What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Underground Fighting Arena

No matter how wrong it was to come here, it has already happened.

Qiu Wuji could only stare at the female dancer on stage twist her waist around the steel pole, making various magical dance movements. Despite being a well-traveled individual who had seen all kinds of situations in the world, Qiu Wuji had never seen such a scene before.

Although she had encountered obscene religious cultists before who were even more exaggerated than this, they were never something she had observed from such a close distance. Besides, she was focused on killing people at that time, and her mental and spiritual defenses were on guard against traps and ambushes, not focused on this kind of thing.

She could not understand how the female dancer could dance so provocatively with a static pole, making it even more tempting than a scene of a man and a woman entangled in love.

The female dancer’s seductive movements were enough to make men feel hot and women dry-mouthed. Especially when sitting close to a man.

Qiu Wuji didn’t even notice when Chu Ge’s arm had touched her again. Anyway, when sitting so close, it was possible to touch at any time. She could feel that his arm was stiffer than before, as if his whole body was tense, and his breathing became more rapid, and his body was slightly bowed.

The woman slowly untied another layer of clothing.

Chu Ge’s mouth was half open, and his mind was blank.josei

Enough, miss, are you really going to take off your clothes?

I can’t believe we have this kind of thing in our city. We wasted our time in the past two or three decades… No, we should have criticized it earlier!

No wonder things are so expensive here… people must come here to spend it all on these things.

Glancing at Qiu Wuji, he became calm instead.

It’s nothing new, I’ve seen it a lot recently. No matter how seductive it is, it gets boring after a while. But it’s still…

She’s not really going to take it off, is she?

Just as he was thinking this, there was a thunderous cheer from the crowd, and the woman took off the top on her body. The dazzling headlights and the red LED lights in the middle blinded Qiu Wuji’s eyes.

She was completely stunned.

This girl really dared to do it! In front of everyone!

In the blink of an eye, the black top flew towards Chu Ge by chance. He instinctively reached out to catch it, but he felt a sharp pain in his waist. The top was nowhere in sight.

The top combat technique of the Cloud Horizon Sect! Kunpeng hanging in the clouds, spanning thousands of miles, and the invisible sword aura that can create a thousand illusions!

The black top was shattered into pieces.

Chu Ge: “…”

The woman originally wanted to do come over and perform, but a cold killing intent flashed from somewhere. The woman became confused and forgot about it, and continued to dance on stage.

Other guests in the venue were cheering like crazy, as if they had forgotten something and didn’t even notice this side.

Chu Ge’s shoulder slumped, and he sighed.

Qiu Wuji clenched her fists, “So this is the activity you were looking forward to. You asked about it as soon as we came in.”

“Oh, that’s just me pretending that I’m not a newbie,” Chu Ge said nervously. He added without thinking, “And with such a beautiful lady by my side, that’s the best….”

“Boom!” Qiu Wuji punched him in the head. Chu Ge’s chin hit the table, and he shut his mouth peacefully.

The same words said by others are a compliment, but if I say them, it’s asking for trouble…

Chu Ge murmured while hanging on the table, “They say cultivators should have a calm mentality…”

Qiu Wuji sneered, “Do you know why I can be calm, but you can’t?”


“Because I can beat you up, even everyone here, but what can you do except for getting angry?” Qiu Wuji grabbed him by the collar. “We found the secret passage. Let’s go. How long do you want to stay here?”

The spicy dance on stage was still going on, but the atmosphere seemed to have been shattered by their conversation.

Chu Ge had no interest in what the woman looked like when she took off her top because he was more interested in the secrets of this place than in the woman.

How can lookiong at a woman be more fun than adventuring?

Anyway, he had someone to protect him.

The two of them left their seats and quietly turned a corner in the chaotic dance crowd. Although it seemed like a dead end, a corridor that looked like an employee passage appeared, with two or three big men pacing back and forth, watching vigilantly outside.

When someone peeked in, one of the big men immediately said, “Employee passage, no entry for outsiders.”

Chu Ge raised his hand to indicate that they had gone the wrong way and retreated. He and Qiu Wuji exchanged glances and both felt that this place was not right. Does an employee passage usually have guards like this?

But it didn’t seem like it was absolutely forbidden for outsiders to enter, otherwise, they would have sealed off the entrance. It wouldn’t be difficult to make a hidden door that was locked. Why expose a brightly lit corridor?

