White Dragon Lord

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Sea Giant Prophet

When the Mermaid looked up, her eyes were hazy and blank, while her seductive red lips opened, fatal notes began to ring out.

The Mermaid Song!

The Mermaid's song was strangely magical, and the voice was not loud but seemed to ring in everyone's mind.

The white dragon felt the sweet song echoing through his head.

‘Um? It's pretty good!’

The Murloc song was crisp and sweet like a golden bead falling on a jade plate, the tone was smooth and tactful like the sound of spring in the deep mountains and ravines, much better than some of the big star singers in the past.

However, the song did not play its due role, not to mention the white dragon, even the weak Murloc was slightly stiff and brushed off the confusion of the song.

Feeling the energy fluctuations emanating from the Caucasus Skull, Amos did not expect that the Sea Giants would be so unlucky that their trump card happened to be restrained by the [Glory Aura] of the Caucasus Skull. (Note: [Glory Aura]: The holder of the Caucasus Skull is immune to mind control spells below the legendary level. It substantially improves the spirit magic resistance of friendly troops within 300 meters of the Caucasus Skull, and the magic resistance of other attributes was slightly increased. Aura passive skills.)

The Sea Giants were so surprised to see the white dragon and his party continue to rush toward the altar that they could not understand why the Mermaid song had failed. They could not accept the fact that the white dragon's side had not been affected by the song and was now in front of them.

"Protect the altar! Stop them!"

The two master-rank Sea Giants hardened their heads and took the lead to try to resist the White Dragon beyond the altar.

The two sides soon collided with each other.

The Ice Elemental lifted the drumstick in his hand and suddenly slammed into the Sea Giant's head from top to bottom, the Sea Giant hurriedly set up the tide spear.

Nearly twenty ordinary Sea Giants and high-level Murloc professionals fought together. Although Murlocs were at a disadvantage in terms of individual strength, they were better off in terms of a wide range of professions, and were large in number, and in good combat condition. Under Felicia's leadership, they fought back and forth with the Sea Giants.

As for the White Dragon Lord, he became invisible as soon as the battle started because he had some unease in his mind and planned to destroy the magic ceremony as soon as possible.

Even the mighty Sea Giants couldn't get away. The invisible white dragon walked around the battlefield and sneaked in the direction of the Sea Giant Prophet.

Amos was cautious enough to not approach the blood-shrouded figure. Behind the Sea Giant Prophet, the spell-casting white dragon showed its shape, and the purple magic gleamed in both dragon claws.

Magic Missile - Double Casting Spell!


Purple magic missiles spouted from White Dragon's hands, curving through curved tracks and forming a barrage, as if fireworks were in full bloom, beautiful and deadly.

The Sea Giants were in a fierce battle and had no choice but to attack their immediate opponents with ferocity.

The old prophet had to stop the prayer, but with a long sigh of helplessness, he turned around, his old face full of pain and fatigue.

The old prophet waved his hand, and a hemispherical magical energy shield appeared. The magic missile hit the shield and splashed a circle of ripples, without any noise or aftermath. Because the energy of the magic missiles and the magical energy of the old prophet butchered each other out.

Endless purple magic missiles were bombarding the transparent shield. But no matter how many missiles the White Dragon Lord fired, the old prophet always quantified the number of magic missiles and intercepted all the missiles without wasting a trace of magic power.

Amos' pupils shrank, and he saw a hint of the old prophet's magnificent control of magical energy, and he couldn't help but admire him.

Unfortunately, the two sides were at odds. Otherwise, Amos would’ve liked to sit down with him and have an exchange of experiences.

It was meaningless to continue to consume more, the purpose of interrupting the magic ritual was achieved, so the white dragon stopped firing the magic missile.

The old prophet also dissipated the magic shield, his face was neither sad nor happy, but his eyes were burning with raging anger while looking at the white dragon.

The old prophet said flatly: "You must die!"

The white dragon heard the old prophet's tone of voice, which seemed as if it were merely stating facts.

He raised his brows and followed the principle that you can do it without BB. The magic in his body surged, and the argumentative magic spells slurred out quickly.

Frost Thorns - Powerful!

The Sea Giant Prophet felt the magical energy surge under his feet.

Magic energy annihilation!

The White Dragon's icy version pierced his abdomen.

In this act, Amos found that the old prophet not only had excellent magic control but also had better magical attainments and casting speed than him, which was far beyond the ordinary master rank.


[Name]: Hamil Shoulang

[Level]: Sea Giant Level 15, Prophet Level 19

[Strength]: Tier 4

[Faction]: Lawful evil

[Introduction]: The leader of the Hunting Wave Sea Giant tribe. An elderly male Sea Giant, who had been hiding all his life, has made him psychopathic and full of hatred for the whole world, but he did not fall into madness because of this, instead he is very sensible. Due to old age and physical weakness, his biological level has declined, and he is currently in a state of extreme anger, desperately trying to find a way to kill a dragon.

The White Dragon Lord felt a little bad.

A desperate half-step legendary spellcaster!

He felt sore after thinking about it, or they could just run away?

The white dragon tried to pretend to leave, but the old prophet refused. He wriggled his lips, and his hands rubbed a large blue-red water polo, and water arrows shot out of it like a machine gun spewing bullets.

The White Dragon Lord looked solemn, and he quickly cast the magic spell.

Guardian of Ice - Powerful!

A large ice shield appeared in front of the White Dragon Lord, blocking the water arrows.

Amos was surprised to find that the old prophet's water arrow had very strong penetrating power. After a while, his ice shield was almost pierced. He quickly moved his position, but the arrow still followed him.

~There was a tracking function!

The White Dragon Lord hurriedly recited the incantation and replaced the broken shield with a new one. After changing the three shields he finally held up until the water polo energy was consumed.

But once again, the old prophet’s attack came, under the fierce fire of the old prophet Amos struggled to hold it back.

Amos felt very aggrieved because most of the ice magic that he had in his hands could not be used underwater, the magic power was so great that when it touched the water it not only would freeze but also hurt him. In other words, if the enemy seized the opportunity, it would be a disaster.

However, Amos didn’t use other types of magic much and was relatively unfamiliar.josei

Amos thought about it but found himself with no other options, so he gave orders to Goldfinger.

"Turn on the wartime assist mode!"

For an instant, Amos felt that the whole world was clear, and he could see the surrounding seawater trajectory and the blood squirming in the mud on the soles of his feet.


Amos was shocked to discover that all the blood was flowing from the altar.

The magic ritual did not end!

The old prophet watched the white dragon suddenly become agile, avoiding or intercepting the attack, and then immediately looked at the statue of the dark Titan God-Asterles on the altar and was alert.

He understood that this white dragon had already discovered it!

After a fierce attack, the old prophet found that the attacking magic could not help the nimble and dodging white dragon, and the killing intent in his heart grew even more. He blessed himself with blessing magic, condensed a tidal spear with his hands, and directly charged the white dragon.

The old prophet believed that although he was old, he still had the fighting experience in his youth and that he could not easily deal with a young white dragon.

Amos saw the Sea Giant rushing towards him. In terms of physical strength, the dragon was not weak to a titan, not to mention that an old and frail sea giant also exerted force on the soles of his feet and rushed over.

Both sides had absolute confidence in themselves.

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