What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 73

Chapter 73




He Yunxiao didn’t dare to make a rash noise to interrupt. He was afraid that if this girl was scared by herself, she might hurt herself with a needle being scared.

He quietly pushed open the door and walked in, putting the candied fruit, rouge and fish away one by one.

Then he walked behind Meng Qingrou and watched what she was doing.

She was embroidering a sachet.

Even if He Yunxiao wasn’t a professional, he could tell that the fabric of the bag was average, and Nanzhu’s wife’s stitching was even more average.

It was at a level that could barely be considered needlework.

It was no wonder that she was unable to move these things. There was no way she could practice any more.

He Yunxiao waited for Nanzhu’s wife to pause and suddenly took her hand, snatching the incense bag away along with the needle and thread.

Meng Qingrou looked at the sudden loss of the item in her hand and froze for a moment, then looked up as an afterthought.

“Young Master Xiao! You ……”

He Yunxiao hurriedly said, “As we agreed yesterday, I will come and continue healing your wounds today.”

Meng Qingrou held out her left hand and said anxiously, “My hand is already healed, there is no need to heal it.”

Meng Qingrou’s hand was indeed almost healed. The wound from yesterday had already taken off the scab today, and was basically invisible. But was it a matter of whether the wound was well or not?

He Yunxiao pretended to be angry and pointed at the small red spot on Meng Qingrou’s hand and said, “Did this just get stuck by a needle?”

Meng Qingrou lowered her head sheepishly.

“If I hadn’t given you a blood transfusion yesterday, you wouldn’t have been able to stop the bleeding for a while even if you had been stabbed with a needle and the wound was small.”

He Yunxiao put the needle and thread plus the bag on the table.

Then he began to lecture Meng Qingrou.

“Do you know that you have haemophilia? Can you move sharp things? You are the princess of Qi, a sixteen year old girl, can you ……”

Meng Qingrou raised her head slightly and said carefully, “Young Master Xiao, Nanzhu is seventeen years old ……”

“How dare you talk back! You!”

He Yunxiao made a move to hit.josei

Seeing him like this, Meng Qingrou immediately lowered her head. With her hand on her lap, the two fingers of her right hand were held nervously in the palm of her left hand. At the same time, the slender, well-proportioned legs were planked together.

It was exactly the same look: Nanzhu knew she had done wrong, so teach Nanzhu as much as you want. Young Master.

When He Yunxiao saw her like this, his heart softened.

Men can be soft-hearted, but not other things.

He Yunxiao squatted down, poked at the tip of her nose, and said seriously, “Care more about yourself. Luckily my blood is still good, you poked your finger today and it didn’t bleed. Next time, leave this kind of thing to the palace maids.”

Meng Qingrou softly said, “Xing’er and the girls are very busy, Nanzhu doesn’t want to bother them anymore. Besides, this is a bag for my sister and I want to make it myself ……”

He Yunxiao thought, he had given Nanzhu’s wife a lot of blood yesterday, it should be enough for a while, at least not so much that something serious would happen if she pierced her finger.

So he softened his tone and said, “If you promise not to stab your hand again, I’ll agree to you doing it.”

Meng Qingruo nodded her head in a hurry.

“Mm-hmm. I promise.”

He Yunxiao picked up the needle and thread and the sachet and returned them to Meng Qingrou, taking great care to wrap the needle in the thread to eliminate the possibility of it sticking to Nanzhu’s wife.

“You can have it back.”

Meng Qingrou smiled sweetly and said, “Thank you, Young Master Xiao!”

He Yunxiao also smiled, “Satisfied? If you’re satisfied, let’s start healing. Come, do as you’re told and hold out your hand.”

Of course, Meng Qingrou knew what “healing” meant.

Last night, she and Young Master Xiao had held hands for a whole half hour.

Even though she now, in her heart, had the idea of discussing with her sister not to marry He Yunxiao, but no matter what, she and Young Master Xiao were not yet betrothed ……

Although the relationship with the doctor and the patient can be explained in the past, but …… I have already been healed ……

Seeing this hesitant look of Nanzhu, He Yunxiao knew that his chance had come again.

