What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 310

Chapter 310: Reading Minds

Regardless of the possibilities, all of this is just guesswork and doesn’t hold much significance.

What the other party intends to do can’t be discerned in a single night. They plan to establish themselves in Nanjiang for “investment,” and things will unfold in an orderly manner. It should be a long-term process.

Theoretically, he could return home and wait until the opening of the Seaside Music Theme Park, but Chu Ge had a nagging feeling that this wasn’t right. His mind kept flashing images of the girls who had approached Robin.

This wasn’t the typical result of fans passionately pursuing their idols. Even the most ardent fans wouldn’t go to such extremes, especially not in a public event like an auction. It seemed strange to remember the sight of people hugging and kissing in the midst of a sophisticated event.

This was the influence of the music, and though Robin appeared cautious and hadn’t used his abilities, the people present weren’t ability users. His music was powerful enough on its own.

With that in mind, Chu Ge felt that something was seriously amiss with these girls. The way they behaved in the evening was anything but normal. His mind, which had seen a lot of inappropriate content, conjured up countless indescribable scenarios.

It wasn’t just the girls; many Nanjiang businessmen were also affected. Negotiations that might have failed on a normal day could come to fruition during such events, and strange organizations might be formed overnight.

As a writer, it was easy for Chu Ge to imagine such scenarios.

While he might have been exaggerating a bit, in the world of ability users, it wasn’t far-fetched.

“I have a feeling that after ten days or so, when the amusement park opens, things might have already gone awry,” Chu Ge hesitated. “Shouldn’t we turn back and watch secretly? Can you do that? It would be even better if we need your mind reading abilities.”

Gu Ruoyan huffed, “Why would I need to watch secretly? I haven’t had a falling out with anyone; I just left the event early. I can go back openly and watch. You can hide and watch from the shadows.”

Chu Ge muttered, “Damn. Is your telepathy of any use? After watching for so long, whose mind did you read?”

Gu Ruoyan replied, “Telepathy has a critical issue: it needs the right moment to be effective. Like just now, I saw into the minds of many of Robin’s subordinates, and it was all about women and alcohol. What’s the use of that? However, during the actual incident, the thoughts at that moment are the most important. Unfortunately, I didn’t see that part. Trying to read the mind of the person you hit afterward, all that remained were their thoughts of resentment toward you.”

Chu Ge understood when it was put that way. It was quite normal. People didn’t always think about things you needed to know. Reading a mind full of useless information was pointless and a waste of effort. He wouldn’t constantly use his abilities to spy on others. It required a clear target and the right timing.

Gu Ruoyan added, “It’s best not to read Robin’s mind directly. His ability is obviously strong, and if he notices someone trying to read his mind, it could alert him.”

Chu Ge suddenly chuckled, “Isn’t it simple? The idiot I punched in the nose earlier must be at a nearby clinic receiving treatment right now. I can go and beat him up again…”

Gu Ruoyan: “…”

There was indeed a small clinic nearby, and one of Robin’s bodyguards was assisting the assistant who had been beaten up. He was sitting there, nursing his wounds.

“What a waste,” the burly bodyguard sneered. “He got knocked down with a single punch and didn’t even try to defend himself. He’s utterly useless.”

The assistant had a broken nose, and the rudimentary treatment from the clinic’s doctor seemed ineffective. He was in pain and frustration, retorting, “He moved so fast; I didn’t even see it coming. You’re a bodyguard; why didn’t you stop him? I’m just a musician.”

The bodyguard whistled, “You were too busy feeling up women at that moment. Who had time to pay attention to you? If he had the guts to attack me, I’d have beaten him to the ground in no time.”

A shadow flashed by, and a swift knife-hand strike landed on the bodyguard’s neck.

The bodyguard’s eyes went dark, and he passed out immediately.

The assistant, now frightened, shrank back. He saw Chu Ge’s face up close, which was adorned with a bright smile, saying, “Hi!”

The doctors and nurses on the side were all stunned, while the assistant, fearing for his life, sternly warned, “Are you going to continue your assault? Aren’t you afraid of going to jail?”

Chu Ge asked in surprise, “Hey, why is everyone’s Chinese getting better?”

Then, he punched the assistant again.

The doctor: “…”

Chu Ge turned to the doctor and blinked, “This guy was groping a girl earlier, and I just hit him because I was still upset.”

