What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 204

Chapter 204: Promotion

In the world outside the book, Qiu Wuji’s stay time had become excessive. This time, she had been out for so long without any intention of going back. In the afternoon, she continued to energetically learn driving.

Zhu Mengmeng couldn’t wait and arranged for a female instructor to personally teach Qiu Wuji at a high price.

Chu Ge didn’t know it was still possible to do this now, nor did he know if it was due to progress in the times or the result of financial capabilities. Anyway, when he learned to drive, four big guys were squeezed into a broken Poussin with a malfunctioning air conditioner. They all sweated profusely in the hot weather, and the smell inside the car was unbearable.

It was good that the driving environment had improved when it was Qiu Wuji’s turn. Chu Ge didn’t bother with that matter and continued writing.

However, while writing, he always wondered if the dignified and stern Sect Master over there would think about her disciple.

How could the Sect Master have the leisure to think about a disciple? She was already surrounded and harassed by the elders who came to inquire.

“Sect Master! I heard you took in a disciple?”

“Sect Master, where is this young master? I’m responsible for protecting inside and outside the sect, and I didn’t notice anyone leaving.”

“Sect Master, could you slow down the decision to take in disciples and let everyone discuss it together first?”

“Sect Master, I heard he hasn’t made his identity token yet…”

“Sect Master…”

“Enough already! I can barely recognize this character now!” Qiu Wuji slammed the table.

Elders: “…”

We’re talking about someone, not writing about anything…. Why is the Sect Master acting strange?

In her heart, Qiu Wuji gave Chu Ge a hundred thousand punches. It’s all because of this person, causing so much trouble for her… But then, she remembered that she had caused him a lot of trouble when she ran out. She forced him to revise the manuscript, and at that time, he had no money and had to add another mouth to feed. It was a tough time for him…

So, was she experiencing what he had experienced in the past?

Qiu Wuji’s thoughts softened, and she calmly said, “Regarding taking in disciples, I have my own plans. You don’t need to think too much about it.”

“But, Sect Master…”

Qiu Wuji casually added, “Chu Ge’s origins are mysterious, seemingly in harmony with the Heavenly Dao. In the future, the prosperity of our sect relies on him, not me. You all should understand that, so don’t spread rumors.”

The elders were deeply shocked by her words!

Harmony with the Heavenly Dao?

The Incarnation of the Heavenly Dao?

Linking it to the inexplicable disappearance of this person, everyone’s thoughts ran wild.

It did seem possible. Otherwise, with the heavy protection of Cloud Horizon Sect, even if someone stronger than Yan Qianli came here, it wouldn’t be possible to disappear without a trace and leave no breath behind…

As they speculated, they couldn’t help but think that there might be some truth to it…

But here’s the problem – if it’s truly related to the Heavenly Dao, Sect Master, aren’t you being too casual with the leak of information?

Looking at the expressions of the others, Qiu Wuji slapped the table. “If I speak, I’m nagging, and if I don’t, you think my mouth is too strict, right?”

“Well, this…”

“Regardless of whether he’s related to the Heavenly Dao or not, even if he is the Heavenly Dao himself, so what! I still took him as a disciple!” Qiu Wuji waved her hand domineeringly. “Now, all of you go back, keep the secret, and don’t speak about it! In the future, when you encounter him in the sect, treat him like an ordinary disciple.”josei

“Yes…” The others left obediently.

Qiu Wuji watched their backs as they left and thought to herself that this was a cooperative way to perfect Chu Ge’s patch.

Clearly, she was a puppet in someone else’s puppet show, but she willingly immersed herself in it. As she thought about it, a smile curled up at the corner of Qiu Wuji’s mouth.

Being jealous of herself?

Well, maybe a little… Qiu Wuji didn’t believe that if Chu Ge also learned how to create real avatars and then she and his avatar got affectionate, he wouldn’t be jealous if he watched from the side.

He would definitely be a little jealous… So what’s the big deal about being jealous of herself…

But this was only half of the reason. The other half was to tease Chu Ge.

