What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 216

Chapter 216: Invitation To Shanghai

After everything was done, Chu Ge lay comfortably sprawled on the sofa, glancing at the TV from time to time. Qiu Wuji sat beside him, hugging a teddy bear, with a serious expression as if she had forgotten what she had just done.

“Hey, aren’t you going to write?” Qiu Wuji asked, “You’re just watching TV early in the morning.”

“I spent the past two days writing non-stop… I’m taking a break.”

“I see.”

“You have classes today, right?”

“Yeah…” Qiu Wuji rested her chin on the teddy bear’s head and mumbled, “I finally understand what weekends and Mondays feel like for everyone…”

“Haha…” Chu Ge laughed at her student-like expression of not wanting to attend the class. “That’s good, you’re becoming more like a modern person.”

“You don’t have to experience all this. Do you even know what day of the week it is without me reminding you of holidays?”

“But I’ve experienced it for twenty years. It’s just that my profession is different now. Even during holidays, I have to keep writing, which is even worse.”

“I don’t see you suffering. You can travel to other realms and still write. How many authors would kill for that?”

“But I’m still wondering when I can do the ‘seven days later’ thing and continue writing over there…”josei

Qiu Wuji was both annoyed and amused. “Obsessed, aren’t you? With that wicked woman urging you to practice, I doubt you have any free time…”

As they spoke, both of them blushed a bit and the conversation trailed off.

The atmosphere seemed to shift. How did they start talking about training and end up thinking about the encouragement and rewards that followed?

Chu Ge’s gaze involuntarily drifted to her small feet; they were just as clear and lovely.

“What are you staring at?” Qiu Wuji leaned back against the sofa and placed her feet on his lap. “Go ahead, feast your eyes.”

It was just the same. He might as well. Besides, this position was quite comfortable…

Chu Ge casually played with her small feet, his gaze fixed on the TV screen.

Ever since the copyright adaptation started, he subconsciously watched TV, looking for actors who might fit the roles. Even though he wasn’t sure when the adaptation would begin or how it would progress, the casting decisions weren’t really his concern either…

Qiu Wuji, on the other hand, didn’t pay much attention to that. Her thoughts were mainly on her comic, thinking about how to adapt it in the future, drawing herself beautifully and charmingly.

She would have an online class at nine… and she didn’t really want to attend…

When she had gone back earlier, she felt full of energy to study comic, but being interrupted halfway through was frustrating. Now, after resting for two days, she didn’t feel like attending class. How could attending a class compare to comfortably leaning against the sofa with her foot in his lap…

Indeed, people are creatures of inertia. It’s like when writing an autobiography – stop for a couple of days and you don’t feel like writing anymore… How many months has it been and the autobiography is only a few tens of thousands of words long? No wonder Chu Ge, the writing master, once said that if an author plans to take a long break while readers are waiting, it’s a sign of becoming a eunuch in terms of writing motivation, as returning after a while makes you not want to write anymore…

However, the autobiography is not really part of the main story. A few tens of thousands of words are already quite a lot. Qiu Wuji didn’t plan to make it too long. Writing down her experiences over ten thousand years would probably take generations of readers to finish.

She only planned to cover the main points in around a hundred thousand words, a sort of “complete version” of her life, and she could conclude it when she achieved success in her path of immortality. This would serve as the completion of Chu Ge’s world in the book. Being too comprehensive could backfire by leaving little room for imagination and speculation.

In the future, she could write her own things, and of course, she wouldn’t necessarily stick to the format of writing. She could use comic instead. Qiu Wuji felt that this medium suited her better. After all, it used visual imagery, which was more relaxed for her. Pure text was indeed a bit distant; even after learning from Master Chu for so long, she hadn’t made much progress. Chu Ge had mentioned before that writing couldn’t be taught, and there was some truth to it.

Similarly, creating a comic is also about building a world, perhaps even more specific. It would provide her with the same experience of world-building that she wanted to learn from Chu Ge. The storytelling techniques she learned from him could be applied here as well, and she wouldn’t be at a disadvantage.

Oh dear, she still had to attend class!

But she really didn’t want to get up…

“Stop touching.” Qiu Wuji heard her own voice, and it sounded so soft that she couldn’t believe it herself. “I’ve become so weak…”

Chu Ge: (⊙_⊙)

“Hehe. Well,” Qiu Wuji pulled her foot away, hugged the teddy bear, and dashed back to her room. “I have class now. You better start writing!”

Over there, she was urging him to practice, while over here, she was actually urging him to write. With Qiu Wuji in his life, he always had a mother figure around.

But it was a happy life.

