White Dragon Lord

Chapter 96

Chapter 96:

In the great library on Bernholman Island, the sacred place of magic cultivation of White Castle, adjacent to Tasman island.

Amos was lying in the library, in his exclusive room, resting his dragon head on a large desk, and controlling the Mage's Hand, flipping through the magic books suspended in front of him.

Amos encountered a problem, frowned, and analyzed the structure of the master spell model in his head.

Although the System had certain computing powers, it could only perform a single task at a time. Moreover, the more complicated the problem, the more time consumed. Moreover, he didn't want to rely too much on System, so the white dragon personally went into battle.

Amos felt an incoming headache. If elementary and intermediate magic were basic mathematics, and advanced magic was intermediate mathematics, then master magic was advanced mathematics. The complex energy structure made his head spin, and he couldn't wait to devour hundreds of books.

Thinking of eating, Amos manipulated the Mage's Hand and put the large fruit platter aside, grabbed the copper, silver, and gold coins, and placed them in his mouth.

The white dragon chewed, and the hard dragon teeth ground the metal into small pieces, and then swallowed it. Under the strong stomach acid of the dragon, the metal melted to the point where there was no residue left, and it would become nourishment, making his scales harder.

It might be the crisp sound in his mouth that inspired it. Suddenly, he figured it out and finally understood the puzzle that had been eluding him before.

The magical elements around him suddenly came to life and they continued to penetrate his body, forming a magical vortex, encompassing him.

Amos closed his eyes and carefully felt the pleasure of this upgrade, it was as if he was a person who had been exhausted all day and had gone to a sauna, and every pore in his body had come back to life.

The magical vortex shocked other Professionals studying in the library, and they looked in his direction in shock.

"It looks like the Lord's room!"

"With such a strong elemental fluctuation, the master has broken through again!"


Everyone whispered, and the words were full of worship for the white dragon.

As a member of the White Fort, their destiny was closely tied with the White Dragon Lord. The stronger the white dragon became, the more territory they could occupy, the better their development prospects. Therefore, they were very happy to see the breakthrough of their lord.

Amos’s breakthrough inspired everyone. As everyone worked harder and harder, the library returned to its previous calm.

It didn't take long for the magical vortex to calm down.josei

Amos opened his eyes, feeling the magical power in his body, and the more active magic elements around him, the joy on his face was about to inconceivable.


[Name]: Amos Aldridge

[Level]: Level 16 Dragon, Level 15 Mage

[Strength]: Tier 4

[Faction]: Lawful neutral

[Introduction]: You are a male adolescent white dragon. Your physical fitness is several grades better than ordinary white dragons. Your Dragon's Breath has different characteristics. Your mage profession has also entered into the new realm, and you are qualified to call yourself a Magic Master. With your current strength, you can escape with your life even when encountering ordinary Legends.


Amos couldn’t help laughing. The system’s evaluation did not include magic equipment. According to Amos’s estimation, if he added the magic supply of the Caucasus skull and the terrifying power of dragon language magic, he could give a tough fight to a half-step Legendary Archmage with magic only.

If he activated [Blood Infusion], then coupled with the powerful physical ability of the dragon to fight on sea, land, air, and the strength of mage profession, the white dragon would not eat a loss against the ordinary Legendary Professional.

As for the high-level legends, in the entire Nordhill, including the extraordinary beasts and all intelligent creatures exceeding a total population of nearly one trillion, their number did not exceed three digits, and they were all major powers that would not be easily dispatched, so even if white dragon wanted to meet them, he might not have a chance.

Amos stood up and let out a long sigh of relief.

Since the establishment of the White Castle, it had been worrying all the time, and the milestone of the Legendary level had finally been reached. Now, he had the power to deal with a Legend, and the weight in his heart had finally been lifted.

When Amos returned to the White Castle, it was already late at night, but the magic light in the White Castle restaurant was still on.

Amos came to the restaurant and saw Elena and Willy eating.

Willy used his paws to pick up the whole roasted Buda lamb and with one bite at a time ate it. Even the bones were not left off. His profession was a warrior, so he consumed more physical strength than other dragons and had the largest appetite.

Elena appeared a little more elegant. There was a plate of marine fish in front of the little female dragon. She put the whole fish in her mouth, grabbed the fish's head and pulled it, and then put the complete fishbone aside on the slag tray.

Amos also felt a little hungry when he saw his younger siblings eating happily. He walked beside the two, sat down carelessly, and grabbed the food. Roast lamb in paw and sea fish in another.

Among the four siblings, the youngest Willy was the one who knew the most about words and expressions. Willy found that his brother was not as easy as he used to be.

Willy swallowed the food in his mouth, "Amos, you are a little different today. Do you have any good news for us?"

"Well, my strength has improved. From now on, the development of the White Scale Island will be a lot easier. We don't have to worry too much about the Legendary powerhouses."

Because of the alliance between White Scale Island and Pele City, it blocked those who were dreaming of slaying the dragons; Elena's official background blocked the prying eyes from large forces; White Castle's actions against demons gave White Castle extra points in the eyes of the righteous forces. Now, the breakthrough of Amos had made up for the vacancy of the Legend realm combat power of White Castle.

White Scale City had already had the capital to face the adversities on the mainland.

Willy was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately reacted, congratulating him: "Congratulations, Brother."

Elena, with fish in her mouth, could not speak clearly: "Amos, that's great!"

After some joy, a yearning for power aroused in the two dragons' hearts.

They were deeply stimulated by their brother's breakthrough. At almost the same age, his brother had been able to contend with the Legend, but he had yet entered the position of master.

However, it was coming soon. In just one year, the dragon siblings would officially enter the Juvenility stage. At that time, the strength of White Castle would usher in explosive growth.

Thinking of the issue of strength, Elena was a little sad: "Amos, in a few days, I will go to the Nine Eyes Alliance headquarters in the southern part of the mainland to study. It may be a long time before I see you."

"Huh? Is the teacher's matter confirmed?"

Old Silver Dragon had promised to introduce Elena to a teacher, but unfortunately, the two high-level Legendary druids were not available at the moment, one had left Nordhill, and the other was on a retreat. Elena didn't want to give up the opportunity to learn under a high-level Legend, and the matter had been delayed until now.

Elena: "Well, the Old Silver Dragon sent a letter saying that Master Hajir Kuten had returned to the Nine Eyes Alliance and promised to teach me Druid practice."

"Seize the opportunity. The guidance of high-level Legends will open a wider path for you."

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