Qiu Wuji whispered, “In my experience, similar places in the martial world must have special gatherings inside and won’t keep everyone out. As long as you have the right identification or token, you should be able to pass through unimpeded.”

Chu Ge asked, “Can you sense other passages?”

Qiu Wuji said, “There are other passages underground, but they lead to more complicated locations. It’s better to focus on this one.”

“What can we do about it… Can you sneak in using your invisibility technique and take me with you?”

Qiu Wuji remained silent.

Chu Ge asked, “What’s wrong?”

Qiu Wuji’s tone was cold, “I thought relying on your experience in this world would make it easy for us to move around, but apparently not… So why did I bring you here?”

Chu Ge said nothing.

Why did he make her so arrogant? Oh, right, it seems like he  wrote ‘proud’ instead. Sorry, not very good at writing…

Qiu Wuji didn’t use the invisibility spell because she had better tricks.

She walked boldly into the passage and waved her empty hand at the big men, “Can I go in?”

The big men all saluted, “Please.”

Qiu Wuji flicked her ponytail and strode deep into the passage. Chu Ge followed behind her like a follower, and nobody stopped him either.

Qiu Wuji’s illusion technique made the big men see what they wanted to see, so they thought her empty hand held a membership card.

At the end of the passage was an elevator that descended into the depths below. Nobody knew how deep it went. This was why invisibility technique wasn’t suitable, as people would notice someone going down in the elevator…

Chu Ge felt like a trinket standing in the elevator. The confined space was filled with the scent of Qiu Wuji by his side. He didn’t think it was a problem that he wasn’t contributing much, but felt a faint sense of pride in his heart.

This was the woman he created.

“Ding!” After who knows how long they had been descending, the elevator finally arrived at the bottom.

The moment the door opened, a huge noise rushed towards them. Even Qiu Wuji’s pupils contracted slightly, let alone Chu Ge.

He couldn’t believe that there was such a vast area underground, about the size of a stadium. The central fighting arena was about half the size of a football field, surrounded by layers of seats. Although it didn’t seem to be full, it already gave people a sense of crowdedness.

Every person had a ferocious expression, shouting wildly, their eyes red with violence, “Kill him! Kill him!”

The overlapping sound waves echoed in the enclosed space underground, like thunder.

“Roar!” In the center of the arena, a big man punched towards a girl’s abdomen.

Moon Shadow agilely attempted to dodge, but as soon as she moved, she suddenly felt her body become heavy and sluggish.

Gravity manipulation?

The thought flashed through Moon Shadow’s mind, and she forcibly broke through the gravity restriction, but was still affected and the big man’s fist had already grazed her abdomen.

Moon Shadow was knocked down and rolled on the ground for several rounds, with a mouthful of blood that she spat out, which slowly trickled out from under her mask.

The big man chased after her with a grin, kicking her again.

Moon Shadow barely managed to roll away again, but found herself already at the edge of the ring.

One more roll and she would fall off.

“Fuck you, you stinking bitch! I bet a million that you’d win! How dare you let me down!” Someone in the stands had already stood up in anger, throwing their phone onto the stage like it was worthless: “Get up!”

Another person laughed wildly and shouted, “Kill her! Kill her! Hahaha!”

The crowd was in turmoil, everyone shouting and throwing things, unable to hear what anyone else was saying.

Chu Ge looked on, his whole body cold, and he could hardly believe this was happening in his city. It felt like he had walked into a novel.

Moon Shadow struggled to prop up her upper body, facing a flying kick from the big man.

Can she avoid it?

She didn’t try to dodge.

Unknowingly, a shadow under the big man’s foot curled up into a ball, dragging his other foot with it and pulling it backwards.

The big man fell forward unexpectedly, and Moon Shadow moved aside, delivering a back kick squarely to his spine.

With the forward fall and the kick, the big man ended up being the first one to fall off the ring.

Name: Moon Shadow (Note: According to the testimony of the informant, the information is incomplete and is suspected to be a code name).

Identity: Unknown, involved in underground boxing.

Ability: Manipulation of shadows.

Development level: Unknown.

Nature: Combat, assassination.

Potential evaluation: S.

Gu Ruoyan’s finger traced this section of the record and whispered to the subordinate next to her, “Find this Moon Shadow. If the informant’s testimony is not exaggerated, then such a character must not be left to wander in the underground boxing arena.”

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