What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

A while later.

Chu Ge heard a “bang bang” sound coming from the next room, as if the earth was shaking.

Startled, he pushed the keyboard away and rushed to the next room to see Qiu Wuji riding on the large bear she bought last night, punching its face, “I’ll kill you! You tricked me into playing the game.”

Chu Ge: “?”

Qiu Wuji turned her head and saw the real form of the bear approaching, her eyes showing a fierce glare.

Chu Ge stepped back, assuming a defensive posture, “It’s normal for beginners to get beaten up at the beginning.”

“Is that being beaten up?” Qiu Wuji exclaimed in frustration, “I spent 90% of the game time in the fountain! That’s not all, I was also being called a noob. Who isn’t a noob at the beginning? Enemies insulting me is one thing, but even teammates were cursing me, telling me to go back to the book… sob…”

“… By the way, isn’t anyone in the group guiding you? I thought there would be four big experts eager to help you climb the ranks. How did the world change so fast? Isn’t there anyone to guide my Qiuqiu?”

Qiu Wuji looked up, “How could I learn from others! I just asked them how to pick a hero, and someone said Shadow Fiend, so I started with that…”

“You wanted to play MOBA without anyone guiding you? What does being guided have to do with playing a game…” Chu Ge suddenly realized, “Shadow Fiend? Who the hell taught you to pick that hero?”

“They all said that in the group… They also told me to type ‘?’ to everyone in the chat,” Qiu Wuji said, “I don’t know why the enemies went crazy and came to kill me. They were even attacking the tower, but they ignored that and insisted on dying with me… I don’t know what happened; I just died.”

Chu Ge remained expressionless.

“What’s wrong?” Qiu Wuji jumped up, “Are they cheating me? I’ll go back and shut them up!”

Chu Ge smiled, “That’s why I said those who claim to love Qiuqiu in the group are all fake. The only one who truly loves Qiuqiu is me.”

Qiu Wuji pouted and glared at him indignantly, without saying a word. Originally, she wanted to say that he didn’t teach her anything, but then she thought that she actually sent him to write, so she couldn’t blame him… sob… Anyway, it was all his fault, why bother playing any games? They’re just not fun at all!

Chu Ge extended his finger and poked her puffy cheek twice, saying “boop boop.”

Qiu Wuji turned to bite his finger.

Chu Ge quickly pulled his hand back, avoiding the bite.

Qiu Wuji then turned around and punched the large bear.

“Be gentle, if you hit it too hard, it’ll break…” Chu Ge said.

“I don’t care!”

Chu Ge felt sorry for the bear and cautiously extended his finger again, “You can bite me instead…”

Qiu Wuji looked at his finger, then at him, and sneered, “You must be thinking about something lewd.”

“You’re learning a lot now,” Chu Ge said with a wry smile as he picked her up along with the bear, “Come on, let the bear teach you how to play the game.”

“Do you know how to play?” Qiu Wuji doubted. She had always seen him sitting there writing all day; when did he have time to play games?

“Every time a book is finished, it’s my crazy gaming period,” Chu Ge sighed. “I can’t play while writing. Writing really hinders my gaming…”

Qiu Wuji: “…”

Chu Ge said, “Hey, do you think my entertainment is exceptionally healthy?”

Qiu Wuji thought for a moment and felt somewhat sympathetic, “You manage to make being a homebody sound so refreshing and extraordinary. You’re really unique.”

“Stop teasing me, or you’ll offend people like Mengmeng did…” Chu Ge sat in front of the computer, with Qiu Wuji on his lap, attempting to teach her how to operate the game.

After realizing that she couldn’t play while holding the large bear, Qiu Wuji tearfully threw the bear onto the bed.

“We should start by playing against the computer AI first to get familiar with the game,” Chu Ge said as he held Qiu Wuji and guided her hand on the mouse, starting the tutorial. “For beginners, it’s recommended to play heroes like Wraith King or Dragon Knight, they can tank and deal damage, and their skills are not too complicated to operate… or maybe Lich and heroes like that. Just throw out a big ultimate in team fights and place wards during your free time. That should make you a qualified newbie, and after getting familiar, you can explore other heroes…”

Excited by these novel concepts, Qiu Wuji forgot about her frustration and looked curiously at the hero pool. “I see. So, which hero is the most tanky and durable?”

Chu Ge thought for a moment and said uncertainly, “Spectre? Centaur Warruner?”

Upon seeing the Centaur Warruner who looked like a pig, Qiu Wuji became intrigued, “What is Centaur Warruner?”

“He’s a pig with a passive skill that reduces a lot of damage, like… um…”

Qiu Wuji turned to look at him, her eyes filled with amusement.

Chu Ge even laughed at himself. It turns out I’m the “Centaur Warruner” in this scenario.

