While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 526

Chapter 526: Decision

Transporting all the vials to the underground level where Eve's physical body was located took me only a few moments. With no portals, strange people or unknown traps present in my own hope, I didn't need to worry about dropping them for some stupid reason like slipping, allowing me to finish the hauling process in just two trips.

Yet as I placed them in orderly rows before the frozen bed of my fiancee, I realised that I didn't know whether I should go with this plan or not. Not because I was hesitant to help the most important person in my life, but because I still have yet to go through the process of visions!

Looking at this problem from one side, since I still had Eve's soul embryo in my core, it only made sense to go with the visions first. After all, with how it would record all my experiences for Eve to watch after reuniting with her missing part of the soul, there was no point in being hasty!

Yet this was only one side of this problem. Back when I first went through those visions, I had little if any knowledge about the world. Some bits about cultivation, few manuals and fighting techniques, but ultimately, that was the full extend of what I knew back then. And just as expected, the influence that those visions had on me, wasn't that great.

But the situation now was greatly different. Starting from the fact that my current knowledge encompassed the cultivation styles of four different groups, namely the basic cultivation I started with, and the cultivation types of all three waves of tribes from the current refugees, through the owners of the archipelago all the way to those bits of information I got about the current rulers of the continent, just this part of my knowledge alone could be said to be at least four times greater than what I knew back them.

Yet the differences didn't stop there. From my own magic that I was constantly using as the prime mean of fighting with others, all the way to the knowledge about the structure of the world that I learned through all sorts of encounters and by deriving it from the manuals stored in my database tool… Even if I were to ignore everything that was still hidden in my database and waiting for me to give it a read, the amount of knowledge that I would have to assimilate during the visions was staggering. 

And here is where the important question came. If man's personality was a sum of his experiences, what would happen to my own mind and character if I were to suddenly flood my soul with the truth condensed from all those different sources of information?

Would I even be capable of comprehending what those visions would teach me?

Yet even if I would be okay for me to assimilate everything that the visions would infuse me with, would that hold the same for Eve? After all, all this knowledge was something that I gained myself. Even if the way in which I understood it would change during the course of those visions, it would still be just an interpretation of the knowledge that I had.

But how would that feel for Eve? For now, all that she would experience after regaining her embryo, would be the stuff that I did and learned since the moment said embryo resided in my core. Yet if I suddenly infused it with all this insane knowledge that I gathered ever since she fell due to her injuries…

This last argument would be way more than enough to convince me against getting those visions first, if not for the fact that there was still a single point that I couldn't help but to be worried about.

The resurrection liquid.

While Bonger already did its best to explain it, when one looked at it through the fact that it was most likely created by a damned protector, I was worried that even my entropy wouldn't be enough to eradicate all kinds of boobytraps that this old man could infuse into the bottle!josei

But that was just a single aspect of all kinds of problem connected to this liquid!

With my thoughts overwhelming me for a moment, I had no other choice but to sit down on the floor, resting my back against the base of the frozen Eve's resting bed. 

"Just what the heck should I do…"

With the state in which Eve was currently, if anything happened to her fragile soul, I would have no other means to save her. Yet even if this liquid was completely safe in terms of using it for her, what if using those visions first would show me the way to increase its efficiency even more?

How could I use those vials if I were to learn that just by holding my horses down for a few moments and remaking them according to some recipe hidden in my database tool, I could fully rescue Eve from her current situation?

Unable to make a decision in either way, I summoned a few pieces of simple metal from the storage of the factory hidden within this stronghold of mine and by throwing it into my blacksmithing skill orb, I swiftly turned it into a simple coin.

"By the law of ancient randomness, let this coin decide what should I do on those crossroads that my mind can't fathom. May God bless me with the right outcome."

Even though I could ask Bonger about everything that was making me so doubtful, with how we shared our mind, if he wanted to add something to clarify my doubts, he would do so long ago. And when taking the fact that he remained silent into consideration, I could only hope that this small prayer would reach the ears of the God that summoned me to this world in the first place, prompting him to influence the outcome of this coin throw towards the better result!


With the coin instantly raising into the air only to start falling a moment after, I didn't dare to look at how it was turning. Only when my reflexes picked its fall, I reached with my hand, grabbed this tiny piece of metal and put it on top of my arm.

On the side facing my eyes the moment I brought my hand away to inspect the results, I could see a simple picture of a maiden in her slumber.

Taking a look at the other side, I confirmed that this wasn��t some kind of trick that fate would play on me. Right there, a picture of a stickman sitting down in lotus position and cultivating was present, clearly indicating which route of actions should I take.

"I hope I won't regret it later."

Picking up the first vial, I finally removed its cork and after a short moment of the last bit of hesitation, poured it on top of the ice that confined Eve's body within her bed. As if this insanely resilient ice was no match for the qualities of this fluid, it simply flew through it as if there was no ice in the first place, instantly sinking down in the pores of Eve's body.

"Okay then, over thirty more to go!"

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