Chu Ge got up in good spirits, stretched lazily, and felt full of energy today. He could probably write a lot more!

“Brother Chu!” Just as he sat back down in front of his computer, he received a private message from Panda: “The character illustration you gave me the other day, it’s ready to be used. So, we can start scheduling Qiu Wuji’s birthday event.”

Chu Ge was delighted. “Thank you so much. I’ll send you a red envelope later!”

“No trouble at all!” Panda laughed. “But it’s only late October now. If we go by the date of May 20th for Qiu Wuji’s birthday in the book, we still have half a year…”

“No. This needs to be scheduled. We’re not the ones deciding the date.”

“Is that so?” Panda pondered for a moment. “I guess Character Meow didn’t dare to tell me about this, afraid of getting beaten…”

Chu Ge: “…”

Panda sighed slightly. “So, that means Qiuqiu can’t celebrate her own birthday. She’ll celebrate it based on the schedule, whenever it’s scheduled?”

“More or less, but there’s probably a range to choose from, right?”

“So, what time would Brother Chu prefer?”

“Hold on a moment, let me ask Qiuqiu. She’s attending an online class.”

Panda: “?”

We were talking about the character Qiu Wuji in the book, why are you going to ask your sixth brother about it? Can’t you distinguish between the book and reality when it comes to cosplay?

On the other side, when Qiu Wuji heard Chu Ge’s question, she felt a bit regretful. She had wanted to see how it felt for all the book readers to celebrate her birthday… It’s all because of that Zhang Qiren person. He wouldn’t even give more character alliance rewards. Otherwise, they would probably have character cards by now…

Would Zhang Qiren would be angry if he found out that even giving rewards led to criticism?

With great anticipation, she asked Chu Ge, “Can we postpone this birthday? Can we celebrate it together with a One-Star Card event?”

“It seems there have been precedents before, so it should be possible,” Chu Ge said nonchalantly. “Birthday events used to be a recommendation, but it doesn’t matter now. The position doesn’t matter either. It’s better to release it with the card event.”

“Then let’s combine them. I’ll organize some activities in the reader’s community, have everyone send me… oh, send Qiu Wuji more hearts. Can we aim to release the birthday card on May 20th, her real birthday?”

The protagonist personally managing her character’s birthday card event in the book was quite amusing, no matter how you looked at it. Chu Ge couldn’t help but laugh, pinching her nose, “You’re the event organizer, so you decide.”

Qiu Wuji turned her head and nudged him away, saying, “Alright, go away. Don’t disturb me during my class, or I’ll miss a section…”

Chu Ge then turned back and told Panda. Panda was also happy to have fewer things to worry about and said, “Third Brother, it’s been a while since you visited the Black Room. When are you coming to play?”

“You call mw Brother Chu when admiring the book, why am I now the Third Brother…”

“We’re talking about the Black Room now, it’s not about the novel. Distinguish between the character and the person, Third Brother.”

“No wonder you’re my reader. Your thought process is just like a certain female protagonist’s.”

Panda: “?”

“It’s nothing…” Chu Ge asked, “Has Zhong Yi been to Shanghai recently?”

“Yes, he did. We might also go to Shanghai for a trip in a while.”

Chu Ge understood immediately, “Are you planning to help Zhong Yi?”

“Yeah… Zhong Ge is a loyal friend. Even though he didn’t say he’s facing any trouble this time, we still feel like he might need some help.”

That’s true. Zhong Yi was dealing with something troublesome, and precisely because he didn’t say anything, it showed even more loyalty. He’s afraid of involving you guys… Chu Ge thought to himself.

Panda continued, “Anyway, we’re just idle. Long Qi Jia hasn’t found a job yet, I’m just grinding gold coins, and Wan Zijun’s place is also quiet for now. Even the chef’s shop is closed… So, if we don’t go help Zhong Yi, what else are we supposed to do at home?”

“Why did you call me then…”

“Stop! If you dare to run around without updating, I’ll punch you through the internet!”

Chu Ge chuckled helplessly, “Then why did you call me to the Black Room?”

“You’re the best one in the Black Room. Come over and spar with us. Let’s see how effective our training has been these days.”

Chu Ge was somewhat interested. Each of these people had unique abilities, and once they started training, some of them could become quite formidable. He wondered how far they’ve come in terms of their abilities.

As he was thinking about this, the editor’s avatar blinked again. “Chu Ge, Chu Ge.”

Chu Ge: “…What instructions do you have, Miss?”

“The film and television company here is preparing a project proposal. There are some things we’d like to discuss with you. Maybe next week or the week after that, would it be convenient for you to come to Shanghai? Prepare some drafts beforehand…”

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