What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 84 I Got Invited To A Party

Chapter 84 I Got Invited To A Party

I already knew that Mother was kind of a perfectionist so my lessons with her were quite strict but also very productive.

She did teach me the correct incantations for each of the spells I currently know just in case I wanted to keep my ability to cast magic without chanting a secret.

Unfortunately, any new magic I learnt would be given to me without the chant so I will need to ask Mother to teach me again or find out about the chant somehow.

Now I'm really questioning just how strong Mother was to know all this magic?

I did ask if it was ok if I just mimicked her casting spells by snapping her fingers and she told me that while it was possible, I would still stand out almost as much anyway. Apparently it was an indication of someone extremely proficient in magic and questions would be raised if someone my age was seen doing it.

Thus, I just went with memorising the spells instead.

Three days passed by and I decided to take a break from studying today by going to the dungeons.

Mary already told me that it was safe to do so though how she knew was never mentioned.

I was offered an escort but I declined it since I have my summons anyway and I do want to explore a little on my own instead. Also because Katsuki was still being trained diligently and I'd feel bad for interrupting her.

Thus, I was put on my armour instead of my dress when I set out to The Guild in the morning.

I planned to take a look at the quests they had before asking for directions to better dungeons around here, there was no way I'm going to waste my time with that kiddy dungeon again.

It was still quite early when I entered the dungeon but there were already a few people milling around, probably also getting ready for the day.

I kind of expected nobles to sleep in or something but I guess these people must be the ones who are relying on their own strength to advance their careers so they would naturally take this more seriously.

Now let's see... What quests should I take...

"Excuse me, miss?"

I looked up to see a young man looking at me.

He had those stereotypical pretty boy looks with the swept back blonde hair, bright blue eyes and chiselled face. In his hands was an open faced steel helm which complimented the rest of the plate armour he was wearing. Strapped to his side was a short sword and a kite shield was also slung over his back.

"Yes? How can I help you?" I asked.

"Are you perhaps a new Dungeoneer? I think this is the first time I've seen you around before? Ah, I'm Jerry, nice to meet you, Miss?"

I almost curtsied out of habit until I remembered I wasn't wearing my dress so I nodded my head in greeting instead, "Hello Jerry, I am Aster and yes, I am indeed a new Dungeoneer."

I also took the chance to use my [Screened] on him.

[Name: Jerry Treal

Title: Heir of the Treal Family

Race: Mahun


30 Strength

22 Dexterity

20 Endurance

15 Magic


Noble Etiquette (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Shield Proficiency (Tier 2)), Leadership (Tier 1)]

So he's a noble and also an heir huh... The fact that he did not introduce himself using his full name must mean he's travelling incognito like I am.

Wait, that reminds me...

[Name: Aster Nilm

Title: Young Mistress of Nilm Family

Race: Meslatar


431 Strength

430 Dexterity

428 Endurance

463 Magic


Hunting (Tier 2), Cooking (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Dagger Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2), Bow Proficiency (Tier 2), Sword Proficiency (Tier 1), Polearm Proficiency (Tier 1), Axe Proficiency (Tier 1))

Magic Skills:

Mana Management (Tier 2), Umbramancy (Tier 2), Electromancy (Tier 2), Lumenmancy (Tier 1), Pyromancy (Tier 1), Hydromancy (Tier 1), Aeromancy (Tier 1), Geomancy (Tier 1)]

That day I was only focused on looking at the stats so I didn't notice it but I have a title now!

I'm guessing the title is basically what you get when enough people acknowledge that as your title aside from your name? That's pretty cool.

"Oh! That's great! Could I ask what role you can play in a party?" Jerry asked.

I tilted my head slightly, "Umm... Could I know why?"

"Ah, I suppose I do look quite suspicious don't I? I'm the leader of a Dungeoneer party and one of our members fell sick yesterday, so we're looking for someone to replace him for our dive today."

"And you're fine with a newbie taking his place? Especially when it's a stranger?"

He chuckled, "You may be a new Dungeoneer, but I can already tell you're experienced in combat at least. No newbie will be able to carry themselves like you have."

Huh... I never really took note of how I move around but I suppose people who are experienced could tell the difference?

