White Online

Chapter 518 The Battle of White Paradise

Chapter 518 The Battle of White Paradise

Chapter 518 The Battle of White Paradise

The deadly rain of bullets showered on top of Arthur. However, his golden shield was able to deflect all of the bullets with relative ease, and his expression remained unruffled throughout the ordeal.

After taking a step forward, Xerxus bolted away like a lightning bolt, leaving behind a scorched landscape in his wake.

As Amour smashed his two-handed axe at the hail of bullets, his hidden muscles bulged in a threatening manner. However, due to the adorable cosplay he was wearing, it did not appear to be as intimidating as he had hoped.

Kalzer held the spear in both hands as he whirled it around quickly. The spinning spear generated such a strong wind gust that it was able to deflect all of the bullets. Nobody else came close to matching Kalzer's towering stature.

The most peculiar aspect of Isaac's defense was his blocking strategy. He continued to weave through the rubble and dodged the bullets. After pulling his head backward for a while, he would occasionally slant his head forward, to the left, then to the right, and then resume pulling his head backward.

Despite how ridiculous it seemed, every bullet managed to miss his body by a very narrow margin.

On top of the rooftop, armed individuals dressed in dark clothing continued to fire their weapons until the magazines ran dry. They continued firing while simultaneously switching magazines with some deft handwork.

But almost immediately, they became aware of a peculiar gust of wind approaching from behind them. The soldiers were taken aback, and after turning around, they met with Xerxus' fist.

Whack, bang, thwack, and pow!

Soon after, all of the soldiers dressed in dark clothing collapsed unconscious on the rooftops.

Xerxus reappeared on the ground below with a casual demeanor as if what he had just accomplished was nothing out of the ordinary.

When Arthur peered over the golden shield, he revealed a stern frown on his face. They still had a distance of a few hundred meters to travel before they would arrive at the gates that led out of the White Paradise. On the other hand, there were an excessive number of blind spots.

His level of defense was considerably lower than that of the other four men. If a bullet were to hit him in the head, it would likely be fatal.

Then, completely out of the blue.

Isaac aimed the dark Silvercloud at the roof of the building, which was approximately one hundred meters away. Everyone heard the deafening sound of a bang not long after he made the motion of firing with his finger.


The bullet, making a swooshing sound as it traveled through the air, tore through the air and flew past several buildings before crashing into the wall of the convenience store.



The store got destroyed, and to everyone's surprise, there were ten soldiers dressed in black hiding inside!

They were all knocked off their feet, and when they landed on top of the shattered rubble, they sustained serious injuries. The majority of them suffered from broken bones, but a few of them were lucky enough to escape with only sprains.

"How were you even aware that there were people?" Amour inquired about it out of natural interest.josei

"He was able to hear them breathing. Isaac has indeed reached the top of the Marksman class," Arthur said, giving the impression that he was slightly impressed.

Isaac quickly slid the Silvercloud back into its holster and decided to let others decide the fate of these soldiers.

Xerxus did not waste any time in making his move and immediately began to run. The flash of lightning went to a hardware store close by, grabbed a length of rope, and then ran in the direction of the individuals wearing dark clothing. After that, he ran around the dark-clothed soldiers, tying them with rope while doing so.

After he finished, he appeared next to Arthur, and the soldiers who were wearing dark clothing were now tied together with a long piece of rope while groaning in pain.

After giving a brief smile, Arthur's expression changed to one of mild displeasure. There was motion in the area close to the gates.

The area got suddenly overrun by hundreds of heavily armed soldiers dressed in black. They were being led by a spectral-appearing man with graying hair who, despite his apparent age, appeared to be quite old.

"Arthur, it appears that you have been affected by radiation poisoning! Therefore, I am only going to say this once: please remain here until we are able to treat you!" They heard the voice of Lunatic Souldeath.

"Lunatic, there's no reason for you to lie." A blade with a long hilt and a curved edge materialized in Arthur's hand, and a tiny flame materialized on the edge of the blade.

"Would you kindly remain here? If you go out into the world, you could potentially spread radiation poisoning, which would result in the deaths of many!" The crazed individual yelled while pretending to be ignorant.

After a moment of silence, Arthur rolled his eyes and said, "This location does not have radiation. Since everyone is aware, there is no point in lying."

"Don't you see? Of course, this place has," Lunatic scratched his chin and looked at the destroyed buildings with a 'pained' expression on his face.

Arthur flashed a naive grin before pulling something from his pocket and revealing a device. It displayed a reading of zero for the amount of radiation present.


The expression on Lunatic's face began to disintegrate, and he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Fine, I am done playing around. Kill him!"

The group of soldiers, numbering in the hundreds, aimed their weapons and unleashed a barrage of flaming hot bullets upon the sky!

They tore through the atmosphere like a meteor shower ripping through layer after layer of clouds!

"Who will be the one to receive honors?" The wall of bullets was completely ignored by Arthur as he turned his attention to the four other men.

"Let me!" Amour made a tremendous leap forward while simultaneously swinging the two-handed axe.

"Godly Warcry!" He hoisted the axe high above his head and hurled it in all directions across the clear blue sky. The two-handed axe whirled around like a fan and cut through the never-ending layers of bullets in a straight line.

In spite of this, the bullets began to disintegrate as a result of a chain reaction. None of the bullets were able to travel beyond the predetermined point, and soon there were over a thousand broken bullets lying on the ground.

The axe continued to fly through the air and eventually landed directly in front of Lunatic, with the blade penetrating the ground at a considerable depth.

A look of mild concern appeared on Lunatic's face. On the other hand, when he realized that the assault was over, he let out a huge sigh of relief.

The soldiers looked shocked when they saw their bullets disintegrate before their very eyes.

However, that was not the end of their surprise. The ground began to fracture all around the axe, and shortly thereafter, an enormous chasm appeared!

Everything started getting sucked into the crevice!

"?!" The eyes of the Lunatic began to shake, and all of a sudden, he vanished from where he was standing and appeared behind the soldiers. It appeared as though he had somehow teleported!

The soldiers, however, did not fare as well, as one after another of them got consumed by the fissure. As soon as the crack stopped growing, fifty percent of the soldiers were consumed by the fissure and were found no longer existing; they had been lost forever, buried deep within the murky depths.

"Whew." Arthur gave a small clap and expressed his admiration.

On the other hand, Lunatic was aware of that and became furious. Instantaneously, he vanished, and then he materialized directly behind Arthur!

Both Kalzer and Xerxus had shocked expressions on their faces and did not appear to be at all prepared.

Lunatic clenched his fist and delivered a blow toward Arthur's nape, but the latter remained immobile throughout the ordeal.

The punch continued to fly and came dangerously close to hitting the nape. On the other hand, right at that very instant, a pale hand sliced through the air and caught the fist.

"?!" Lunatic turned his attention to Isaac, completely dumbfounded by the fact that his attack had elicited a response from someone.

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