White Dragon Lord

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: Golden Dragon

Under the gloomy sky, the frosty wind hushed, and the dark sea water kept surging and falling. The waves danced and slammed into a 20-metre-high water wall.

Along with the loud rumbling, the terrifying tsunami quickly approached the cities on the coast with the overwhelming momentum, and gradually ascended as it progressed.

The soldiers on the city wall saw the terrifying waves over ten metres above the city wall. Some of them collapsed on the ground in despair, and some were pale, trembling and kneeling in low prayers, hoping that the gods they believed in would be merciful and save them.

The duration of Ghoul-Garu's wing art had not yet ended, and he picked up Hogg and Old Jimmy and flew into the sky.

Earl Dumbledore took off the ring from his hand and gave it to his heir. This was the last flying magic equipment of the Dumbledore family.

No one thought they could survive this terrible disaster.

The white dragon flapped its wings and hovered in the sky. The System and his brain simultaneously calculated crazy counter measures, deducing the various situations of the tsunami hitting the city.

In the end, System provided an effective method.josei

The most powerful destructive force of the tsunami came from the powerful impact of the first wave of million-ton seawater. If he could block the tsunami in advance, then everyone in Pele City might still survive.

The white dragon quickly flew over the dock area of ​​Pele City. The muscles of his neck contracted violently, respiring the breath in the gland crazily, and the magic power in the white dragon body was used to a maximum extent.

A violent Dragon's Breath that was three times larger than the usual breath was sprayed on the surface of the offshore area. At the moment of contact with the dragon's breath, the sea quickly froze, covered with a layer of ice that was several metres thick.

The Dragon's Breath kept shooting in the same straight line, and the ice became thicker and higher, forming a thick ice wall.

The tsunami continued to approach, and its height was getting higher and higher. When the ice wall reached ten metres high, the tsunami had reached a terrifying height of thirty metres, and the distance from the ice wall was already less than ten metres.

Feeling the terrifying magic power in the tsunami, Amos felt terror and stopped strengthening the ice wall. He lifted his head, and the dragon's breath swept across a straight line, spraying on the 30-metre-high tsunami wave. He crazily increased its magic input and strengthened his breath.

It voraciously consumed his magic power, so that the speed of extracting the magic power stored in [Caucasus Skull] could not keep up with the speed of consumption.

Bailey City.

The people on the walls of the Earl’s Castle saw the unforgettable scene of their lives. In the sky, a ten-metre-long white dragon spit out a 500-metre-long horrible ice-blue Dragon's Breath, which could cover four football fields. The area covered a large section of the tsunami in the icy blue Dragon's Breath.

The magic power in the tsunami was consumed by the frenzied breath, quickly turned into ordinary sea water, and then instantly froze into ice.

Although the seawater turned into ice, the terror of the tsunami was still there. In the chilly air, two huge ice walls collided.


With the loud noise that made everyone temporarily deaf, the two giant ice walls instantly shattered under the incalculable impact force.

Huge ice fragments splashed, most of them did not fly far, and smashed on the wall of Pele. A small part of them fell on the burning houses in the inner city. The houses collapsed, and it filled the dust with smoke.

At the Earl's Castle.

Earl’s Castle shivered with ice fragments. The bricks shattered. The tallest cone-shaped spire of the castle broke instantly. The broken bricks fell into the luxurious castle, and the screams of common people’s fear sounded inside the castle.

The city wall was also smashed into a hole, and the screams of the fallen companions awakened other stunned soldiers, but faced with the power of the natural disaster level, they had no choice but to lie down under the battlements resignedly and pray to the Goddess of Luck.

After a while, everything calmed down. The tsunami in front of Pele City was successfully frozen into ice by the white dragon, and the tsunamis on both sides continued to hit the shore.

The tsunami hit the ground, uprooting the green century-old tree, and the houses were instantly turned into fragments by the sea water.

Compared to the extinction disaster outside the city, everything in the city of Pele was acceptable.

Since there was no positive impact, the remaining tsunamis on both sides did not pose an enormous threat to Pele City. Only part of the ocher floods poured into the inner city from the gap in the Pele City wall. The prosperous Earl’s major city was covered by an ocean, and sea water instantly covered the burning buildings.

Because of the walls protecting the Earl’s Castle, only part of the sea water was poured in through the hole. The debris in the castle floated on the water, and vegetables, shields, garbage, etc. drifted around with the muddy water.

The people on the wall of the Earl’s Castle stood up with their hands on the wall, looking at the ocean in the city dumbly.

In the sky, Amos coughed violently, breathing beyond the limit, squeezing the liquid stored in his gland, and the magic output beyond the limit had made his throat burn.

If Sea Caller launched an attack again, Amos could no longer imagine it, and was about to take off and abandon the Pele.

Suddenly, a clear dragon chant sounded from the horizon.

Sea Caller’s face suddenly changed, and he felt that most of his magic power was consumed in his body, and he turned his head and dived into the sea without hesitation.

Close to the bottom of the sea was an elite murloc holding a weapon. It had three floors inside and three floors outside. It guarded a black-red altar on which a gloomy orb was enshrined.

Sea Caller took away the orb and the altar.


Surrounded by the murloc guards, Sea Caller and his entourage disappeared into the deep seabed.

Amos turned to the sound’s direction and found a small black spot, gradually moving from far to near.

Finally, he saw the appearance of the same kind and heaved a sigh of relief.

The visitor was a friend of Elena, Christina Wells, the Golden Dragon neighbour.

After Christina flew close, she looked at the miserable state of Pele City and the beaten dragon in the sky.

"Amos, what's the matter?"

The white dragon's voice was hoarse: "The legendary Murloc Mage–Transclawrack Sea Caller suddenly attacked Pele City... and then you are here."

After Christina heard the brief narration of the White Dragon Lord, she was dumbfounded.

"You say that you blocked the attack of a legendary mage?!"

"Almost. It's just strange that it hasn't used legendary magic from the beginning."

Christina rolled her eyes.

"You think the legendary magic is as cheap as Chinese cabbage? Except for us, the top and extraordinary creatures with inheritance, the cost of ordinary creatures to get the legendary magic is not low. It Even more so for an unpopular low-level creature like the murloc."

At the same time, two powerful energy sources appeared on the horizon, and the two giant dragons couldn't help turning into the distance.

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