What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

He Yunxiao was now starting to worry about Nanzhu.

A few spanks just now, was it too exciting and made her a bit unbearable for a while?

Back then, when Sister Du was bullied in Sister Jiang’s bed, Sister Du was also silly. At that time, the originally smart Sister Du couldn’t cope with Sister Jiang at all and agreed to whatever was asked.

He Yunxiao looked at Nanzhu and thought to himself that her situation might be similar.

So he got up, took her hand, and led her to sit on a chair.

It suddenly occurred to He Yunxiao that Nanzhue had just been taught a lesson. Would it hurt to sit in a chair right now?

Although the hit was not hard, it was, after all, nine hits.

“Nanzhu, does it hurt to sit on a chair on your butt?”

Meng Qingrou shook her head, “It doesn’t hurt.”

He Yunxiao was relieved, but not that relieved, because now Nanzhu looked like she didn’t seem to have calmed down.

Suddenly, He Yunxiao felt the small hand he was holding in his palm being withdrawn.

When he looked up, Nanzhu was staring at him with watery eyes.

He Yunxiao was delighted and said, “Nanzhu, you’re back.”

Meng Qingrou blushed red and questioned, “What are you doing holding my hand?”

He Yunxiao knew he was in the wrong, but he couldn’t tell a lie, so he said honestly, “I saw you dazed just now and thought something had happened to you, so I took you over here to sit down.”

“I was dazed?”

He Yunxiao said honestly, “Yes. After you were taught a lesson, you were just dazed.”

When Meng Qingrou heard the word “lesson”, she could not remember anything but the tingling sensation and her cheeks flushed.

She blushed and asked, “Why did you have to teach me a lesson like that?”

He Yunxiao said honestly, “It hurt too much to hit your hand, I couldn’t bear to do it.”

[Meng Qingrou’s favorability level changed from 39 to 41]

“Then you don’t have to teach a lesson like that, you can hit somewhere else ……”

He Yunxiao laughed, “If not there, where?”

Meng Qingrou herself couldn’t say, it seemed, except for the palms of her hands, and there, hitting anywhere was inappropriate.

“You also liked to hit there before, why?”

This was the question that put He Yunxiao down.

He said, “I don’t know, maybe it’s habit, or maybe it’s like, at that time more or less I can’ t help but ‘think of bad things’.”

“No ‘thinking about bad things’!”

He Yunxiao said frankly, “You are so beautiful, how can I not think about it at all, would I still be a man, if i didn’t?”josei


Meng Qing Rou was so angry that her chest rose and fell. She knew from the beginning of her meeting, He Yunxiao, that she had never been able to say anything to him.

No matter what, he always had a reason.

But now, she wasn’t going to reason with He Yunxiao either. He was the one who insisted on coming to haunt her anyway, wasn’t he?

“I don’t care, you’re not allowed to think about it anyway.”

He Yunxiao:?

Good man, emboldened by favouritism!

Has Nanzhue become willful to this extent now?


“What’s wrong?”

“Take it.” He Yunxiao handed the ruler on the table back to Nanzhu.

Meng Qingrou didn’t want to hold the ruler at all; she naturally knew what holding it meant. But under He Yunxiao’s serious gaze, she still took it honestly.

This time, she did not need to be taught by He Yunxiao, and she held it with both hands consciously and obediently.

Sitting on the chair, holding the ruler, Meng Qingrou’s arrogance had mostly faded. She was now sitting upright with her head lowered and the ruler in her hands on her lap, her legs together and her back straight. She looked like a student who had made a mistake and was waiting for her teacher to criticize her.

“Do you know why you were told to hold the ruler?”

Meng Qingrou meekly replied, “No.”

He Yunxiao took a deep breath and said, “Nanzhu, I really do like you very, very much. But you can’t be wilful and presumptuous just because I like you. The matter of ‘thinking about bad things’ is something I can’t control myself. And yet you tell me not to think and tell me to do what I must not do, isn’t that willful?”


“Still being willful?”

“Not any more.”

He Yunxiao was relieved. He was most afraid that Nanzhu would turn into the willful and presumptuous kind of person who was most annoying. Now, since she was not, there was no need to take the next step.

“Good girl, give me the ruler.”

Meng Qingrou gave him the ruler, then hesitantly said, “Then, then I, not letting you into the Linxuan Palace, is that being willful?”

