While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 194

Chapter 194: Entropic poisoning

Even if there was someone out in the crowd who could share some details that both sides either ignored or forgot about, no one wanted to interject in the conflict between those two powerhouses. Dissatysfying one of the sides could earn some favours from the others, but everyone subconsciously knew that resolving a grudge was a far more potent drive than paying back the favour!

"Young lady, I believe that this entire situation stems from the fact that you claim to hail from the Katenari family. Do you have any identification token or other kinds of proof that could be used to bypass the blood verification?"

Looking at the situation from a more distant point of view, it indeed erupted only because Eve's family name got announced during the tournament. Considering how neither of us was surprised by the events, it went without saying that we knew about the position that her family held in the city.

"While I have something that could satisfy your curiosity, I don't believe either the respectable mayor or some small fry from my despicable family would be privy to lay their hands or even sight on it!"

Oho? It was rare to see Eve acting in such a straightforward and aggressive way! Considering the attitude of her family towards her, it was easy for me to understand why she acted like that, but all those around us, couldn't have any clue, making them create wrong ideas about her in their heads!

"If you don't like being a part of this family so much, why do you still follow their name? It's not like anyone would be any wiser if you procured a new identification token under a different name! Why did you keep this one, fully conscious of how it would cause trouble in my city?"

While this question was soo good that even I pondered over the answer when my beloved one first shared her background history with me, with my own clan forcing me out I was able to understand how much one can cling to the remnants of the past! If I could kill my cousin right now, only to meet my father one last time, I wouldn't hesitate nor think about the consequences! That's why I can fully understand why Eve didn't want to get rid of her name, even if it could prove to be a more pragmatic approach!

"I inherited my second name after my dear father, and I won't give it up only because the roots that we both grew from turned out to be poisonous!"

Ugh, those are some big words, that can reveal her direct bloodline as well! I know that she hates them to the bone, but revealing our true motives just like that won't serve any good!josei

Bonger, max my intelligence!

With the previous experiences of developing all of my statistics, I know what I can expect from each of them.


"Adding 1000 points into the host's intelligence statistic!"

In a flash, I could feel overwhelming energy infusing itself into my pores, to the point when my body could not hold even a single thread of mana more! While I could feel some micro deficits created by my earlier usage, it didn't even take my body a second to fill the back to the brim!

Taking a quick glance at the numbers from my status window appearing as soon as I thought about it, my eyes almost fall out of the orbit! I increased my intelligence by five times, but my total mana changed from almost twenty-five hundreds to overwhelming thirty-seven thousands!

If I could cause a local disaster by infusing my fireball with my entire energy, I think I could get rid of this entire city just by packing all my impossibly dense mana into it right now! Who cares about greater skills! Mana rolls!

With new fire igniting in my eyes, I use the energy in my body to forcefully fix all my organs back into their original place and stand up. While I can't use my fireball to not reveal who was the culprit behind all those fire attacks, I can still use my shockwave! But thinking about it, I don't remember Bonger ever telling me what is my current level of the entire mage class!

Mind explaining it little buddy?


"Host can upgrade his current special class by reaching required proficiency with all the basic abilities provided by the class!"

I guess it works just like every other class that I had, just with a little bit more information shown by the progress bar. Should I test it out on those fuckers? I believe I'm still way from upgrading it! Since they dared to cross me, shouldn't they pay for it?

With those thoughts brewing inside me, I feel like something within my body is trying to fight against it, making those fleeting ideas only appear on the periphery of my mind, unable to take control of my actions. 

But why should I prevent myself from letting those thoughts take over?


"Host is is on the verge of falling to entropic poisoning"

"It's highly advisable to refrain from using any mana until host aura stabilizes."

Entropic what? Stop with that damn jargon! You fucking know that I understand shit from it! 

Slamming my fist on the ground I involuntarily look down on it, only to see a strange glow over it! Upon taking a closer look, I realise that my entire body is surrounded by a strange mist, just like if this small distance of maybe five to ten centimetres off my skin was able to refract the light and deform slightly the image of my body!

Wait, I got this entropic thing when I overloaded my body with the mana, so why shouldn't I just get rid of some of it to calm the situation down?

Raising my eyes, I can see almost everyone still focused on the silly exchanges going on between Venna, town's mayor and the Katenari's elder. With my mana slowly starting to run amok within the confines of my body, I try to devise any sort of plan that won't result in me either losing control or killing everyone in a few kilometres radius before perishing myself as well.

Smash my points in strength? No, getting stronger won't help me at all. I'm even worried that unable to control my new found strength, I would accidentally unleash hell on everyone just because my inability to control my energy either! 

The same goes for agility, while charisma wouldn't do shit! Now, with only a bit more than a thousand points left, what should I invest to, wisdom to push for a breakthrough in hopes that with higher cultivation I will be able to control this enormous energy? Or the constitution to make my body even more resilient?

As I try to raise my head to see what is going on in the world outside my head, I realise that my eyes can't provide me with a clear vision anymore, just as if I was watching the events through a thick curtain of dense liquid. I can't discern the separate voices of the people, I can feel burns appearing on the skin of my hands, legs and face. If I won't solve this problem now, I'm not sure how will this damn end! Is this what it means for one's cultivation to go berserk?

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