This thought made Qiu Wuji start to find it fun. She asked eagerly, “So, you are Centaur Warruner, then who am I?”

“You, the sword player, Juggernaut, but Juggernaut is male… how about trying Crystal Maiden? White skin, beautiful appearance, and a bear.”

“You even relate heroes to bears?”


“So, is Crystal Maiden the girlfriend of Centaur Warruner?”

“That’s a good question. I recommend making a fan video of them and posting it on a popular site. It might become as popular as Lin Daiyu x Lord Voldemort.”


“Yeah, yeah.”

Qiu Wuji sat on Chu Ge’s lap, feeling her warm body and the fragrance of her hair. Holding the mouse with her small hand, it felt soft. Chu Ge wasn’t sure if he was teaching her how to play the game or flirting. Both of their minds seemed to be more focused on the CP between certain heroes than the game itself.

They continued chatting and playing around like this for half an hour, not even starting a game against the AI. They were thoroughly enjoying themselves. Even Qiu Wuji thought that playing games like this was more fun…

Suddenly, her phone rang, interrupting the playful atmosphere. Reluctantly, Qiu Wuji let go of the “Centaur Warruner” in her hand and took out her phone to check the call. It was Zhu Mengmeng.

“What’s up, Mengmeng? I won’t go for tea today; I learned something new to play. Hey, do you want to play together next time…?”

“No, Qiuqiu, something happened to me!” Zhu Mengmeng’s voice sounded anxious. “My dad got beaten up today and was just taken to the hospital… He was badly hurt, and my dad is already so old…”

Qiu Wuji: “!!!”

Her voice suddenly turned cold and murderous, “Who did it?”

“I don’t know, wah wah wah… Qiuqiu, both you and your boyfriend have supernatural abilities, can you come and help me?” Zhu Mengmeng sounded frantic.

Gaming is just entertainment; a friend’s father being bullied is a much bigger issue. Chu Ge immediately let go of Qiu Wuji’s hand, and both of them felt it was necessary to go and check it out.

Zhu Mengmeng has supernatural abilities, although Qiu Wuji never delved into her friend’s privacy to ask about her abilities. However, judging from the things she sells in her shop, it’s clear that her family is aware of supernatural abilities or spiritual resurgence. Therefore, it can be inferred that her father is also an ability user.

An inexplicable incident where an ability user was beaten and sent to the hospital is not something that can be solved by a faceless pedestrian. It was very normal for Zhu Mengmeng to come to them for help.

They abandoned the game and quickly rode the electric bike to the hospital. Upon entering the hospital room that Mengmeng mentioned, they saw her sitting next to her husband, Cai Zhijian, crying. When Zhu Mengmeng saw Qiu Wuji come in, she immediately stood up and hugged her while crying, “Qiuqiu~”

Qiu Wuji patted her on the back to comfort her and cast a sharp gaze at Cai Zhijian.

Chu Ge had met this man before at the Miracle Nightclub with Moon Shadow. At that time, he felt that he was somewhat extraordinary. Now, it seemed that he was also under suspicion by Qiu Wuji.

Cai Zhijian looked at Qiu Wuji and was also surprised. He hadn’t expected the friend Zhu Mengmeng called for help to be so beautiful. He had some manners, and didn’t show his astonishment. He stood up and extended his right hand to Chu Ge, “Mr. Chu, we meet again.”

Chu Ge shook his hand and asked, “How is the elderly gentleman?”

Cai Zhijian replied, “Unconscious. The doctor said he won’t be able to get out of bed for at least half a month. The specific extent of the injuries is still being analyzed.”

Chu Ge nodded and walked to the bedside to look at the elderly man. After seeing him, his expression also changed.

The old man was unconscious, and his breath was very weak, but both Chu Ge and Qiu Wuji had encountered this breath before. It belonged to the masked man who often played chess with Zhong Yi in the Black Room.

With the mask removed, Chu Ge felt an additional sense of familiarity. Qiu Wuji also came over to take a look and suddenly said, “I’ve seen this old man… When we were rowing boats in the park, this old man was taking photos by the riverside. It turns out to be Mengmeng’s father. The world is really small.”

The world was indeed small. Although they didn’t have much interaction with the old man who was taking photos back then, and they didn’t pay attention to his aura, a literary and elegant old photographer gave a completely different impression than the image they had imagined. For no reason, the sympathy for him increased significantly. Moreover, he was a person from the Black Room, so they suddenly felt closer to him.

Why does the Black Room keep getting involved in everything… Chu Ge couldn’t help but complain to himself, wondering if he should call Zhong Yi.josei

Thinking of Zhong Yi, he immediately remembered the person mentioned by Yan Qianli.

That Du Lianfeng? Could it be him?


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