What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 233

Chapter 233: Chu Ge's First Kill

In the darkness ahead, two or three figures in black suits gradually emerged, standing before Chu Ge and looking at him with amusement.

Chu Ge glanced left and right, then chuckled, “There are more of you, right? The wind blades were a nice touch.”

Lei Jiangyong and his group stood before him, laughing wryly, “Of course, not everyone needs to show up.”

“So, in a way, you’re actually lower than them.” Chu Ge tilted his head, making a tsk tsk sound, “You see, others can make long-range sneak attacks, silently take heads, and what about you? You didn’t directly nullify my defense earlier because from so far away, you couldn’t even see me. It wouldn’t work on me. So you had to wait for others to force me to stop, right?”

Lei Jiangyong’s expression darkened.

Chu Ge continued to mock, “And now look at the situation. Others are lurking in the shadows while you’re standing right in front… Tsk, are you the boss or just a pawn? Such a coward.”

Lei Jiangyong slowly said, “Actually, I didn’t have to come out either. Do you know why I’m standing here?”

Chu Ge tilted his head.

Lei Jiangyong clenched his hands, producing a cracking sound, his expression becoming fierce, “Because I enjoy crushing the hands and feet of those who talk tough with my own hands, to see if they’re still so tough when they’re screaming in agony!”

As he finished speaking, his massive fist came straight for Chu Ge’s face.

Chu Ge smiled faintly, his feet lightly shifting as he easily evaded the punch. At the same time, his fingers formed a sword-like shape, and with what seemed like a gentle tap, he lightly poked Lei Jiangyong’s side.

Though it seemed like he had barely exerted any force, Lei Jiangyong screamed in agony, retreating several steps in succession, clutching his side with sweat pouring down, unable to believe it, “You… you still have strength?”

Chu Ge smiled casually, “I didn’t use much strength at all. In fact, even if you poke someone with a fragile straw, hitting the right acupoint will still hurt. Pay attention and learn well.”

He had sensed it long ago; the moment Lei Jiangyong appeared, his own body had undergone a slight change. While he was mocking the other party, he was also internally assessing his own condition.

Ordinary ability users wouldn’t be able to analyze the state of their bodies clearly, but cultivators could. With an internal scan, he could indeed detect that his muscles and bones had become incredibly fragile, as if a touch would shatter them like a biscuit. He had no idea what principle caused this peculiar fragility. This unusual weakness didn’t just affect his defense; it could also impact his attack strength because weak muscles and bones couldn’t generate much force. He might even stumble while walking.josei

If he were truly someone with an all-around enhancement of his body, impervious to blades and bullets and possessing boundless strength, then facing Lei Jiangyong would be nearly an absolute defeat.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t him at all.

Physical constitution was just the foundation for enduring cultivation. What true cultivators relied on was “qi,” or in simpler terms, mana…

As long as one’s mana remains intact and flows into the body, they can still use the graceful footwork, they can still employ the sword techniques. If Chu Ge had unleashed the sword energy when he struck the acupoint just now, Lei Jiangyong would be dead… It’s probably because he was not accustomed to using lethal force.

Lei Jiangyong clearly wasn’t convinced. He said in a stern voice, “He can’t use his strength at all. Get him! After you’ve restrained his limbs, we’ll see if he’s still tough!”

Two subordinates behind him rushed forward, forming a triangular encirclement with Lei Jiangyong, and they all launched an attack against Chu Ge simultaneously.

The next moment, Lei Jiangyong could hardly believe his eyes.

Chu Ge moved effortlessly within the three-person assault, swaying left and right, and the three attackers couldn’t even graze a corner of his clothing.

What was going on?

What kind of footwork is this?

Chu Ge maintained his calm demeanor and truly felt the difference in dimensions at that moment. Perhaps these three individuals were quite skilled in combat compared to ordinary people, but after undergoing four hours of training amidst the countless sword energies within the Sword Trial Cave, facing such attacks felt akin to watching children fooling around.

He didn’t strike back immediately; he was simply on guard to see if the other two had any special abilities. In reality, they might have used them long ago, but standard abilities that couldn’t affect him might have been used up… However, at this moment, he suddenly felt that whether they did or didn’t have any special tricks was irrelevant. Even if they did, so what?

The disparity was too great; it felt like looking down from a higher dimension.

The uniqueness of my own ability!

“Swoosh!” A wind blade silently cut by from his leg, Chu Ge sidestepped, and with a chuckle, he said, “I was waiting for you. Found you!”

Lei Jiangyong stared helplessly as a phantom of a sword appeared in Chu Ge’s hand.

The sword shadow was soundless, following the light like electricity, and in an instant, it disappeared into a large tree in the distance. Only a pitiful scream followed, and someone fell “thump” from the tree.

“Even if a flying sword is used as a concealed weapon, it’s still useful…” Chu Ge muttered to himself, as if speaking to someone.

In a distant factory building, Qiu Wuji smiled faintly.

Without even glancing at the wind-blade ability user who had been hit by the flying sword, Chu Ge’s gaze returned to Lei Jiangyong, “I have to admit, your ability might indeed be practically invincible against others, which made you overconfident… Unfortunately, you happened to encounter me.”

