While Others Cultivate, I Use My Multiverse System

Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Profits

In the end, this was one of the most tiring nights that I have ever experienced. 

From the moment we started, all the way until the sun hid for the night only to emerge several hours later, my hips continued to pump. My balls continued to frantically produce sperm. My penis continued to desperately shoot it out. 

Even though the great majority of the time I spent in Ayda's embrace, not a single shot reached her womb. Despite clearly forcing herself to do it, whenever this damned lass would feel that I was reaching the fulfilment, she would order me to move above that despicable female general, only to slam me balls deep into her already overflowing hole. 

While at first, I was rather against the entire idea, I still ended up going through with Ayda's plan. Somewhere in the middle of the night, I learned the truth behind the sadistic kink, discovering the pleasure in constantly dumping the powerless body of my slave full of my cum. 

It was somewhere around the evening when the wave of disgust in myself finally kicked in, putting the long-awaited end to the sexual pleasures of the night. Even though I spent the next several hours tightly hugging Ayda's soft body, I still couldn't get rid of this strange feeling of repulsion whenever I looked down on my own self. 

"Good morning." Waking up, Ayda slowly brought her head up from my arm. Curled to my side through the last few hours, it seemed that this time of rest did wonders to her mental and physical state. 

After all, how could I expect anyone to be fresh and dandy after committing what was likely to be the greatest genocide in the history of local civilisation?

"Morning." Unable to lie about my perception of the current state of the day, I replied. Noticing the curious look in Ayda's eyes, I could only point at the motionless body of the enslaved female in the corner. 

"Ah, she is already pregnant. I checked it myself." Misinterpreting the notion in my eyes, Ayda cheerfully announced. "And that means…" pushing herself up on her hands, Ayda moved her upper body on top of my chest, cuddling her head right below my chin. "... you are back to being mine and mine alone." 

For a moment, I allowed the girl to improve my mood just by acting spoiled on top of me. With my hand rustling her hair while the other one enjoyed the delicate texture of her back, I allowed my thoughts to drift in the abyss. But soon, this momentary paradise had to come to an end. 

"We need to go now." 

WIthout the time stop, more than an entire day passed ever since we left the earth. While this mission was of utmost importance, the one thing we could do right now to make the most of the massacre would be to wait. 

And the things on Earth didn't show any signs of slowing down. One day and a few hours was the most that I could make out of my packed schedule. 

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to laze around for a little longer." Tightening her hold over my chest for a moment, Ayda soon gave up. Just like the massacre that we conducted was necessary to further our plans, so was limiting the free time that we could spend together. 

At the end, only when we would reach the apex of both words would we be able to spend time leisurely to our heart content. 

Soon, we were all packed and ready to leave. With Huskarl employed to care for the carrier of my future kid like Ayda called the female slave, there was nothing holding us back for now. Even in the further perspective, we would only return once Ayda would determine that the female witches have recovered enough to bear their own role of mothers to the future true mages of the world.

In the end, returning to earth nearly instantly made me release a sigh of relief. As insane and interesting as Ayda's world was, the memory of it was already tainted by the act with that damned female. With only more acts of what I considered accepted and encouraged cheating to come, I could already tell that with time, I would start to hate that place at a forever-growing rate.

But at the same time, Earth offered solace to my problems. The instant rush of matters to deal with, quickly tearing my thoughts apart from those past unpleasantries. 

As soon as the two of us emerged from the insides of the concrete dome, a small crowd of people instantly tracked and chased us down.josei

"Sir, the new stones…" Sander voice already proclaimed that yet another breakthrough was made. Even before he could finish his words, I wanted to calm his enthusiasm down, still wary about the effects of those recurring stones he produced earlier. But before I could put even a single word out, another voice sneaked in.

"Sir, I'm from the financial. I urgently need your signature…"

"The finances can wait! Your excellency is needed at the summit…" 

One by one, members of the crowd started to shout their matters, hoping to get enough of my attention to make me deal with it right away. Regretfully for them, I wasn't going to give a priority to random matters who just happened to be shouted louder than others.


Knowing that this sly man would be somewhere near, I shouted. And just like expected, the familiar face of my first ever contact with the Baskar family appeared by my side. 


Contrary to the others, Pavlo didn't bother with any pleasantries. Instantly jumping to the topic, he was ready to take whatever actions that would be necessary to fulfil my orders.

"Get everyone out of here. I need a short list of the priority matters to deal with. Any suggestions from the top of your head?" Turning to the young yet important figure of my faction, I could smile when noticing the shine appearing in the young man's eyes. 

"Yes, the summit. Just as you left, the stone markets were completely crazy. If bitcoin was a huge thing in the past, then its history is nothing but a teaser to what happened just yesterday!" Catching a quick whiff of breath, Pavlo coughed up before pointing at the neighbouring wing of the compound, visible through the huge glass panels serving for the walls. "The high executives are gathered in the meeting room."

Grabbing Ayda's hand, I then had no other choice but to let go. Sending a nod of respect to the young man who temporary acted as my secretary, I then pointed my chin at the girl beside me.

"Don't forget that she is here too. By the way, once I'm done with the summit…" Before I could even finish my sentence, Pavlo smiled and waved a piece of paper he was already covering with small letters. "The list will be done by that time. I will personally take care of it."

Nodding his head, Pavlo instantly took my burden of being at the centre of attention. Now that he became the only link between me and those attention-starved executives and officials, all those who bothered me directly a moment ago turned their predatory eyes towards the young man. 

But I couldn't help him at all. This was a damned part of the job. Even though I created this entire cult and faction just to secure a safe and comfortable life for myself and a way to keep my system a secret, I never expected that just the bureaucratic hurdle would grow to the point of nearly overwhelming me!

Dashing through the corridors allowed me to reach the meeting room fairly quickly. Sadly, the meeting started even before we returned to the earth, making it impossible to catch everything.

"I'm here!"

Pushing the doors open, I stepped into the room. All at once, everyone turned silent. With a crowd of faces now all directed towards me, I couldn't help but feel slightly pressured. While it wasn't my first time to be in a centre of attention, not even for this specific group of people, usually this attention would fall on me due to my own actions. 

Being focused on due to being late made the entire situation feel extremely different.

"Okay everyone, let's not hold back. Your excellency," after addressing everyone in the room first, Jeff then turned his head towards me with a weird expression on his face. Even though I was a witch and could read his aura, right now, I simply couldn't make out a single emotion that was driving him.

If it was sadness or anger, then I could gauge the news to be not good. If he would be joyful or enthusiastic, then the situation should be great. But right now, Jeff was simply a mess of emotions, making me unable to read him at all.

"We concluded the profits from the last day of trading the stones. While we entered the market with just a tiny fraction of what we have and forcefully kept the control amount in our hand…"

Taking a moment to breathe in some air, Jeff then looked me directly in the eyes. 

HIs emotions clarified as if he suddenly made some kind of decision. 

His expression eased. 

A happy smile made its appearance on this old man's lips. 

"The profits from that single day of trading are estimated to be about as much as we invested in all our projects so far. But that was only to be expected."

Serving yet another smile, Jeff picked up a piece of paper from the huge table before raising it up so that everyone could see.

"As for today, just the first hour of trading quadrupled the profits from yesterday."

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