Otherwise, does he think that she would cook for him and pinch his shoulders like over there? Dream on!

This is Cloud Horizon Sect! Not some shabby rental house! Over there, she listened to him; here, he has to listen to her! Hmph!

Uh… How long would he have to rest before he can come over again?


On the other side, Chu Ge couldn’t go back in for a while, but he unexpectedly received a “promotion” at work.

The editor’s message suddenly came to him, “Chu Ge, Chu Ge, do you want to sign a long-term contract?”

When Chu Ge heard the beginning of “Chu Ge, Chu Ge,” he felt a little dazed. For a moment, he forgot whether it was Qiu Wuji who saw this and learned from the editor or she herself started talking like this. In any case, this cute, girlish tone reminded him that it was a female editor…

As for the long-term contract, previously Lin Wuyang thought it was a “promotion,” and he teased Chu Ge with this joke… But it was actually quite different.

At some point in time, this concept was even resisted by authors because its introduction meant moving away from signing individual books and signing with a publisher as a whole. Additionally, the revenue sharing would become fixed, making it seem like there were only negative aspects to it. Where was the promotion in that?

However, due to some recommendation resources being biased towards it, and because it became a necessary condition for other contracts with higher revenue shares, the resistance eventually dissipated like smoke. It transformed into what people perceived as a “promotion.”

This is the reason why editors ask, “Do you want to sign?” It truly requires personal consideration: whether one prioritizes immediate benefits or future prospects, that’s the crux of it.

Chu Ge was lost in thought.

In the past, he wouldn’t have needed to think twice and would have signed it for sure. Having this step would allow him to progress further, achieving the dream of many authors to gain recognition and higher revenue shares as a renowned author. Why should he be an exception? After all, who doesn’t know how the world works?

But now, he felt like it wasn’t as important anymore, because the purpose of writing had changed… From earning money or gaining fame, it had become about weaving his own real world.

There was truly a world in there, and he had just returned from visiting it. In that world, one could cultivate immortality… and he had already started cultivating.

What would the immortals seek? Could it still be these worldly gains?

Controlling a world as the Heavenly Dao, do I still desire these things?

He could have easily extracted gold and silver from that world and turned them into money, buying cars and houses without much effort. But he and Qiu Wuji didn’t consider going in that direction at all, because their pursuits were not centered around that. The reason they bought cars and houses was completely different from ordinary people’s desires. Otherwise, when Zhu Mengmeng offered him a car, he could have just taken it…

It’s not being melodramatic; it’s just really uninteresting. Given the situation, why bind oneself with a piece of contract paper… What does reputation and revenue sharing matter now?

After thinking for a while, Chu Ge finally smiled and typed, “Not signing, little miss, muah~”

The editor clearly didn’t expect to get this answer and was dumbfounded for a while before asking, “Why? You just said you would come next year, how can you do that without signing…”

“Because I might not have another book after this. What’s the point of a long-term contract for me?”

“No next book!” The editor was shocked. “You’ve just started to take off, and your popularity is accumulating. The next book could do even better. How could you suddenly consider not writing? Do you have a fortune at home?”

Chu Ge made up an excuse, “It’s because writing is too tiring, little miss. I’m thinking of making some money doing something else.”

The editor seemed to accept this reason and replied, “It’s just writer’s block from fatigue; it’s called a creative slump. It’ll pass. If you want, you can take a couple of days off… Anyway, I’ll send you the contract template. Whether you fill it or not is up to you.”

Chu Ge felt that the editor was quite considerate, so he didn’t strongly reject the offer and accepted the contract template, saying, “Thanks, little miss. By the way, why did you suddenly think of sending this to me?”

“We’re sending them out in batches, and your performance is already good enough,” the editor said. “Also, someone recently inquired about the rights to your work. Though this is unrelated to the long-term contract, if handled well, it might be related to being recognized as a great author…”

Chu Ge was taken aback for a moment. Regardless of whether it was related or not, just a few days had passed, and there were already inquiries about the rights to his work? Was Old Zhu that efficient?

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