While Others Cultivate, I LVL UP In My Sleep Using The Dungeon System

Chapter 478 - Bombardment Style

Chapter 478 - Bombardment Style

"Marco, your body and Reflection Style are impressive, but you are far from invincible. I will show you that today and even though you may think I am weaker than you, the strongest is the one who wins the battle, not the one with the most raw power,"

As he said that, Adam's fist landed on Marco and Milo and Marco who were expecting an amazingly powerful attack after Adam's big talk, were shocked and amused to find that it was even weaker than his previous punches.

"Are you getting tired already? I thought you were better than..." said Marco, before suddenly feeling as though he was unable to speak and being launched flying away.

"I haven't sat by idly when you struck me and was analysing your body and thinking of ways to take you down. Honestly, you are amazing and can crush many cultivators at the same cultivation level as you, but I am not your average cultivator,"

Forming a new skill that he named the Delayed Burst Fist, Adam found the perfect attack that would be effective against Marco.

His Reflection Style would act almost instantaneously and transfer the power of the attack he sustained into his own power that he would reflect onto his opponent.

However, by releasing a delayed burst of energy after his fist struck him, not only could Adam disrupt the reflection style, but he could also land a powerful attack on him while he was vulnerable.

Marco never imagined that Adam would be able to come up with and successfully pull off a counter measure to how he fought and Adam was the most frightening opponent he had ever faced.

It wasn't anything to do with his power or fighting capabilities, but his mind and how quickly he could find an opponent's weakness and understand how they fight, then act on the weakness that they found.

However, Marco didn't get to his position, ranking and power with muscle power alone and had other ways of fighting other than the Reflection Style.

He had never had to resort to the style he was about to unleash against Adam, but he had no choice and didn't want to lose against Adam.

Even if he won, he didn't anything from Adam, but he was too enthralled in the heat of battle to think about such things.

All he was focusing on was taking down his opponent and experiencing a thrilling, tough and amazing battle with a worthy opponent.

"It seems that you are finally taking this seriously. Then let's truly begin this battle," said Adam, seeing that Marco was no longer planning on holding back.

"You have seen my Reflection Style, well how about I show you my Bombardment Style? This is a friendly warning, prepare yourself and try not to die,"

After saying that, Adam could see Marco's body begin steaming and turn bright red, seemingly burning up.

Marco's Reflection Style worked by taking on attacks and guiding the power of the attacks around his body by precise contractions and relaxations of the muscles throughout his body.

He could pass the impact through relaxed muscles around his body and control them with the contractions, then lead the power out of his body in an attack or movement of his own.

Marco was only able to pull off and create such a combat style because of the Mind-Muscle connection that he was gifted with.

It was that Mind-Muscle connection that also allowed him to strengthen his body as much as he did and perfectly pinpoint and train every part of his body until there were no weak points that his opponents could exploit.

Using his Mind-Muscle connection, he had also formed another battle style that he would only use as a last resort against worthy opponents, and Adam was one of the few that had the opportunity to experience it firsthand.

Milo had heard of Marco's power and skill, but he hadn't seen it for himself and was very impressed by it, while he was also fascinated by Adam, especially after he used the Step Skip Unique Skill.

Adam used the Step Skip Skill a second time and continuously used the Delayed Burst Fist Skill that he had come up with to counter Marco's Reflection Style.

Marco seemed to need some time to activate and begin using his Bombardment Style, but Adam wasn't planning on letting him use it so easily and continued attacking him and making the most of the upper hand that he had.

"You have had your fun, now it is my turn" he roared as a great wave of power was released from his power.

The Refection Style was a passive combat style that would act in response to an attack, while the Bombardment Style was the opposite.

It would allow him to grow stronger the more attacks he managed to land on his opponents in a row without the opponent dodging or countering any of the attacks.

Essentially, it was a combat style that would allow him to build momentum and continuously increase the power and speed of his attacks as he bombarded his opponent with his attacks.

Once one was caught in his Bombardment, if they were unable to get out of it by dodging an attack or countering with an attack of their own, their fate was sealed.historical

Launching himself towards Adam, Marco's body was in a strengthened state in which its one aim was to unleash an endless streak of attacks that would crush his opponent.

Just like the Reflection Style, it was a battle style that only he could pull off successfully, and use to defeat his opponents, or so he thought.

It was clear to Adam that Marco's speed and power had increased, but there was more to the Bombardment Style than that and from the name that he had revealed to him, it was clear that it would involve overwhelming him.

However, Adam was not going to back down or allow any battle style to get the better of him.

"Just like your Reflection Style, I will find the weak point of this battle style and come out on top,"

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