What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Gathering

Although the distraction caused by Qiu Wuji temporarily subsided, Chu Ge’s writing time was still not abundant.

Because there were more things to do now.

Running and push-ups were still being done. This was fundamental physical fitness. Not to mention the need to practice them perfectly, but having excess fat to the point of panting after running means that one definitely needs to practice more.

Meditation is done once in the morning and once at night. The current meditation is not just about circulating Qi along the meridians, but also follows the direction of the Golden Bell Shield to practice it. In professional terms, this means that the Golden Bell Shield technique is the foundation of his practice.

Thinking of this, Chu Ge couldn’t help but shed tears. How did he unknowingly become this way?

Luckily, he didn’t write about a body strengthening technique that required something like ‘Pure Yang Body’. Chu Ge always felt that this kind of technique is not scientific. Since men don’t have hymps, how do you know a Pure Yang body is pure? Doesn’t masturbating count as losing Yang energy? Does that mean people with Pure Yang body can’t masturbate otherwise they won’t have pure Yang energy anymore?

It doesn’t make sense, right?

In addition to practicing the Golden Bell Shield, the soul must also be tempered so that one cannot be controlled by others so easily. Even without such a serious concern, Chu Ge did not want his thoughts to be read by others. That is not a good feeling.

The time for meditation has been extended to more than twice what it was before.

In addition to this, he also needs to practice body movement techniques. He cannot just take a beating, right? At least, he needs to be able to run away when things go wrong.

In the short term, practicing body movements involves nimble and agile techniques, which don’t necessarily require outdoor practice and can be done indoors. Is the place cluttered with stuff? That’s even better. The idea is to be able to move comfortably in a complex space.

Chu Ge strolled around the room, feeling a sense of ease and relaxation in his pajamas… He felt that his style was becoming more and more peculiar.

Stepping lightly and nimbly, and then shouting loudly with the Golden Bell Shield technique, what kind of style was that?

Chu Ge didn’t even think about how to train his attacking techniques in the future. Instead, he was thinking about which styles to mix and match to create an interesting and amusing effect.

All in all, all these exercises add up to about three hours. Although it does not take up as much time as his previous job and part-time work, it seems to take longer and longer as he progresses. By the time he reaches Qiu Wuji’s level, just one session of meditation can be counted in months or even years. How will he have time to write then?

Oh well, that is probably a change that will only come after decades of practice. At least, it is unlikely to reach that level within the time of writing this book, so there should be no problem.

On the contrary, his mental state was getting better as he practiced and his writing became smoother, which actually increased his efficiency.

In the past, staying up all night to write was a record-breaking achievement, but now it’s just routine.

As he practices and writes at the same time, two days quickly pass by. Qiu Wuji has not returned yet, but his classmates have come for a gathering.

Chu Ge straightened his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror. He suddenly felt like he didn’t recognize himself anymore.

He’s still handsome… Well…

But he has too much spirit and energy now. He stood tall and his eyes were bright.

If he had this spirit and energy during his blind date with Gu Ruoyun, would her reaction have been different? Who cares, what’s the point of thinking about it? After all, everything that has happened is because of Qiu Wuji.

“Hey, the great writer is here so early.”

The restaurant they booked for the gathering is not bad, but unfortunately, Lao Hong booked it too late and they could only get a table in the hall. There weren’t many people attending the gathering, but they have at least two tables. Private rooms are hard to come by, so they all just settled in the hall. Chu Ge found his table, where Lao Hong was already sitting with his wife – who was also their classmate. They were among the first to arrive, and everyone was admiring Chu Ge. “Wow, you’re getting more and more handsome. Why couldn’t we see that back then?”

Chu Ge ran his hand through his hair. “Men become more attractive as they age. Won’t the ones who didn’t pursue me back then regret it?”

“Get out of here,” Lao Hong laughed. “You were too weird back then – and you’re still pretty weird now. You never participate in any activities, never play basketball or soccer, and spend your days either in the internet cafe or hiding in your dorm reading novels. You’re like a ghost – who would want to pursue you?”

Someone else chimed in, “Well, that’s what writers are like.”

Everyone laughed.

Chu Ge smiled faintly. This kind of laughter used to make him feel a little uncomfortable, like they were teasing him. For example, back then, when the rest of them were in the internet cafe all day, didn’t that make them disappear too? Aren’t they all the same? How come just because he’s a writer, even those things that are the same for everyone else becomes his special quirks that everyone can bring up anytime?

But now, he doesn’t really feel that way anymore.

She said he writes very well.

So who cares what these guys say?

He didn’t reply and went straight to his seat. “Did Wuyang not come?”

Lao Hong said, “He’s the chief of the bureau’s major department. He’s busy all the time. He originally said he might have to work overtime today, but then he said he was free and could come.”

A classmate asked, “Is it okay for government officials to have a public banquet and sit in such an eye-catching hall?”josei

Another female classmate said, “Beyond eight hours and weekends, it’s perfectly normal for classmates to get together. You always make things too complicated for government officials. Police officers are people too, as long as they don’t wear their uniforms.”

This female classmate was named Zhang Manli and was also a government official. It was said that she worked in civil affairs.

Chu Ge thought for a moment and wondered if he could get any help from the civil affairs department regarding Qi Wuji’s identity… He sighed and decided to network for the sake of her.

Just as he was thinking about buttering up a few words, he suddenly felt something in his heart. He turned his head to look at the hotel entrance.

Lin Wuyang was entering the door.

Almost at the same time, another group of people parked outside, and someone got out of the car.

Lin Wuyang subconsciously turned his head and saw Zhang Qiren getting out of the car.

Zhang Qiren was taken aback, apparently not expecting to run into Lin Wuyang here. The two locked eyes for a few seconds, and Zhang Qiren gave a polite smile. “I didn’t expect to run into Chief Lin here. Are you here for dinner?”

Lin Wuyang slowly said, “Don’t tell me this hotel is also yours?”

“Oh, no, no. I’m just here to treat a friend to dinner. Don’t get the wrong idea, Chief Lin. I don’t have that much money.”

“No matter who you’re treating as your ‘friend,’” Lin Wuyang said coldly as he turned around and walked into the hall. “As long as you have the money, that’s all that matters…”

His words seemed to be mocking and warning at the same time. Zhang Qiren didn’t reply, he just smiled and watched him walk into the hall.

Then his gaze slightly froze, finally showing a look of surprise–he saw Lin Wuyang walking happily towards one of the tables in the hall, and there was a familiar face sitting at the table, also looking at him in surprise.

Chu Ge.

His eyes were almost popping out of his head.

Zhang Qiren turned his head to look at his followers behind him, and then looked down at his expensive clothes. He face was bit hot, as if he felt embarrassed that Chu Ge had seen him.

Others would feel proud to see their old friends when they have money, but when Zhang Qiren saw Chu Ge looking at him, he felt ashamed. He took a moment to reflect on his emotions and laughed at himself.

“Big brother?” one of his followers asked, confused.

“Oh, nothing,” Zhang Qiren composed himself and smiled again. “Big Ear, pay attention to what they’re talking about at that table, and be careful.”

“I got it,” A man with large ears beside him replied with a laugh.

Zhang Qiren smiled and glanced at Chu Ge again before turning and going upstairs.

His QQ had been bombarded by messages from Chu Ge: “Zhang Qiren, you said you were going home to die, but it turns out you inherited a fortune!!!”

He sighed and checked his phone.

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