I shrugged, thinking there shouldn't be any problems with telling him the bare minimum of information at least. "I'm an all-rounder actually. I don't suppose I would fit in?"

He gasped, "That's perfect! You're a mage?"

"Umm... A tier one... I mean... A Dim tier in Lumenmancy and a Spark tier in Electromancy."

"That's great! We do need some ranged support so we'll be happy to have you! Our party are all F rankers so we're heading to the Forest Dungeon to the west of town. It's an E rank dungeon and perfect for us to raise our ranks. There's no restriction preventing an unranked Dungeoneer from entering too so it's quite popular here."

Hmm... Taking a moment to think about the pros and cons... Obviously the good thing about this is that I get to see how a larger party works in a dungeon.

I've already seen how a Mercenary group functions during escort quests so seeing how a Dungeoneer group handles dungeons would help me with my future Dungeoneer parties.

Ardi and Odeta already gave me an idea but more experience isn't bad right?

The cons are... Well... I obviously don't trust him.

What? You think just because he looks a little handsome and is the heir of some noble family it'll make him trustworthy? Hell no, that makes him even more suspicious!

At least he didn't reveal his status as a noble so there's a chance he's actually genuine in wanting to recruit a party member.

Also... Why is he the heir in his title and I'm only the young mistress? Is it because Mother hasn't officially named me as the heir? These titles are so weird.

In the end, I decided to just go along with his group just to see what it's like. If he tries anything... There's a reason why I didn't tell him the rest of my stats after all.

"Understood, if you and your party don't mind someone as inexperienced as me joining, please allow me to accompany your dungeon dive."

"Great! Come on, I'll introduce you to the rest of my party!"

He took me to the cafe side of the bar where a group of three men were seated around a table.

One of them was wearing leather armour with a bow and quiver strapped to his back while the other two wore chainmail with one using a sword and the other a mace and shield.

I immediately checked each of them out.

First was the ranger.

[Name: Vom

Title: Jerry's Guard

Race: Mahun


39 Strength

60 Dexterity

30 Endurance

12 Magic


Noble Etiquette (Tier 1), Hunting (Tier 2), Tracking (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 1), Bow Proficiency (Tier 2), Dagger Proficiency (Tier 2)), Marksman Skill (Tier 2)]

Oh wow, I guess that's expected of a noble's guard?

What about the swordsman?

[Name: Vick

Title: Jerry's Guard

Race: Mahun


57 Strength

52 Dexterity

52 Endurance

10 Magic


Noble Etiquette (Tier 1), Hunting (Tier 1), Cooking (Tier 1), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Dagger Proficiency (Tier 1))]

Damn... This guy can wrestle a bear... What about the mace guy?

[Name: Varry

Title: Jerry's Head Guard

Race: Mahun


64 Strength

55 Dexterity

65 Endurance

20 Magic


Noble Etiquette (Tier 1), Cooking (Tier 2), Leadership (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Mace Proficiency (Tier 2), Shield Proficiency (Tier 2), Dagger Proficiency (Tier 1))

Magic Skills:

Hydromancy (Tier 2)]

This guy's stronger than that Meslatar Guild Trainer who tested Katsuki! Is this normal for Dungeoneers or is it just because they are hired guards for a noble family's heir?

Still... Vom, Vick and Varry... Why do those names sound familiar?

The three of them immediately trained their eyes on me when they saw me walking behind Jerry, the fact that their hands immediately hovered close to their weapons was not lost on me.

"Hey guys!" Jerry greeted cheerily, either not noticing or ignoring the fact that his guards were eyeing me with obvious wariness. "I managed to find us a replacement party member! Aster, this is Vom, Vick and Varry and before you ask, no, they are not brothers. Guys, this is Aster! She's a newbie Dungeoneer!"josei

Varry, the head guard, sighed, "Young... Ahem... Jerry... What did we say about going off and inviting strangers?"

Jerry waved his hand dismissively, "It's fine! Come on, let's go! I want to get back before the day gets dark! We'll do the 'getting to know each other' part on the way!"

The three guards looked at each other and sighed, this must not be the first time he has done this and they begrudgingly stood up, following Jerry who had already strutted out of The Guild.

All three of the guards gave me gazes of distrust before gesturing to the door, wanting me to go ahead of them.

I hope no problems arise from this...

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