What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 97 She's Fun At Least

Chapter 97 She's Fun At Least

"So what are you going to study at the Academy, Miss Aster?" Lisa asked while we were making our way towards the forest.

"Oh, I'm learning magic, survival and combat skills."

"Ah! I should have known since you're a Mercenary! What magic do you specialise in? I know a bit of Pyromancy myself! Since, you know, I'm an alchemist and I need to burn things quite a lot."

I'm not sure if this girl is just too trusting or it's because she is finding solidarity with me because I look like a girl too?

Nevertheless, I decided I would at least match her enthusiasm since she actually seems like a fun person.

"Oh! I know Pyromancy, Hydromancy, Geomancy and Aeromancy."

She stopped in her tracks and spun back to face me with wide eyes, "Woaaaah! Four elements?! I'm really sorry but are you actually really experienced, Miss Aster?"

I recognised that she wanted to ask my age but had the tact to not ask it directly.

I giggled, "I'm actually twelve this year, Miss Lisa."

"No way?! You're some kind of prodigy, aren't you?! Oh by the Gods, geniuses really are in a different league! You're even bigger than normal twelve year olds!"

Well… That has to do with my biology but I didn't want to start explaining that.

Coughing to hide my embarrassment, I gestured in front of us, "We should keep moving, Miss Lisa."

"Oh right! Ahaha! We're not far now! There's a giant tree up ahead and that's where the herbs I need usually grow!"

"Anything I should look out for?" I asked, discreetly summoning a few of my shadow summons to spread themselves out into the undergrowth as additional escorts.

"Mmm… Most of the threats found there are the Horned Rabbits though sometimes a Goblin or two might also show up though that is really rare. I would actually say the most dangerous would be coming across bandits but unless they also have an alchemist looking for herbs, that's also really unlikely."

I gave my summons the order to watch out for bandits coming here.

Since she had mentioned about the bandits, the percentage chance of it actually happening is now higher. That's how these things work right?

"Here we are!" She cheered, gesturing to the large tree ahead of us.

Incidentally, there were two Horned Rabbits there that immediately turned hostile the moment they saw us, the two of them making snarling noises.

Odd… Usually they would just run away when they see people so why is this pair being so aggressive?

As though reading my mind, Lisa spoke up from beside me, "Those herbs that grow around here cause slight mania when eaten. For beasts in particular, they become more aggressive. In alchemy however, they are an ingredient used to make potions that treat burns and also a type of stamina enhancing potion."

I nodded in understanding even as I drew the steel sword on my waist, my eyes locked on the two targets in front of me.

The two rabbits realised that we weren't leaving without a fight and charged towards me.

I dashed forward and my steel sword was swung at the leading rabbit, cutting through its neck in one clean swing.

The other rabbit was unperturbed by its companion's death and tried to attack me with its horn, only to miss me as I sidestepped it and swung my sword back to slice through its belly.


The two Horned Rabbit corpses dropped onto the ground with a soft plop.

I reached into my waist pouch to take out the cloth to clean my sword of the blood stains just as Lisa started clapping enthusiastically.

"Oh my gosh!! That was so cool, Miss Aster! Even your swordsmanship is amazing! I bet if bandits showed up, you could handle them with no problems too!"

I giggled, "Ehehe~ At this rate, bandits would really show up if you keep mentioning them, Miss Lisa."

"Ahaha~ That's true! I just need a basketful of those herbs and we'll be out of here soon enough! Just give me a while!"

I sheathed my sword while Lisa went towards the base of the tree and got down on her knees to start picking the herbs.

Normally, I could just leave guarding the perimeter to my summons but Lisa doesn't know that I'm able to use Umbramancy so I was still pretending to be on guard.

"So just curious," She spoke up after a while. "Does Miss Aster have any interest in alchemy at all?"

"I do, actually. I intend to take alchemy classes at the academy," I admitted, wondering what she had in mind for asking me that.

"Oh! Then how about I teach you a little bit of it myself?"

I turned back to her, "Is that alright? I don't really want to waste your time though. I don't even know if I have talent for it."

She waved her hand quickly, "Oh it's no big deal! To be honest, I'm really thankful you came, Miss Aster!"

"Eh? Why do you say that? I think you could have handled a few rabbits yourself."

"Ahaha! It's not that, Miss Aster. It's just that… I suppose I'm a little infamous around these parts because of my nature, you know? Most people don't like me being so loud and upbeat all the time so they tend to avoid me."

I tilted my head at her, "Wait… People actually get upset at you for being happy?"

"Ah… They just think I'm weird I guess? You know, with me being an alchemist and all, they think I get high on my own herbs as well. I mean… There are those who would still take my job but they tend not to interact with me more than necessary. You're one of the few who would actually talk to me..."

"And… How long have you been an alchemist?"

"... About five years I think? The store was owned by my grandma and I took over after she died."

"And your parents?"

She scratched her head sheepishly, "Neither of my parents were interested in alchemy and they have the farm to take care of. So Grandma used to always take care of me and she taught me what I knew. Thus I decided to continue her legacy myself."

"Well… I, for one, admire people who put their all into what they do. So you have nothing to be ashamed of, Lisa!"

Lisa's eyes widened at me before she suddenly leapt towards me and hugged me while crying, "Waaaah! Miss Aster! Why are you so nice?! Please marry me!"

I couldn't help but pat her head to console her, "I'm not marrying you though."

"Waaaahhhh! Am I destined to be alone in this world?"

"Do I need to remind you that I'm still twelve though?"

"Your body is old enough! We can still do it! No one will judge!"

Ok… I'm starting to see why people might be creeped out by her. She's not just a little hyperactive, she's also a little desperate.

I grimaced, "Come now, Miss Lisa… I'm sure you'll find someone you are destined just for you in the future."

"Waaah… What if my parents are right? What if I'm destined to grow old alone with no one by my deathbed?!"

"Umm… It's ok. You are still young, Miss Lisa. There's still plenty of time."

She looked up at me with her face full of tears, "But I'm not attractive… Miss Aster is so pretty even though you're not even an adult yet… Yet this twenty year old lady is still single! I'm already past my priiiime… I'm going to die alooooone…"

Seriously… Your overly happy attitude is just your facade to hide your depression and sadness huh… I can see people refusing to work with her if they have to deal with this every time they have to escort her.

Two Creas just to deal with this is definitely not enough… In fact, even if you were to give me twenty I wouldn't have accepted it either.

But come on, you're only twenty right? So you should… Oh wait… What's the mortality rate here again? If it's quite high then I can see how twenty years old may be considered old…

So she's actually a little pitiful…

I carefully pried her off me, "Ahem… Miss Lisa… We still have your herbs to collect, don't we? We should complete it before it gets dark…"

"Sniff… Miss Aster… You're so nice… You'll make a perfect wife… I envy your future partner…"

I refrained from telling her that I pretty much have partners who were interested in me already.

She took out a handkerchief and blew her nose, wiping away her snot and tears.

"Be careful when you enter the school Miss Aster… It might seem tempting when some boy takes an interest in you and you want to make him happy, but make sure he's actually someone you are interested before you get together with him, ok?"

I looked away from her, "Umm… I like girls… And I'm a futa…"

She gasped, "Oh! So am I! What a coincidence! But how are you still so pretty as a futa?! And you're still not even an adult yet! I bet your dick is bigger than mine too! This is so not faiiir!"

I take that back, she's really just unhinged.

Still… She's a futa huh… I totally could not tell at all.

Then again, I suppose it's also hard to tell with me as well so it's not a surprise.

Speaking of which… Can we just gather the herbs already, Miss Lisa?

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