What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 326

Chapter 326: Seaside Music Theme Park

The days of leisurely writing and listening to music passed by, and Qiu Wuji found herself in a whole new world of music.

She realized that her knowledge of modern music was indeed lacking in many aspects. Forget about professional knowledge; even the basics of modern music were beyond her current comprehension.

She discovered that there were many different forms and styles of music, far more than what could be grasped by casually listening to songs in stores or even playing the zither at Zhu Mengmeng’s teahouse. She realized that learning a phrase like “My lady, Ah Ha ” was not enough, and searching for Chu Ge’s mobile phone ringtone was trivial.

Surprisingly, it was already a vast world just considering this aspect. She had been overconfident earlier, assuming that her knowledge of ancient music could handle the responsibility of producing animation music. It was the same as when she was drawing comics; it required adapting to modern knowledge.

However, she wasn’t planning to master all of modern knowledge. She wasn’t interested in delving into science or learning about the principles of electronic devices. But the discovery of a new interest was wonderful, especially because this was something she loved. Otherwise, why would she be practicing the zither and flute with him?

“I should have started listening to songs earlier,” Qiu Wuji told Chu Ge with some regret. “If I had started listening to songs earlier, I might actually be able to create music on my own now, but it feels like it’s not enough…”

Chu Ge laughed, “I told you to listen to songs earlier, but back then, you said you didn’t like the styles and preferred to go to Zhu Mengmeng’s teahouse to listen to the zither.”

Qiu Wuji hummed, “Styles can be adapted to, especially those that combine well with ancient styles. You should have told me about these songs sooner.”

Chu Ge: “…How can I possibly tell you about everything? Can’t you just search it on the internet?”

“What’s with your attitude? Are you getting impatient?”

The two of them started to quarrel.

And before they knew it, they had fallen into a pile of kisses and cuddles.

Suddenly, the phone rang, startling both of them. Qiu Wuji frantically searched for her phone and quickly heard Zhu Mengmeng’s irritated voice, “You two are unbelievable.”

“Huh? What did we do?” Qiu Wuji asked, feeling a bit guilty.

“I’d really like to know how you managed to stay cooped up in your house for two whole days without stepping outside.”

“We did leave the house, we went grocery shopping.”

“…” Zhu Mengmeng gritted her teeth in frustration. “I’m in your neighborhood, come out.”


“I’m here to pick you up and take you to that sea music park! Have you forgotten?”

Qiu Wuji hadn’t forgotten but even mentioned it several times while talking to Chu Ge. She hadn’t expected Zhu Mengmeng to be in such a hurry to the point of coming over to pick them up.

In a flurry, the two of them rushed around the house, changed clothes, put on coats, and hurried downstairs.

Zhu Mengmeng sat in her frog-like car and gave them an annoyed look. “Did you two decide to have a quickie before coming out?”

Almost, if you didn’t come… Qiu Wuji tried to appease her with a smile. “No, no, Mengmeng is the most loyal!”

Chu Ge didn’t dare to speak either. The two of them slipped into the backseat like thieves, casting furtive glances at each other.

Qiu Wuji carefully checked if there were any bite marks on Chu Ge’s neck from her earlier nibbling, and Chu Ge did the same to see if there were any strawberries he had planted moments ago on Qiu Wuji’s neck.

Zhu Mengmeng looked in the rearview mirror and almost vomited, “Are you two making out in my backseat? Could you please just die already?”

The two of them promptly sat up straight.

Zhu Mengmeng drove away with an indignant huff and scolded them, “I see that you’re not short of money; you’ve passed your driving test but haven’t bought a car. What’s the use of getting a driver’s license?”

Qiu Wuji: “Oh, it’s just for fun… We don’t actually need a car.”

Zhu Mengmeng replied, “Chu Ge doesn’t need it because he has to write at home, but why are you such a homebody? Is it fun to stay home all the time?”

Qiu Wuji said, “I find it very interesting. Going out is just tiring… My record for the longest period of seclusion was over three hundred… um, never mind.”

“Is it a matter of pride to stay in seclusion for over three hundred days? There’s no hope for you,” Zhu Mengmeng clearly didn’t understand that three hundred referred to years, and she was oblivious to the concept of real seclusion. She muttered, “Then why go to the sea to listen to music? Why not just listen to QQ Music at home?”