The doctors and nurses retreated to the adjacent area with expressionless faces.

The assistant shouted, “This country is indeed barbaric! I’ll file a complaint with the embassy! Just wait for a diplomatic dispute!”

Chu Ge retorted, “I’d like to file a complaint first. You guys are selling cheap musical instruments and film rolls at sky-high prices. Is this how you people make easy money?”

The assistant’s eyes flashed with sarcasm; this guy seemed to be a passionate idealist who didn’t understand the nuances of the situation and only cared about whether money was involved or not.

In truth, we aren’t making money from this. Part of the auction items was provided by the Secretary-General, and the proceeds go to him. Our auction items are the ones truly donated. What do you know about the complexities involved?

Despite this, he said, “Our auction followed all the proper procedures, so go ahead and file a complaint!”

Gu Ruoyan, hidden outside, finally read his thoughts clearly. What appeared to be a meaningless auction had a specific purpose.

Violence, as applied by Chu Ge, proved to be the most straightforward and effective method. Gu Ruoyan, constrained by her role and rules, often adhered strictly to procedures and regulations. This made it challenging for her to act as freely and straightforwardly as Chu Ge.

Chu Ge then grinned and said, “Proper procedures? You took a harmonica from your pocket and smashed it. You wanted the girl to compensate for it. If someone hadn’t intervened, how would you have priced it? How much would she have to pay? Isn’t it just you guys taking advantage of her? What’s so proper about that?”

In truth, we never intended for her to compensate us. It was merely a test to see how many people would become fanatical without the use of an ability-triggered musical effect and how many people would be silent. Those who would stand up for the girl aren’t our target audience. It’s a simple screening process.

Afterward, we’ll know which targets to focus on. After all, Robin can’t stay long; he’s leaving soon. To get things sorted out in one night, we need to employ some direct methods. So far, it looks like it’s been quite effective. People like you and Cheng Guangyao have already been screened out. In fact, quite a few people left early. After screening them out, what remains will be more interesting.

The assistant thought so but continued to sneer, “We only intended for her to pay the original price. You were the one who came and interfered.”

“Really?” Chu Ge teased. “So I destroyed the evidence, didn’t I? And, what were you all doing, a bunch of men and women hugging and kissing? Is it going to turn into an orgy after the dance is over?”

Not only girls, but there were also boys involved. These individuals, who were the most susceptible to mind control, would be our hosts for the water amusement boats, laying the foundation for the creation of seaside theme park. Do you think we’re doing this just for our own enjoyment? How superficial.josei

However, he retorted, “Whatever it is, that’s none of your concern. If you have an issue, why don’t you call the police? Let’s see if anyone cares about us dancing!”

Chu Ge ‘exploded’ in anger, “If I can’t deal with you, what are you going to do? Why don’t you call the police too? Let’s see how many days I might spend behind bars? I can use you to gain more followers!”

A loud “bang” followed, as another punch landed on the assistant’s jaw, dislocating it.

Voices were heard from outside the door, “John, are you done yet?”

Chu Ge immediately darted away through the back door.

Hatred flashed in the assistant’s eyes.

So he did this on purpose, just to gain more followers! Reporting him to the police might even play into the hands of this internet celebrity. An indignant author fighting with a foreigner would surely generate sensational headlines.

It was all for this reason!

Fine, we won’t deal with you now. After we’ve established our seaside theme park and gradually infiltrated the upper echelons of Nanjiang, we’ll deal with you accordingly. By that time, as long as you’re still in Nanjiang, we’ll see how to manipulate you as we see fit!

Chu Ge swiftly exited the clinic, disappearing into the adjacent alley.

Gu Ruoyan stood there with a stern expression, waiting for him. When he appeared, she immediately said urgently, “We have a basic understanding of the situation now. Let’s put everything else aside for the moment. I suspect those young people tonight will be brainwashed and taken away by them. We need to address this immediately.”

Chu Ge responded, “Isn’t it simple? We just need to get the police involved, and they’ll be forced to return home.”

He quickly took out his phone and called Lin Wuyang. “Hey, Big Brother Wuyang, I’d like to report an incident at the XX Hotel. People are gathering and causing trouble…”

Lin Wuyang, who was awakened from his sleep, was furious, “I suspect that the one causing trouble is you!”

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