Without hesitation.


A tingling sensation was transmitted to the brain along with a familiar sound. Meng Qingrou’s face instantly turned red, and then subconsciously began to panic.

He Yunxiao looked at her and smiled, “Hand.”

In the midst of her panic, Meng Qingrou was a little disoriented, and even though she was extremely shy and embarrassed, she still obediently raised her left hand and handed it to He Yunxiao.

“Spread your fingers apart yourself.”

Meng Qingrou blushed and pretended not to hear.

But He Yunxiao wouldn’t let her off the hook just like that.


Meng Qingrou turned her face away, not daring to look at her left hand as if she was afraid, her face red and her lips pursed in shame and indignation. But still, she obediently parted her fingers herself and waited for He Yunxiao’s big hand to hold it.

He Yunxiao looked at her like this and deliberately teased her, just not holding it at once.

He moved his fingers, starting from the root of her palm and moving upwards, rubbing and advancing a little.

That feeling from last night returned to Meng Qingruo’s body.

She only felt it in her left hand, rough, warm, and hard and firm.

It was as if there was a big tree to shelter her from the wind and rain in the midst of the storm.

Her focus, gradually drawn by the slow touch, was drawn from the rest of her body, and all invoked to focus on the hand.

Just then, the large hand suddenly moved to take the small, white, soft hand in its full grip, clasping the ten fingers together in a tight fit.

Because the focus was all on the hand, sensory information from the touch was collected quite sufficiently.

The amount of disturbed information caused her face to flush instantly, while subconsciously her whole body tensed up and her legs tightened together. It was like being electrocuted, from head to toe.

Looking at her hand being tightly grasped by Xiao Yun again, Meng Qingrou said resignedly, “Young Master Xiao, how much longer do I have to heal today?”

He Yunxiao thought for a moment, not wanting to gain an inch, so he simply doubled the time and said, “One hour.”

Meng Qingrou’s hand was held honestly, and her mouth protested, “Yesterday it was clearly only half an hour.”

He Yunxiao explained nonsensically, “Yesterday it was half an hour because we kept holding on to each other yesterday.”

Meng Qingrou argued, “Then can’t you not separate them today?”

He Yunxiao laughed, “That’s what you said, if you don’t eant to separate, you don’t have to separate.”

Meng Qingrou:?

He Yunxiao didn’t care about the trick or not. A trick on his own wife was no trick. It was called love.

He had gotten his hands on her, so he took Meng Qingrou to the place where he had put the “New Year’s goods”.

He put a few packets of snacks into Meng Qingrou’s hands and took the rouge and put it on her dressing table.

He Yunxiao said, “This rouge is not expensive, you can use it as you like, I will buy more when you run out.”

Looking at Nanzhu’s wife’s empty dressing table. He Yunxiao added, “Do you want anything else?, hairpins, necklaces, bracelets?”

She hesitated.

He Yunxiao added, “My family has money, so you don’t have to be polite.”

Meng Qingrou hesitated, “Young Master and Nanzhu are not relatives, why are you so kind to Nanzhu?”

“I rare you.”

“What does ‘rare you’ mean…”

He Yunxiao didn’t rush to answer, but pulled her to sit at the table, unwrapped the several packs of snacks, then picked one of each and stuffed them into her mouth.

At this moment, Meng Qingrou’s cheeks were puffed out, like a little hamster.

“You ate my snacks, and my blood is still flowing in your body. From now on, you are mine, you can only marry me, you can’t even run away.”

Meng Qingrou’s eyes widened as she felt that she was being trapped. She couldn’t say a word because her mouth was stuffed with snacks at the moment!

He Yunxiao said, “I’m a person who respects other people’s opinions, you have ten seconds to object.”

When Meng Qingrou heard He Yunxiao say this, she thought it was alright, so she hurriedly chewed the contents of her mouth.

He Yunxiao started counting down, “Ten! Nine! One! The end. Since you’re not saying anything, I’ll take that as a yes.”

Meng Qingrou had a hard time saying anything at the moment, and the only thing she could use to comfort herself was that the snacks were still quite tasty.


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