What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 314

Chapter 314: Main Character's Explosive Growth

If Chu Ge doesn’t write the next chapter, of course, so long as the overall direction is good, the specific details of the battle can be written however.

As for whether Chu Tiange wins through a hard-fought battle, an easy victory, or becomes injured, it’s all acceptable. Even if he just holds out until Xie Jiuxiao arrives to support him, or if the battle’s intensity alerts Qiu Wuji from a distant place, all of those scenarios are acceptable.

Chu Ge wanted to see what results Chu Tiange could achieve on his own without scripting the plot.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Chu Tiange split his sword into three parts, which then divided into nine, and these nine beams of light headed directly towards different heads of the Nine-Headed Serpent.

His sword skills are also close to perfection. It was derived from the sword techniques of the Cloud Horizon Sect, but through extended self-practice and comprehension, it had incorporated additional elements, forming Chu Tiange’s unique swordsmanship style, which possessed an extraordinary aura.

With the support of Yunxiao City’s sword formation, its power far exceeded what a Divine Transformation cultivator could normally achieve. However, it still couldn’t penetrate the vital points of the Nine-Headed Serpent.

Nine mouths of the serpent simultaneously spewed flames, completely blocking and melting away the nine sword auras.

The opposing forces’ powers collided, and their souls intertwined. Ghostly cries and wails suddenly echoed in Chu Tiange’s soul sea, causing immense pain.

Fortunately, the strong experts from Yunxiao City released a barrage of treasures against the Nine-Headed Serpent, giving Chu Tiange a brief respite. He swiftly disengaged and merged with his sword, heading straight for the forked part of the serpent’s neck.

“Bang, bang, bang!” The Nine-Headed Serpent violently thrashed, causing stones to fly from Yunxiao City, making it look as though the city walls were about to collapse.

At this moment, one of the sword beams pierced towards the snake’s neck, relentless and unstoppable.

“Arrogant fool!”

The Nine-Headed Serpent’s mockery could be heard, and Chu Tiange felt as though he was sinking into quicksand. The sword light was eroded, making no progress.

Meanwhile, the shadows that had originally gripped the castle walls around him seem to twist and constrict, enveloping him within.

The Nine-Headed Serpent burst into laughter, “Hell has no gate; you’ve walked into it on your own!”

Chu Tiange remained calm, but he suddenly disappeared.

The Nine-Headed Serpent was momentarily stunned. In an instant, one of its snake eyes was pierced by the sword energy, and blood gushed out!

“Spatial Law! How could you possibly master such a law?!” The Nine-Headed Serpent roared to the sky, while another snake head swung back heavily.

Chu Tiange barely had time to protect himself with his sword in front of him, and he was sent flying like a broken kite, blood staining the corners of his mouth.

On the contrary, the snake eye of the Nine-Headed Serpent regained its brilliance and was not blind.

The Nine-Headed Serpent mocked once again, “Is this all you have? What about your mastery of spatial techniques? Is this the extent of it?”

Chu Tiange wiped the traces of blood from the corner of his mouth and looked serious. This creature had special characteristics; let alone a single snake eye, even if one of the heads were severed, it probably wouldn’t matter. Most novels are written this way, unless there’s a significant level difference…

Unfortunately, he was the one being overwhelmed. Until Xie Jiuxiao arrived, Yunxiao City could only hold on.

Could Xie Jiuxiao make it in time?

On the other side, Xie Jiuxiao was in an intense battle with the one-eyed giant and already had the upper hand. He wasn’t interested in deciding a winner but wanted to disengage from the opponent’s entanglement and return to the city for reinforcement.

With a “bang,” Xie Jiuxiao forced the giant back and was about to leave.

However, a faint mental message from the one-eyed giant suddenly entered his soul sea, almost imperceptible: “Our actual attack may seem to be in the Yunxiao City, but we were just waiting to itnercept you outside.”

Xie Jiuxiao: “?”

“Attacking Yunxiao City is a ruse. We know it’s fundamentally impregnable. However, by pretending to fight you, we can have a conversation with you.”josei

Xie Jiuxiao said with his thoughts, “Get to the point.”

“Uniting the mortal realm is a command from the Heavenly Emperor. You represent the Heavenly Emperor’s lineage, and it’s the right time to cooperate.”

Xie Jiuxiao narrowed his eyes slightly, “How do we cooperate?”

The one-eyed giant said, “We will pretend to lose the battle, and Yunxiao City will remain under Lord Xie’s control… but when we engage in the decisive battle with the Cloud Horizon Sect, Lord Xie will naturally know what to do.”

Xie Jiuxiao contemplated in silence.

After the ancient transcendent pathway to the heaven was closed off, the Mortal Realm and Heavenly Realm were separated, and they had been disconnected for a long time. Humanity was not governed by Heaven’s laws, and the Heavenly Emperor had no authority here.

It could be understood that once the Heavenly Emperor found a bridge between the two realms, he would inevitably have the idea of controlling this realm.

Xie Jiuxiao wondered when the Heavenly Emperor had gained the ability to establish contact with the mortal realm… And if he represented the “Heavenly Emperor’s lineage”, then couldn’t he even receive such messages? Instead, someone from overseas had to come to negotiate and deliver the message.