He Yunxiao Dao laughed, “No, this is the punishment you gave me.”

He then squatted down and looked up at Meng Qingrou, reaching out to take her small hand, squeezing it and looking into her eyes, “It’s my fault for lying to you, and it’s also my fault for making you sad. I am also human and make mistakes. Just like Nanzhu, I deserve to be punished for making mistakes. Nanzhu, no matter how much punishment you give me, I am willing to accept it. As long as you can feel better in your heart, I will do whatever you want.”

[Meng Qingruo’s favorability level changed from 41 to 50]

This time, the blatant words of love did not make Meng Qingrou blush in shame.

She lightly frowned at her pretty brow with a difficult expression.

She grabbed one of He Yunxiao’s big hands with her two small hands and pulled it to touch her chest.

He Yunxiao looked at Nanzhu in distress and didn’t even care about what her hand felt like. He only felt her heart beat with Nanzhu’s lightly frowning.

Meng Qingrou said softly, “He Yunxiao, Nanzhu’s heart hurts so much.”

Before, He Yunxiao did not understand why King Zhou wanted to take Bi gan’s heart to please Daji. Now He Yunxiao understood King Zhou too well. (Notes: Too big to explain, Read Here.)

But whenever he had a little way to ease Nanzhu’s heartache, then he used it instantly.

He rose, bent down, and went to kiss her lightly furrowed brow.

It seemed to really work, and after the kiss, her brow did indeed relax a little.

“Nanzhu, time heals the heart most. We are not in a hurry, take our time. I’ll stay with you for another ten years if you can’t cure it in one year, and I’ll stay with you for the rest of my life if I can’t cure it in ten years.”

Meng Qingrou nodded slightly and agreed, “Mm.”

When He Yunxiao watched Nanzhu slow down, he got up and smiled, “Nanzhu, you have to cure my Soul Devouring Pill so that I can stay with you for the rest of my life.”

Meng Qingrou deliberately hummed, “It’s the same if you turn into a soul-devouring pill to keep me company.”

He Yunxiao knew she was joking, so he pretended to be angry and frowned, “Hm?”

Meng Qingrou hurriedly stood up from her chair and reached out to pull He Yunxiao’s arm.

“Nanzhu is just joking. Don’t be angry.”

He Yunxiao also laughed, “You take the herbs and make the potion, while I take care of that fallen rack. Break it into bits and tomorrow you can ask Xing’er to move the broken parts of wood out bit by bit.”

Meng Qingrou nodded repeatedly, “Mm-hmm.”

In the room of Linxuan Palace, there were still the same two people, but for some reason, they were not the same two people as when they first arrived.

He Yunxiao did not expect that although the work was divided between her making the potions and himself chopping the rotten rack, in the end he was the one who finished the work first.

After He Yunxiao finished, Nanzhu was still working hard grinding the herbs.

Without saying a word, he took away Nanzhu’s work and told her to stay aside.

He Yunxiao is a cultivator and did it quickly. So the powder was immediately ground, and by this time the water on Nanzhu’s side was boiling.

The powder was poured into the jar with the odd pile of stuff, steamed slightly, and then it was ready to be taken out and drunk.

He Yunxiao smiled, “Can I take it on an empty stomach this time?”

Meng Qingrou said shyly, “If you want to drink it after dinner, you can do that too.”

When He Yunxiao heard this, he smiled heartily; what Nanzhu meant was: it didn’t matter whether one drank this potion on an empty stomach or not. He Yunxiao did not dawdle and downed it while it was hot, then reached out and squeezed her small hand and said, “Is it okay if I drink this and then eat dinner? Your Highness Nanzhu?”

Meng Qingrou’s face turned a little red as her hand was grabbed.

Not daring to look He Yunxiao in the eye, she turned her face to the side and said, “Since Xing’er made the food for you anyway, you can eat it if you want.”

At this moment, Xing’er’s footsteps and words came from not far away.

“Young Master He, the rice is ready, come and eat some.”

When Meng Qingrou heard that Xing’er had arrived, she hurriedly pulled her small hand out of He Yunxiao’s hand and stood away from him. Her face flushed, and her tone cold, she said, “Once you’ve eaten, go away. Don’t come back tomorrow.”

He Yunxiao watched Nanzhu talking to the empty space, so he teased, “Your Highness, I’m here, what are you saying with your face facing in the direction of Xing’er?”

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