While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 174

Chapter 174: Taking care of Eve's needs (smut)

With my needs catered to, I had to make sure that Eve won't remember this moment as one-sided action!

Throwing her on the bed, I was going to instantly drop in-between her soft thighs to lick her clean, but decided to start from the very top halfway through. grabbing both of her arms, I pin them down over her head, while leaning over her mouth and gracing her with a long and deep kiss.

Not bothered by what she just did with her lips, I continue kissing her waiting for the moment when she will start to involuntarily try to free herself from my hold. As soon as her muscles tensed for the first time, I moved my lips away, only to start gobbling on her ear. While for modern people this is a quite obvious thing, I wonder if the local population realises that this is one of the most erogenous zones on human's body!

As Eve's naked body starts to wiggle violently under my relentless gobbling of her ear, I can feel her nipples rubbing on my chest whenever she tenses up and bends herself upwards. Hearing her sweet moans squeezing out of her mouth with every second, I move my lips downwards, only to stop on the side of her neck. 

With a violent sucking on her skin, I mark her with a hickey for the very first time. After raising my head and admiring my job for a moment while ignoring her struggle to set herself free and ravage me, I lean over her again and leave yet another sweet, red spot on her neck. 


With her moans turning into whining, I finally move even lover, while kissing every part of her body that get on the way. From her Adam's apple, through her collarbone all the way to the deep valley between her supple breasts. While burying my head between those two soft and gracious mounds, I kiss the skin over her sternum, while one of my hands traces slowly to her left breast.

No matter how much I play with her chest, it's never even close to being enough for me!

With one of my palms covering the top of her left breast, I lick my way from the under the breast to the nipple of her right tittie. As soon as my mouth arrives as its destination, I suck it with all my might, while sinking my fingers in her soft skin. No matter how much I would love to play around this area, even more, I leave her chest rather quickly, licking her entire belly on my way to her secret place. Unable to hold her hands anymore, I have to let them go, while putting them down on her thighs. In less than a second, her delicate fingers are pushing me with all their might towards her most precious place! 

I can feel that her body doesn't have any strength to struggle violently anymore, limiting it's expressing of longing for pleasure to just weak twitching. Seeing how she was on the very verge of losing patience when her hands stopped actually brushing through my hair and attempted to circumvent my face to reach for her sweet hole, I finally give up with my teasing. 

Lowering my head down a bit, I instantly push my tongue as far into her sweet, sweet hole as I can, while pinching on her clitoris with one of my hand. Using my second arm to raise one of her legs as far away in an attempts to spread her precious place as much as I can, I can help but marvel at the softness of her thigh. 

Brushing the insides of her pussy with my tongue with all the angles that I can take inside, I add one of my fingers to the fun. After wiggling it inside for a bit, I raise my head just a few centimetres, only to suck strongly at her cute, little button, while slamming two of my longest fingers inside her gaping hole. 

Feeling her fingers scratching the skin on my head, I could feel that she was already close to spilling the liquid of her pleasure. Raising from over her bottom lips, I slammed two of my fingers inside her hole again, while rubbing her clitoris with the palm of my hand. Taking care of her bottom with just a single hand allowed me to give her breast another squeeze as I leaned over her sweet and wet lips before kissing her. 

Allowing her to come as I kissed her was one of the best decisions in my life. When she suddenly tried to moan right in my mouth, I felt like my brain trembled under the vibration of her mulled voice, while she managed to stretch her tongue further than ever before, allowing me to get an even better taste of her saliva that it was covered with. josei

Sucking on her mouth while she bent her body upwards with my hand still caressing the insides of her bottom mouth gave me the strange feeling as if I could embrace her whole and bring her to the peak of the pleasure. Should I call it paternal instinct? The joy of caring for someone? The joy of a girl allowing me to embrace her whole and laying herself bare before me? I couldn't voice this feeling properly.

After the several waves of tensing up that went through her body finally subsided, Eve fell back to the bed, unable to utter even a single word for a long while. While my manhood stood erected at all times while she wiggled under my teasing and pleasuring, I didn't bother her until she recovered herself back. While climaxing last only a moment, the pleasure can be felt for a lot longer time. 

"Did I redeemed myself?"

Asking with a slight smile, I couldn't help but derive joy from the look of happiness and pleasure on the face of my beloved. While we didn't come together, just seeing her elated expression was enough to satisfy me!

"Stop with the questions you know the answer to! Come here!"

Reaching with her arms towards me, Eve invited me back. I guess it's finally time when we will both be able to indulge in each other!

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