Qiu Wuji was very happy: “How did you know we’ve been listening to QQ music for two days? I even have a premium membership.”

Zhu Mengmeng: “..”

Chu Ge couldn’t help but laugh.

Zhu Mengmeng’s anger was immediately directed at him. “Why are you laughing? You’ve turned a classy lady like her into a pig. Do you have any shame?”

Chu Ge honestly said, “I just like little pigs.”

“Ugh,” Zhu Mengmeng exclaimed in frustration. “You said you were inviting me to the sea theme music park, but why do I feel like I’m here to be your chauffeur and third wheel?”

The young couple sat quietly in the back.

You’re perceptive, Mengmeng.josei

“Qiu Wuji, you’ve caused me a lot of trouble. I had given up on finding a man altogether, but seeing you two flaunting your affection in front of me made me want to find one again.”

“Then find one. You should have found someone by now. What’s happened in the past should stay in the past. After recovering from your wounds, you should look forward.”

Zhu Mengmeng sighed, “But it’s so hard to find someone suitable.”

Qiu Wuji said, “Go out more often. I’ve got a boyfriend now, so I can stay in, but you don’t have to, right? In this music park, there should be many young men. Maybe you’ll find someone you like?”

Zhu Mengmeng blinked her eyes and replied, “I was thinking the same thing.”

Chu Ge hesitated to speak. In theory, it seemed like we were going to crash the party…

Women. ☕


When they reached the seaside, it was already dusk.

A huge cruise ship was docked at the pier, obviously the so-called Seaside Music Theme Park.

There was no indication of the setup from the outside. From a distance, Chu Ge had a slight feeling of the Titanic in the sunset and admired how Robin’s team could come up with such an idea.

Building a new park from scratch could take quite a long time, but refurbishing a cruise ship, or even using one that had already been renovated, made it possible to use it in just a couple of days.

This approach gave it a touch of elegance, and it was convenient to do things that might be less than savory. It would be hard for Lin Wuyang and his team to surveil the ship.

In theory, it was hard to get approval for such an idea, but the Secretary-General… well, deep down, Chu Ge couldn’t be bothered to think about it.

Zhu Mengmeng parked the car, and the three of them boarded the ship after checking their tickets.

Zhu Mengmeng immediately disappeared, no longer wanting to be a third wheel. After all, this was a “park,” not a concert, so there was no need for them to sit together. Theoretically, it should be somewhat like a self-service dance hall?

Perhaps it wasn’t, but the young couple enjoyed wandering around hand in hand.

From the scale of it, it was clearly more than just a dance hall. The cruise ship could accommodate around four to five thousand people, making it a very large park.

The term “seaside music park” was not an exaggeration.

The deck was quite large, with many lounge chairs and sun umbrellas. It looked like a leisure scene by the beach. At this time, there were some scattered people resting on it, and there weren’t many people because it was winter.

Chu Ge couldn’t imagine who, in their right mind, would be lying outside on the deck in the winter chill. Those who did had to be real enthusiasts.

But then his own girlfriend started acting crazy: “Chu Ge, Chu Ge, I want to lie down.”

Chu Ge: “…”

Qiu Wuji knew what he was thinking, “They might feel cold, but I don’t.”

Chu Ge said helplessly, “Let’s go inside first. We’ll be staying here all night. Are you afraid you won’t have enough time to feel the cold wind?”

Qiu Wuji reluctantly said, “You must come out with me later at night. It must be wonderful to feel the wind at the bow of the ship.”

It was then that Chu Ge remembered that this was a poor woman who had been blocked by the vast ocean and had to return to the mountains and meditate. He couldn’t help but find it a bit amusing. “In the book, the sea has also been opened up now, you know.”

Qiu Wuji replied, “It’s not the same.” She said it grumpily but couldn’t find the words to explain why it was different. She entered the cabin with some resentment.

With just one glance, her gaze shifted from charming and whimsical to intense and sharp.

Chu Ge’s eyes narrowed as well, and he watched the corner of a trench coat disappearing through the back door of the cabin.

Although the cabin was large and full of people, the two of them instantly sensed a familiar presence.

Mi Xiaolin.

When did she quietly come back?

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