Sabrina, Melissa, this is… Oh… I just realised I never did ask what yours and your companions' names were, my fair lady?"

I curtsied like how Mother had taught me, "I am Aster. This is my Mother and this is my servant, Katsuki. Nice to meet all of you."

"Oh, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady!" Jack praised.

Seriously, could he stop calling me that? It kind of feels like he's saying all that to try and deny the fact that I was a futa.

Surprisingly, Melissa, the mage, went up and kicked Jack in the shins.

"Don't worry, Miss Aster… Despite his obvious shortcomings, I can assure you that not everyone in this party is like that. If you feel uncomfortable with him, either myself or Sabrina can take his place in bring your guide."

"Ow… Oi, oi… Is that any way to treat your leader, Melissa? I'm hurt, you know?"

She scowled at him, "I know you've been checking her out you shitty leader. Could you at least be a decent Mahun being for once? Do I need to remind you how you made our previous client pissed off by your constant leering?"

"It wasn't even that bad…" He muttered lamely, though he obediently backed down, allowing her to take charge instead.

Mother stepped beside me, "Ufufufu~ It's nice to meet you, Miss Melissa~ I suppose we will be in your care?"

"Thank you for hiring us again. For starters, is there anywhere in particular you would like to visit?"

"Ara, ara? I suppose we would need an inn to stay the night first. Is there somewhere in particular that you would recommend?"

"Oh, that depends on what kind of inn you are looking for. Are you looking for the ones nobles would go for or are you fine with just a middle class one?"

"Ufufufu~ What do you think, my little one?" Mother asked me.

"Umm… I think we'll be fine with the inn you guys would choose to stay in."

I'm still not sure how wealthy Mother was despite her splurging so much on our clothes already. In fact, I'm feeling especially nervous in this overpriced dress and I'm sure Katsuki feels the same as well.

I currently have about a little over one thousand Creas right now so maybe something within that budget would be good enough.josei

"Oh, in that case that's quite simple. There's an inn just down the road that is quite popular with travellers. It costs one Crea for a double room, twice that for a room with a bath attached and food can be included for another one Crea."

That is… Actually quite cheap?

Then again, after experiencing the large amount of money involved in our transactions so far, my understanding of the value for the money here might have gotten a little skewered…

How much does an average family earn around here anyway?

Oh god, economics… I don't want to delve into that… Whatever, I can afford it and I'm also planning on picking up some quests from the local Guild to fulfil as well so it shouldn't be a problem to get a room with the attached bath!

It's all thanks to the power of Mana Crystals that a thing like attached bathrooms is possible. Otherwise, we would probably be paying to have a pail of water delivered to our room as the only way to wash ourselves.

Magic truly is convenient.

"Let's go with that then, Mommy," I decided.

"Ufufufu~ As my little one has said, we will take that. Aside from that, we would also like to know about the local specialties! My child is especially interested in sweets!"

At the mention of that, the eyes of the two girls shone while the males groaned.

"We know just the place for that! Follow us!!"

Oh? It looks like these two girls like sweets too! How perfect!!

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