What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Chu Chu, listen to my explanation

It was hard to put into words what He Yunxiao was feeling at the moment, if I had to draw an analogy, it was probably equivalent to having sex with your girlfriend and then being found out by her husband who had just come home.

The first feeling is that it’s quite sudden.

The second feeling is wondering, how could she be here?

At the moment, Chu Xiaoxiao was standing in the doorway, smiling intimately at him.

He Yunxiao tried to make a sophomoric argument.

“Chu Chu, listen to me, it is not what you think ……”

Chu Xiaoxiao said to Fu Gui, “Little Master, quickly go and grind the medicine.”

Fu Gui nodded and said to He Yunxiao, “Sir He, do you still ask about the Soul Devouring Pill antidote?”

When he first arrived at the pharmacy, He Yunxiao had thought the boy was very nice, recognizing himself at a glance, very perceptive, and now he just wanted to gag the boy!

He Yunxiao shook his head and waved his hand, saying repeatedly, “No further questions.”

Seeing that these two seemed to know each other well, the boy didn’t say anything more and left, leaving He Yunxiao and Chu Xiaoxiao alone in the waiting room.

The smile on Chu Xiaoxiao’s face quickly faded as she sat down opposite He Yunxiao and sneered, “Want the antidote? Didn’t I already give it to you?”

He Yunxiao knew in his heart that you couldn’t be submissive when speaking to Chu Xiaoxiao, but he didn’t dare to talk back.

The consequences of talking back to Chu Xiaoxiao last time were all too vivid for He Yunxiao. The antidote was so close at hand, but he had given it up and used it to bite someone.

Who would have thought that this woman would be true to her word? What kind of a villain gives the antidote when you ask for it?

Mentally deliberating his words, He Yunxiao said, “It was too dark at the time, so I didn’t taste what the antidote tasted like, and I wanted to try again.”

Chu Xiaoxiao said indifferently, “There is only one antidote to the Soul Devouring Pill. You don’t need to do any more useless search.”

His eyes lowered and his shoulders slumped, and He Yunxiao was visibly discouraged.

Although He Yunxiao had previously screamed about enjoying the moment and not caring, when he really only had one year left to live, it was inevitable that his will would be depressed.

Chu Xiaoxiao’s face was still devoid of expression, her whole being cold and indifferent to anything. She looked at He Yunxiao in a depressed mood, as if one was watching ants running around. Not caring, not interested, just watching.

In her life, perhaps only the word “Chu Fan” could touch the only remaining faintest trace of her feelings.

However, to her, He Yunxiao was still useful after all. She needed a living He Yunxiao, not a dead one.

“There is no antidote. But as long as you work well for me, I will let you live for a long time.”

Hearing these words, He Yunxiao became alive instantly.

“The Soul Devouring Pill can be solved?”

“It can’t be solved.”

“Then how can I live?”

“I will use my inner strength to extend your life.”

He Yunxiao was speechless at that moment.

This simple and brutal solution was really Chu Xiaoxiao’s style.

Using internal energy to hang on to one breath and lie in bed all day, that would be worse than dying.

But this interruption also made He Yunxiao regain his composure.

Since his predecessors could find a remedy for the Soul Devouring Pill, there was no reason why those who came after him could not. I have to ask the imperial practitioner to take a look at it sometime, and with my father’s power, I don’t need it for nothing.

The first thing you need to do is to find a couple of extinct herbs that are more realistic than these kinds of extras.

With his thoughts back to the present, He Yunxiao soon discovered something strange.

He himself was here to find the antidote to the Soul Devouring Pill. What was Chu Xiaoxiao doing here?

“Chu Chu, what are you here to dispense the medicine?”

Chu Xiaoxiao said indifferently, “Today you have called twice more, plus yesterday, a total of seven times. Hearing you say that, I remembered why you didn’t come behind the Spring Breeze Mansion at the hour today? Could it be that you wanted to fool me?”

