White Online

Chapter 478 Danger

Chapter 478 Danger

Chapter 478 Danger

After opening their eyes, Isaac, Richard, and the Ghost saw a parking lot with destroyed cars and a dark hospital. The sky was opaque and starless. There was a painted forest behind them.

''So, it's there?'' Richard asked while looking towards the square-shaped windows that showed a dark interior of the hospital.

The Ghost felt cold, something he hadn't felt for a long time. He knew instinctively that there was something evil inside the hospital.

''Yes.'' Isaac nodded with a nostalgic look.

''This hospital seems familiar…'' Richard murmured after taking a deeper look into the hospital's structure. He felt like he'd seen the picture of this hospital while studying back in university.

''Alright.'' Isaac jumped on top of the broken car and turned to look at them, ''The moment we enter the hospital, we need to be on full alert. Baba Yaga can be anywhere, that's why, Ghost, you go and find out where she is.''

''N-Now?'' The Ghost stuttered under his words.


''A-Alright.'' The Ghost gulped and floated towards the hospital's front door. As he got closer, the coldness turned even colder.

'What kind of person is hiding there?'

The Ghost phased through the front doors and saw the floors littered with flyers and newspapers. Dried-up blood dyed the old walls, and there was a broken front desk.

'Now… where is that person?'

Outside the hospital.

''So, Baba Yaga can't leave the hospital?'' Richard asked, even though he knew the answer.

''Yes, there is something that stops her from escaping this place.'' Isaac said and told about his theory, ''I think it's because she is connected with the Fountain of Life. She is, after all, its guardian.''

''Well, if that's the case, what happens when Fountain of Life is gone?'' Richard asked.

''To be honest, we can't take the whole Fountain of Life with us.'' Isaac said while crossing his arms, ''The water of Fountain of Life keeps gushing out from the underground, meaning that there is another source for it.''

''Well, we only need ten canisters, and then we have enough for ten years or more,'' Richard said with a tiny smirk.

''Yea, but let's hope that the Ghost will find h—'' Isaac's words got cut off as a terrifying screech echoed from the hospital.


''What the heck?!'' Richard flinched and almost fell backward.

Isaac frowned and then saw a floating figure escaping the hospital in a panic.

''Ghost, did you find her? And what was that scream?'' Isaac asked as the Ghost flew toward him in panic.

''I-I found her…'' The Ghost said with rough breathing, ''And the scream was hers… She is on the second floor, clawing at the walls with her bloodied nails. She was writing something about killing someone.''

''Hmm, killing someone?'' Richard frowned.

''Yeah, she was weirdly touching her disfigured face while clawing the walls. That person she wants to kill seems to be very hated by her.''

''Hahaha…'' Isaac let out a strained chuckle, 'Must have been me… well, doesn't matter.'

''Anyway, should we do it now?'' Richard asked while turning to look at Isaac, ''We now know her location.''

''Let's do it.'' Isaac leaped off the broken car and began walking towards the front door, followed by Richard and the floating Ghost.

They entered through the broken glass doors and tiptoed towards the front desk. The ceiling light flickered before dying.

Isaac motioned towards the left. There was a broken door lying on the floor and a staircase going up and down.

Richard nodded and followed after Isaac. Soon, they stepped over the broken door and stopped on the staircase.

''Ghost, you go and keep an eye on Baba Yaga. We will fetch the Fountain of Life.'' Isaac whispered as quietly as he could.

''A-Alright.'' The Ghost nodded with slight fear. He still couldn't get the feeling of coldness out of his system, and the scream was still echoing inside his mind.

Isaac and Richard began walking down the staircase.

As their footsteps faded away, the Ghost floated towards the ceiling, passing through everything he came across. A short time later, he popped out of the second floor and immediately turned his gaze toward the tall monster in the distance.


Baba Yaga stopped clawing the wall as the pain on her face resurfaced. She gritted her long teeth in annoyance.

She wore a long robe that covered her skeleton-like body completely. Dark blood covered her nails, and her face appeared deformed.

The other half of the face seemed to be burnt, while the other side looked like someone had smashed their hammer into it.

''Die… Die…'' Suddenly, she began clawing her face while muttering hatefully.

'She is so scary… please, guys, hurry up!' The Ghost screamed internally.

''This is the place?'' Richard asked as he took the last steps on the staircase. They entered a large room with many doors.

''Yes, but the Fountain of Life is behind the third door.'' Isaac pointed at the third door that had its hinges slightly lifted up.

''Alright.'' Richard briskly stepped towards the third door. As he slowly put his hand on the door handle and opened the door, a thick scent emerged from the room.

''Ah!'' Richard exclaimed as he felt the back pain that had riddled him disappearing.

''This is… amazing!''

''Yeah…'' Isaac said, silently staring at the fountain with beautiful blue water. It looked incredibly clear without even a shred of taint on it.

Richard pulled out a canister from his inventory and began filling it with water from the Fountain of Life.

On the second floor.

Baba Yaga suddenly stopped clawing, and her fierce crimson eyes turned towards the Ghost.

The Ghost flinched and knew that it was too late to hide.

He got seen!

'I need to warn them!'

''Someone… IS TRYING TO STEAL IT!'' Baba Yaga screeched and broke the floor with her fist. As her tall figure crashed onto the first floor, she screamed and rushed towards the staircase!

''Oh no!'' The Ghost phased through the floor and saw Baba Yaga rushing towards the basement!


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