In any case, if he had received this message in the past, Xie Jiuxiao would probably have obeyed the Heavenly Emperor’s command without hesitation.

But what about now?

This City Lord has already pledged allegiance to the Heavenly Dao. Is the Heavenly Emperor greater than the Creator God? We’re all his sons…

Regardless of the circumstances, Xie Jiuxiao keenly realized that “submitting to the Heavenly Emperor” was certainly not the path imposed on him by the Heavenly Dao. Just look at the appearance of the Heavenly Dao and Qiu Wuji standing shoulder to shoulder. How could he arrange for himself to serve the Heavenly Emperor and betray Qiu Wuji? If it were arranged like this, there would undoubtedly be communication to ensure he followed through.

Indeed, this was not a plot written by Chu Ge. The other side was attempting the same act of rebellion against the Heavenly Dao that Xie Jiuxiao had committed in the past.

However, Xie Jiuxiao didn’t know the true nature of Heavenly Dao, which was to write books. He didn’t think in such detail. He only knew that the Heavenly Dao would certainly not make him submit, so he decided to refuse.

Wait a minute, there’s no need to refuse outright. It might be better to pretend to accept and see what they do in the future. A gentleman does not lie, but Creator God this time will agree to let me lie, right?

With this in mind, Xie Jiuxiao revealed a brilliant smile and said, “Yunxiao City has been devoted to the Heavenly Emperor’s lineage for thousands of years. We have always aspired to serve before the Heavenly Emperor’s throne and listen to the Great Way. Since it is the Heavenly Emperor’s summons, I, Xie, naturally comply. But how can you prove that you are acting on behalf of the Heavenly Emperor?”

The one-eyed giant said, “Our feigned defeat and withdrawal are a signal in the first place. Otherwise, it’s not difficult to cause casualties even if we don’t discuss whether we can breach Yunxiao City.”

Xie Jiuxiao shook his head, “Not enough.”

The one-eyed giant said, “Lord Xie’s willingness to obey the Heavenly Emperor’s command is sufficient. We will naturally have another opportunity to meet and discuss later.”

He was about to leave in a flash.

However, there were earth-shattering screams from outside Yunxiao City in the distance. The two turned their heads suddenly, and a terrifying sword radiance pierced the heavens and the earth. It shattered the boundless night and the intertwined body of the Nine-Headed Serpent, splitting it into two halves. Blood poured down like a torrential rain, obscuring the night sky. The Nine-Headed Serpent, cut in half, let out a pitiful howl, quickly retreated, and disappeared.

The one-eyed giant’s single eye widened in disbelief. “W-what just happened…”

Xie Jiuxiao, with his sleeves rolled up, thought to himself, if the Creator God originally intended to pair my Yun’er with Chu Tiange, then maybe this Chu Tiange is indeed the true Heavenly Chosen. Would a mere snake dare to attack Yunxiao City under his protection?

That’s right; this is the main character’s explosive growth.

In a scenario that Chu Ge hadn’t written beforehand, Chu Tiange achieved a breakthrough on the spot, combining the power of Crossing Tribulation realm with Yunxiao City’s home field advantage to forcibly cut open the body of the Nine-Headed Serpent.

Chu Ge, observing from above, was utterly dumbfounded.

Damn it.

I didn’t arrange for your Crossing Tribulation breakthrough to happen at this moment…

Do I need to revise the plot now? The protagonist isn’t supposed to achieve a breakthrough at this moment, and this will mess up the plot…

As he was in a daze, he saw Chu Tiange, barely alive, lying on the wall. The aura of Crossing Tribulation realm on him quickly dissipated, and he returned to the Divine Transformation level.

Chu Ge finally breathed a sigh of relief. So it was just a temporary state, with some lingering aftereffects. That was acceptable; otherwise, it would have been too terrifying. Even this temporary BUFF state wasn’t written by himself. As expected of the main character.

A graceful figure ran out from the castle. “Big brother Chu, how are you?”

Chu Tiange leaned on his sword, panting with some difficulty. “I’m fine… Yun’er, can you… find me a quiet room?”

Xie Yun’er’s face turned slightly red as she whispered, “I’ll help you…”

“No need.” Chu Tiange took a small step back and lowered his head. “Just point me to a place, and I’ll go on my own.”

Xie Yun’er stomped her foot. “You’re injured like this, and you’re still so stubborn!”

“I… I’m sorry, it’s not very convenient.” Chu Tiange still had his head down.

“Carry your sword with you for the rest of your life!” Xie Yun’er walked away angrily and casually ordered those around her, “Take him to a quiet room and don’t bother him!”

Chu Tiange followed the guards from the city and entered a quiet room. He closed the door and took out a pill to swallow. After a brief rest, he suddenly looked up at the sky.

Chu Ge was momentarily stunned. He heard Chu Tiange mutter softly, “Shall we talk?”

Chu Ge stood there, puzzled.

You said it wasn’t very convenient, and you even gave up the romantic scene of being cared for by a beautiful lady to hide in a quiet room to talk with your dad?

You said before that you didn’t want to see me, and it’s only been a few days, right?

Because of the sudden breakthrough, did you have a new idea?

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