The words of questioning made He Yunxiao’s scalp tingle. But he was also keenly aware that Chu Xiaoxiao, who had always been frank, had avoided answering his question this time.

There was something fishy about it.

The original novel didn’t say that the protagonist’s siblings had any injuries or illnesses, right?

After looking up and down at Chu Xiaoxiao, he finally noticed Chu Xiaoxiao’s right hand that was hidden in her sleeve.

It was this hand that was bitten last night, and it was bitten with the antidote to the Soul Devouring Pill, could it be.

Noticing He Yunxiao’s gaze, Chu Xiaoxiao pulled her hand back into her sleeve in a quick moment.

“No one is allowed to gaze at me with such eyes. If there is a next time, I will gouge out your own eyes and eat them.”

He Yunxiao said suspiciously, “My Lord Chu Xiaoxiao, the wound I bit last night, it hasn’t healed yet, has it?”

Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to realize that something was wrong.

She immediately said warily, “What do you want?”

“I’m wondering if the reason the wound isn’t healing is because of the Soul Devouring Pill antidote left on it?”

He Yunxiao now had a very dangerous look in his eyes as he slowly forced his way towards Chu Xiaoxiao.

Right then, Fu Gui pushed open the door to the room carrying a packet of medicine.

“Miss Chu, your blood-clotting pills. Master said that the wounds do not heal for a long time because there is a strange medicinal force lingering on them. It’s best to use these packs of herbs to soak your hands in water, then ……”

Without waiting for Fu Gui to finish, He Yunxiao enthusiastically took the medicine packets for Chu Xiaoxiao, then flung his hand to close the door, leaving Fu Gui outside.

“You can’t get rid of my antidote.” He Yunxiao tucked Chu Xiaoxiao’s medicine in his arms and said straightforwardly.

Chu Xiaoxiao said in a cold voice: “The antidote’s power was forced out by my inner strength when you bit me, now there are only a few left, it is useless to you.”

As soon as he heard that the antidote was in play, He Yunxiao immediately said anxiously, “I have to try it to know if it’s useful!”

“What will you do?”

“Chu Xiaoxiao! Hold out your hand and give me a taste of the antidote!”josei

“He Yunxiao! How dare you! Don’t think I don’t dare to kill you!”

“I’m going to die anyway! Kill me now if you dare! Then go and take care of the bad woman who would seduce your brother yourself!”

As far as He Yunxiao could remember, it was the first time he had seen “Chu Chu” turn into “Xiao Xiao” in front of him.

Although they were one person with one face, the two personalities had completely different personalities and temperaments.

There was nothing wrong with calling them twins.

Chu Xiaoxiao who had turned into “Xiaoxiao” held the bell controlling the Soul Devouring Pill in her hands and threatened in a sweet voice, “Brother Yunxiao, if you come over again, Xiaoxiao will not be polite.”

How could He Yunxiao chicken out at this moment?

The one who had chickened out was obviously her Chu Chu!

Chu Chu has the guts to come out and play against me! What’s the point of letting Xiaoxiao out!

With a wail, He Yunxiao pounced on her!

For the antidote!


After being kicked out by He Yunxiao, Fu Gui continued to be bored in the shop.

Today was indeed an unusual day for him.

He met a very handsome big brother and a very pretty young lady.

If only life was that interesting every day.!

Just as he was thinking of this, there was a strange sound coming from the waiting room.


Boom, boom, boom!

Fu Gui quietly slipped to the door of the waiting room and quietly opened it a crack.

He saw that the waiting room, where the tables and chairs were in order, was in shambles.

The chairs were broken, the wooden table was in two halves, and the teacups and teapots for drinking had also turned into pieces and fallen to the ground.

The pretty young lady, her face flushed, stood upright in the middle of the waiting room. The handsome older brother, on the other hand, was lying on the floor doing push-ups with one hand.

Fu Gui saw that the big brother had red palm marks on his face.

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