White Online

Chapter 492 Crazed world (5)

Chapter 492 Crazed world (5)

Chapter 492 Crazed world (5)

''Oh, a beast has arrived,'' Henry said while feeling the broken window fragment digging deep into his palm.

'Well, it doesn't matter… People die all the same.'

''Damn it.'' All-In-One scratched his head in frustration, 'General is going to give me an earful for this, but I can still fix this. I have to turn the tides somehow and make this white-haired brat the public enemy.

'I am still Sword of Myth's Captain, and my reputation will withstand all the heat.'

He glanced in the direction of the nearby bystanders, and a smirk found its way on his face, 'The bystanders are still quite close, and one slip of control is needed to kill them. This white-haired brat definitely doesn't have the required control to keep them safe, hehe.'

A tiny spark of flame ignited inside the destroyed restaurant. That tiny spark suddenly exploded, and the whole restaurant immediately got engulfed in a fiery blaze!

''RAAAH!'' Henry started running towards Isaac while holding the broken glass piece above his head. Once nearing his target, he let go of the glass chunk and threw it toward the white-haired man.

''Watch out!'' Linda screamed while the cameraman recorded everything. The citizens held their breath.

Isaac moved his right hand and caught the glass shard, covered in blood.

''Hiya!'' Henry leaped off the pavement and sent a quick kick towards Isaac's face.



Isaac stabbed the glass shard into Henry's leg and grabbed him from his thigh with his left hand.


While Henry screamed in pain as the glass shard dug deeply into his flesh, Isaac let go of the glass fragment and grabbed the leg with both hands.

Then, he smashed Henry into the pavement, causing a loud crack to reverberate in the air. The pavement cracked, and Henry's screams got muffled by the blood gushing out of his mouth.

Isaac grabbed Henry from his hair and pulled him closer. Then, a puff of cold air left his lungs as he suddenly breathed loudly.

''Icy Shot, Breath Version!''


The cold air froze Henry's limbs, engulfing them within a layer of ice. His face turned blue almost immediately.

''S-S-S-S-S-S-So cold!''

Isaac let go of Henry and walked over him. He cried in agony as ice seeped deep into his bone.

Linda shuddered as the cold air made her tremble, ''T-T-There have been rumors of Lord Wraith being Chain Breaker, but there wasn't any truth to those rumors until now!''

Isaac walked over to All-In-One, who suddenly started screaming, ''Attacking Sword of Myth member is against the law!''

''Injuring innocent bystanders is also against the law!'' Isaac shouted back and attacked with a straight punch.

All-In-One grimaced and crossed his arms in 'X' formation. Isaac's punch struck the block but couldn't damage his opponent.

''Crescent Kick, Eclipse!'' All-In-One unleashed his quick crescent kick, making his leg look like a leather whip.

Isaac quickly raised his leg and felt the full brunt of the kick striking his thigh.


While the sound was terrifying, Isaac's face didn't show any pain. It was like the pain was nothing but an inconvenience.

''Tsk!'' All-In-One then did a quick finger thrusts, aiming at Isaac's throat. It was another famed Wing Chun skill, finger thrust.


Isaac twisted his waist and smashed his elbow at the fingers, which were closing in. After the successful deflection, he immediately countered with another straight punch!

''Rgh!'' All-In-One grimaced as his attack failed. His fingers were in pain, but he quickly shrugged the pain off and blocked the incoming straight punch.

He moved his left arm, grabbed Isaac from his collar, and tried to throw him to the pavement. However, Isaac planted his feet firmly on the ground and didn't budge at all.

''Damn!'' All-In-One gave up on grappling and focused on pounding. He smashed his fist into Isaac's left cheek and then reeled in his right fist. He attempted to do another One-Inch Punch!

Isaac's head got pushed slightly to the side after the punch contacted. However, his face didn't show any pain, and he felt a strange sensation coming from All-In-One's right fist. A strong attack was about to come.

''RAH!'' All-In-One extended his fingers towards Isaac's chest. After touching his torso, he clenched his fist and unleashed the full strength of a One-Inch Punch.

Isaac clenched his muscles and planted his feet firmly on the ground. The blood vessels started protruding while the explosive muscles prepared for the impact.


The One-Inch Punch sent wide-area damage that destroyed the pavement and nearby windows. The citizens felt the ground shaking below their feet, and several even lost their footing and fell to the ground.

Linda's eyes shook because she knew the power of All-In-One's attack. She felt fearful that something grave might have happened to Isaac.

''Huff… Huff…'' All-In-One breathed roughly with a tired smile. Isaac was lying on the ground several meters from him. His chest smoked, and the shirt got torn apart.

''Heh, this is what you get.''

The citizens looked toward Isaac with shocked gazes.

''I-Is he dead?''

''W-Why is All-In-One trying to kill him?''

''Yeah, he was just trying to help.''

''What the hell is this!''

''Arrest All-In-One!''

''Arrest All-In-One!''

''Arrest All-In-One!''

Loud chants resounded in the main street.

''Eh?'' All-In-One looked at the hostile citizens with a confused look, ''Why are they blaming me?''

''This is what happens when you attack a celebrity.''

''Eh?'' All-In-One whipped his head around and looked at Isaac with widened eyes.

Isaac touched his chest and smirked, ''Strong attack, but not strong enough.

He slowly stood up, and the citizens' chanting grew louder.

''H-How are you still…'' All-In-One rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was hallucinating. He put all his strength into that one punch, yet, it looked like Isaac was barely injured!

''Your techniques are world-class, I admit that. However, your level is obviously lower!'' Isaac unleashed a seemingly ordinary right cross. However, the speed was faster than any lightning, and it even looked like the fist had disappeared for a moment!


Once All-In-One got hit by the fastest punch ever delivered by a Human, he fell to the ground with a swollen cheek and bloodied face.

''W-What the hell…''

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