What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 312

Chapter 312: "Chu Tian Wuji": Bestseller

“Anyway, coming back to it, your recent content deserves praise!”

Chu Ge paused for a moment. He had recently been laying the groundwork for something big. Why would they praise him now? Did he inadvertently touch on some political topics again?

However, his friends in the chat started saying, “The recent story development with Qiuqiu has been great! You should have written more about Qiuqiu earlier. What is it with Chu Tiange being mediocre overseas? We’re all Qiuqiu’s fans!”

Chu Ge: “…”

Luckily, someone cleared it up, “What Qiuqiu’s fans? We’re all ‘Love in Early Autumn’ fans. Without Chu Chu, could there be Qiuqiu?”

“You just called him names like ‘Short Ge’ a moment ago.”

“We already said Short Ge is Short Ge, and Chu Chu is Chu Chu…”

“I really feel like I don’t belong here because I’m not dumb like you guys.”

Chu Ge simply closed his QQ chat; he couldn’t have a proper conversation with these silly friends. Time to sleep!

The so-called young girl posting an essay online was likely just a passing online trend. He didn’t pay much attention to it. He had a tiring day. Backtracking through time had left him quite exhausted. Plus, he’d gone through so much today. It was better to get some rest.

Chu Ge could replace sleep with meditation now that he had made the breakthrough. In fact, he could do that even before the breakthrough, but he preferred sleeping, especially when he could sleep next to Qiuqiu. Who would choose to meditate instead?

Meditation had even better effects than sleep, although it couldn’t replace the effects of dual cultivation…

Why am I thinking about Qiuqiu again?

Never mind, time to meditate.josei

He meditated for three hours straight, and when he opened his eyes, it was already daylight. Chu Ge went to wash his face and realized that there was no trace of oil or discharge in the corners of his eyes.

It hadn’t been very noticeable before, but now he truly felt like he was some kind of immortal. His body was free from impurities, untouched by dust.

The process of shedding the mortal coil and attaining a new body through the Golden Core…

Theoretically, his appearance should remain youthful from now on or age extremely slowly, and his lifespan should be around 500 to 1,000 years? Oh right, based on the strength of his soul, it should be far more than 1,000?

It all felt a bit unreal…

Chu Ge found himself lost in thought, wondering if his DNA was still the same or if it had been reconfigured.

What if he decided to do a paternity test? Would his parents end up fighting over it?

This whole cultivation thing was just too unscientific…

Chu Ge absentmindedly looked at himself in the mirror, musing that the originally fantasized and manifested body of Qiuqiu had been the most accurate. It had truly embodied the essence of life. If he didn’t need anything from the start, no need for hygiene, food, or sleep, what would life with him and Qiuqiu be like? Would it still be as heartwarming?

What about the future?

Well, they were practically an old married couple now. There’s no need to dwell on this.

Chu Ge still went through his usual routine of washing his face and taking a pill for breakfast. He hadn’t fully shaken off his usual habits. The pill’s energy replenished his body, and he sat down in front of his computer, ready to start writing.

He had only typed a title when his phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Gu Ruoyan.

“Robin left Nanjiang early this morning and is flying directly to various cities in Suzhou and Hangzhou for his tour. I’ll continue to follow him and see if he’s causing trouble in other places.”

“Just check how many people he took with him, and you’ll have a rough idea.”

“Yes, he only took the standard assistants and bodyguards needed for the music concert. Many others have stayed here.”

Chu Ge had already predicted this. He replied, “Okay, Wuyang and I will keep an eye on things. If anything happens on Robin’s end, make sure to let me know.”

“Are you really concerned about him?”

“My girlfriend is quite fond of him. Next time we meet, she should be there, and she’d be delighted to see an old acquaintance.”

Gu Ruoyan paused and then chuckled, “Alright. By the way, take a look at Weibo. It seems to be getting a bit out of control. Do you need us to remove any trending topics? Just let me know.”

“What? Trending topics? Could that baseless little essay really become a trending topic?”

“Baseless little essays become trending topics all the time. Fortunately, yours is positive.”

“…I’ll take a look.”

Chu Ge disconnected the call and opened Weibo, nearly tossing his phone in disbelief.

This time it wasn’t baseless; the buzz was caused by real evidence.

It turned out that the hotel from last night had reposted the young girl’s essay along with a surveillance video lasting around ten seconds. In the video, Chu Ge could be seen striding forward, grabbing the tall assistant, and landing a punch on his nose.