Lei Jiangyong’s face turned ashen. He couldn’t fathom what was going on; Chu Ge had clearly been affected by his ability, so how could there be absolutely no impact?

Originally, he thought he had the upper hand against Chu Ge, but now it seemed like Chu Ge was actually turning the tables on him?

Hearing Chu Ge’s words, Lei Jiangyong’s anger flared up again, his malicious intent resurfacing. “Do you think you’ve won?”

Suddenly, he pulled out a gun from his pocket.

Chu Ge’s expression subtly changed.

“Is it your speed or the gun’s that’s faster?” Lei Jiangyong grinned menacingly. “Originally, I didn’t want to leave behind evidence that the police could trace, but since you’re seeking death…”

Chu Ge’s ever-smiling expression finally turned icy, and he said at the same time, “I hadn’t decided how to deal with you… But if you insist on dying… then die.”

The situation changed in an instant.

Inside a distant factory building, Qiu Wuji retracted the vigilant focus she had kept on Chu Ge.

A gun?

That’s a weapon used by humans.

From a close range, Qiu Wuji was sure he wouldn’t even get the chance to fire it. Instead, he had completely provoked Chu Ge, which might lead to his death…

It could possibly be the first time Chu Ge would actually kill someone.

He has truly grown, whether it’s in combat experience, decisiveness, or his composure during battles. He’s now almost on par with her own prowess; she didn’t need to worry about him at all.

Qiu Wuji grew more eager, looking forward to the day when they could fight side by side – although, in a way, they were doing that now.

At this moment, the scene showed Qiu Wuji sitting cross-legged with closed eyes, extending the index and middle fingers of each hand, placing them on the foreheads of Du Lianfeng and Qi Chengtai.

Outside the room, Zhong Yi and others were guarding various entrances, making it appear that Qiu Wuji was fully engaged in healing.

A soft light emitted from the tips of Qiu Wuji’ fingers, and the motionless faces of Du Lianfeng and Qi Chengtai gradually twitched, showing signs of awakening.

Just then, the air seemed to distort slightly, accompanied by a sharp sound that pierced Qiu Wuji’ forehead.

Qiu Wuji opened their eyes.

“Clang!” Invisible ripples quivered and spread in front, as if there were wailing vengeful spirits in the dark room, reaching straight into the soul.

Qiu Wuji felt as if her blood resonated with these sounds, boiling. Her heart raced chaotically, and her entire body, organs, and insides seemed like they were about to burst.

Fingers resting on two people’s foreheads, Qiu Wuji smiled faintly. “Playing tricks, using sound waves and other trivial tricks… they won’t work in front of me.”

She withdrew her fingers from Du Lianfeng and Qi Chengtai’s foreheads and flicked them lightly.

“Clang!” Like the resonance of a zither, the sound waves spread.

Invisible ripples collided and intertwined, unexpectedly forming a vast and eerie vortex. The vortex roared like a dragon’s cry, breaking through the factory building’s roof and shooting into the sky.

The night sky unexpectedly formed the shape of a dragon.

Chu Ge, from a distance, turned his head abruptly. “Damn, you guys really dared to mess with Qiuqiu… amazing…”

In front of him stood Lei Jiangyong and his two companions, dumbfounded, clutching their wrists and stepping back. They hadn’t even realized what had happened before their wrists hurt and the guns dropped from their hands.

Seeing Chu Ge turn his head to look in the direction of the factory building, Lei Jiangyong turned and fled.

They weren’t afraid of offending ordinary people; they attacked casually. Because even if they defeated them, ordinary people wouldn’t dare to kill. They could just leave, and then find an opportunity to investigate Chu Ge’s abilities later. They could kill him sooner or later!

As they were thinking this, they heard Chu Ge’s voice behind them. “Did I let you go?”

Lei Jiangyong didn’t even look back; he ran toward his car and taunted with false bravado, “What can you do to me? If you’ve got guts, kill me! Hahaha! After I disappear following our confrontation, even if you manage to cover up well, the police will still hound you!”

Chu Ge sighed softly. “Why do you guys never realize that you can make the police unable to find the killer, just like how others can?”

As he spoke, in the direction Lei Jiangyong was running, a cluster of small flames appeared out of thin air.

The flames grew against the wind and instantly transformed into a fire giant.

Lei Jiangyong abruptly stopped, eyes wide in shock. “What… what is this?”

The fire giant grinned maliciously, “This time, these pests are somewhat interesting. He actually tried to use his ability on me.”

Chu Ge asked, “Did he succeed?”

“He did, but what’s the point of breaking through the defense of a ball of fire?” the fire giant responded.

Lei Jiangyong: “…”

“You can carry them to a place where everyone can see and then burn them to death,” Chu Ge calmly suggested. “Countless eyewitnesses will witness their deaths caused by an inexplicable fire. Whatever connections they had before will be entirely irrelevant… it’ll be seen as a punishment from heaven for their wicked deeds.”

Lei Jiangyong finally realized the true arrival of death and shouted in terror, “No! This is murder!”

Chu Ge’s gaze was dismissive, as if looking at a speck of dust. “If my abilities weren’t sufficient, I would have died here long ago. When you use your powers so casually to kill others, did you ever think about today?”

Looking at Chu Ge’s gaze, the fire giant laughed madly toward the sky. “Great, great! This is getting interesting, creator god!”

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