While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 309

Chapter 309: Meeting the locals

As I marched through the camp, the local people had to come to the same conclusion as the warriors that decided to ignore me in the end before. Before I even reached the midpoint of the place, I was already surrounded by the people shouting over each other something that I was barely able to discern as the pleas for help.

But how could I help them? 

Go against the stronger side? Let them in the small world on my island? 

But even if I brought back those women and their kids, what about their husbands who were betting their lives, fighting against the enemy on that grass field? If I saved some, how would the others feel? 

In reality, I was unable to bring back a big group of people. As I circled around the island on my improvised raft, I didn't notice any ships nor port cities that could warrant the possibility of any maritime vehicles. Unless the Bonger would wake up and confirmed that teleporting them would be safe, I could only do my best to craft another raft, forcing them all to risk their lives once again!

As I came to this conclusion, I realised that I was unable to do anything by myself. Unless I managed to get some help from the locals in crafting even the simplest ship, I was stuck in this place myself! 

Upon realising it, I suddenly stopped in place.

If I had to negotiate with locals, there was no point in venturing to the forest right now! As long as I would manage to secure a proper backing with my strength, I would be free to roam this place for as long as I would like, without any worry of some sneaky assassins annoying me through the nights!

With the new target in my mind, I decisively turned around and jogged back to where I came from. I was completely new to this place, so if I didn't want to aimlessly wander around in search for their settlement, I had to get back quick enough to catch those armies before they would finish their business and return to their homes!

Maybe because I didn't show any sign of enmity so far, more and more people came out of their tents to try to beg me for something, which I couldn't even understand because of a rather big difference in the language.

It wasn't that I couldn't comprehend their meaning at all, more like their tongue changed to the point where it actually became an entirely new language! Just like roman and modern Italian, there was some similarities, but it was far from being enough to hold a proper conversation!

With most of the refugees already outside of their temporary homes, I couldn't help but notice that despite how beautiful most of the people I met back in the arena city were, if only those locals could get rid of their malnourishment, they would represent an entirely different league of beauty!

Just as I thought about it, my eyes rested on the only nicely dressed person in the entire crowd. While her bones was showing just like it was the case for everyone else, the generous to the eyes outfit that she was wearing was far from enough of hiding her attributes!

With my thoughts suddenly directed at the indecent ideas, I felt my manhood coming back to life for the first time since the disastrous events at the arena city, yet I swiftly managed to calm down as I forced myself to think about the situation they were in. 

Despite how obviously bad their situation was, this nicely dressed girl who looked like the leader of the refugees despite her relatively young age, didn't approach me to beg for the help. At least this one had a bit of self-dignity! Or maybe she just knew that she wouldn't be able to change my mind?

Whatever. there is no point thinking about it!

After leaving the campsite despite the pleas of the locals, it took me only a while to arrive back at the place where the battle ensued. 

Seeing how the number of bodies on the ground didn't even get close to how many peoples were there before, I could only assume that after my appearance, the fighting stopped completely, with the weaker side returning at the previously arranged positions, or rather, using the opportunity to withdraw and run away.

Even with the action taking this course, there was still quite a few prisoners of war, shackled by a simple rope, most probably serving as the sign of surrender rather than a real restraint. After all, even if they didn't know anything about battle techniques or cultivation, just the sheer amount of mana steeming from all of their bodies was enough to classify them as a damn establishing dominion cultivators of the spirit realm!

Seeing my another attempt to approach their ranks without any weapon in hand despite my mage stick clearly hanging from my belt, this time the local warriors didn't dare to rush into attacking me, but send someone a bit better dressed than the others to met with me a fair distance from the field of the former battle.

"Hello! My name is Mike, do you understand what am I speaking?"

Recalling how the languages were, in fact, similar, I tried speaking out in hopes that somehow the other party would understand me.

With Bonger fast asleep, I couldn't hope for any magical translation to happen, so when surprisingly enough the words that came out of my mouth sounded quite different than what I pictured in my head, I was left flabbergasted!josei

Did the system worked or not in the end?

"Hello, I'm Leicar, second in command of the Hebai tribe. This is my first time seeing such strange clothes or club, mind telling me what tribe do you hail from?"

As if only wanting to add into my confusion, I was somehow able to clearly understand what this man was speaking, despite his words sounding as strange as the pleas from the refugees from the forest!

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