The video was captioned with the same words Chu Ge used when leaving the banquet hall: “This is China!”

Although the surveillance footage wasn’t very clear, Chu Ge’s face was somewhat visible. The composition of the video was surprisingly fitting, with a sobbing girl standing not too far away, and none of the other sensitive figures were in the frame.

“What the hell is this hotel doing? Did they post this surveillance video casually?” Chu Ge was bewildered. “Aren’t they afraid of the Secretary-General causing trouble?”

It quickly dawned on him that the hotel was trying to gain publicity!

The video didn’t show the Secretary-General or Robin; in fact, it didn’t even clearly depict the person who was hit. It was as if nothing had happened. By hitching a ride on the hype, the hotel managed to avoid any repercussions.

With the young girl’s essay from last night as a base, the hotel’s surveillance video as evidence, and the provocative title, Chu Ge estimated that 9 out of 10 people who watched it would be stirred. A foreigner bullying a Chinese girl, a Chinese person retaliating, and the person doing the hitting being a somewhat noteworthy celebrity, all framed under the caption “This is China!”

The reaction was likely beyond what the hotel expected. They didn’t anticipate that it would blow up like this. Various influential social media figures were frantically sharing the content, and heartfelt essays kept pouring in. The topic genuinely made it to the trending list.

Chu Ge stared dumbfounded at the numerous comment notifications and followers he couldn’t even count. He was momentarily stunned. In the past, he was light-years away from trending topics, but now it actually happened.

Welcome to the era of online trends.

His head throbbed, caught between realizing that such popularity was beneficial for the recognition of his work and not wanting to complicate the fanbase of his ‘Early Autumn Love’, he was at a loss about how to handle the situation.

Chu Ge finally added the young girl on Weibo. Her previous ID was unknown, as no one knew her before, but now she was known as “Chuqiu Tangtang.” She had clearly become a hardcore fan.

Chu Ge sent a private message: “You there?”

A reply quicky came, “Here! Chu Chu~”

“Could you stop calling me that? It sends shivers down my spine.”

“Oh… Brother Chu.”

“You…,” Chu Ge didn’t know what to say but ended up saying, “Why give me silver as a reward? You’re still a student…”

“To repay the favor. I can afford to spend 8888 on watching that bastard’s concert, can’t I?”

“…You sure don’t hold back.” Chu Ge suddenly realized something. “So, your family has some influence?”

“It’s decent,” Chuqiu Tangtang said with some resentment. “Although my family isn’t all that powerful on its own, we have some influential relatives. My big aunt spoils me! They’ll regret this!”

Chu Ge realized that her actions might bring about more trouble than anticipated, potentially worse than what happened when Mi Xiaolin offended that playboy with the last name Xia.

It seemed that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Their styles of doing things were quite similar: arrogant and self-righteous. Although Robin appeared to be sophisticated and cultured on the surface, he could be even more arrogant than Mi Xiaolin deep down.

Putting this aside, Chu Ge said, “Your essay is causing me a lot of trouble.”

Chuqiu Tangtang replied, “Isn’t that a good thing? You need more popularity, right?”

“Well, yes, but this is too chaotic. What I need is genuine readers. Even the fans of ‘Early Autumn Love’, at least they were into the whole youthful romance thing. It was more manageable. Now it’s a bit of a mess.”

Chuqiu Tangtang thought for a moment. “Brother Chu, aside from your QQ and Weibo, do you have anything else?”

Chu Ge said, “Ah, I have a book review section.”

Chuqiu Tangtang: “…”

Chu Ge: “…”

Chuqiu Tangtang: “You’re aiming for millions of followers, but with this much chaos, you can’t manage it on your own. It’s going to be a mess.”

“Exactly!” Chu Ge exclaimed. “I contacted you because I wanted to discuss this. How do we deal with this chaotic situation?”

“I can help you with that. I’m an expert in this area. Our Early Autumn Love community is the healthiest and sweetest! We can create a super-topic and establish a topic group. I can serve as the group leader and guide the atmosphere. Once the atmosphere is established, those who don’t fit in won’t have a voice. Gradually, it will become a healthy and harmonious group. I also have some friends who can help with this…”

Chu Ge was brought to tears.

Is this considered sheathing the demonic sword?

Suddenly, Chu Ge thought of something and carefully checked his novel app’s bestsellers list.

On December 11th, “Chu Tian Wuji” reached the top of the bestsellers list for the first time since its release about nine months ago.

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