White Online

Chapter 547 Hazardous Forest

Chapter 547 Hazardous Forest

Chapter 547 Hazardous Forest

Thwack, pow!

''Die!'' A thin-waisted man shouted, and his fist directly collided with a bushy-browed man's cheek.

''Damn!'' Staggering backward, the man with bushy brows held his aching cheek.

They stood in the middle of an abandoned building. There were two guns lying on the ground, looking to be sniper rifles.

The thin-waisted man lunged forwards, trying to grab his gun from the floor. However, as if he anticipated it, the man with bushy brows kicked forth, landing directly on the thin-waisted man's nose.


With a spurt of blue blood, the thin-waisted man crashed to the ground with his nose slanting left, seemingly broken.

''Damn, fucking bastard.'' The man with bushy brows goes with the name of Death Sniper. He's New-Gen Human. However, his strength with a sniper rifle was nearing the limit. He was a resident of the City of Fall, said to be one of the closest ones to reach the Winter Realm.

The thin-waisted man was a player with the nickname of SilentExpression.

They both entered the Realm of Marksmen without a clue. They didn't even know why they walked into the whirling green portal.

''Urgh…'' SilentExpression slowly tried to crawl towards his gun. However, Death Sniper kicked the gun away and picked up his own.

''Any final words?'' Placing the barrel on the crawling man's head, Death Sniper asked with a voice oozing with coldness.

''I-I just think it's bullshit…'' SilentExpression uttered through bloodied teeth, ''W-Why New-Gen Humans are allowed to kill us, and we not them? Fucking… unfair.''


A single bullet tore through the skull, killing SilentExpression.

''Hmph.'' Death Sniper shifted his gaze from the bloodied corpse. However, all of a sudden, he noticed a reflection of a lens coming from a nearby building, looking straight through the cracked window at him.

''Oh, fuck…''


Death Sniper fell to the ground, a bloodied hole in his forehead.

At the nearby building, a round-glassed man fixed the position of his glasses as the recoil slightly pushed them up his nose bridge. His cold calmness didn't leave his eyes even after killing someone.

Somewhere in the world, both SilentExpression and Death Sniper appeared in a world of green. There was a clock hovering above them, slowly ticking down. However, as soon as they noticed each other, they began throwing punches.

That lasted an hour before both of them got thrown out of the green realm, appearing back in their homes in the City of Fall. Dying in the Realm of Marksmen wasn't the end. Everyone who died there would get respawned at their homes.

The cloud above the City of Factories raged with bullets and destruction. However, then another crack appeared in the clock, forcing the clock hand to move faster. There were only around 40 hours till the end.

At the upstairs in abandoned building, Isaac leaned against the wall, with his stomach threatening to rumble. Unfortunately, he used all the rations during his journey in real-life. Now, he didn't have any food, and he couldn't log out either.

However, at once, he spent seven days without food during a quest. That time, he also forgot to take food and had to suffer through it. Compared to that, two days was nothing.

Taking out a fading-looking notebook with color gone from the cover, he flipped through the pages until he found an empty one. He wrote down the possible location of every nearby sniper.

The sound of a gunshot, the vibrations in the window, and the distance of how quickly it traveled were good ways of finding out their location. However, it wasn't perfect, but at least it was something.

After writing it down, he placed the notebook on the inventory and yawned.

''I wonder why Arthur send us here. This place isn't something I hadn't already seen. However, that there are only Marksmen makes it slightly interested. Maybe he wants me to fight against other same class players and learn from them?''

At the Howling Forest, the volunteers, Martial Artists, and Guards of the City gathered in the forest to find the source of the sudden explosion, and make sure that the dangerous hazardous air couldn't travel to the city.

The Martial Artists were celebrities of the city, and them appearing was already a big moral boost.

''Is this place?'' Then, a sweet voice traveled across the air, stunning many with her beauty.

Luna stopped in front of the charred forest, half of her face covered in a cloth as protection from hazardous gases. Everyone looking at her felt their breath-stopping.

''Luna, why did we come here?'' A voice followed her, belonging to a sweet-looking Priestess. She was Isaac's younger sister, Alice!

The Priestess robed beautified her to no end, and with her cute round eyes, she looked like a sweet next-door-neighbor girl.

Over a year ago, she started playing the game. In the first week, her talent shone on the world.

[Name: Wonderland]

[Legacy: None]

''I am just curious, that's all,'' Luna said while rubbing her hands. With her eyes shining like a beautiful pearl, she appeared to be excited.

''Why didn't you come here with brother?'' Alice asked while asking curiously, ''I am happy to be with you, but this feels like something brother enjoys.''josei

''He is busy…'' Luna said with a pout, ''Always busy…''

Alice shook her head with a wry smile, ''Foolish brother…''

''Anyway, let's enter!'' Luna held Alice's hand with excitement and was about to enter the forest. But then, a voice came from the direction of the Martial Artists.

''Excuse me, lovely ladies.'' A handsomely-fitted man walked towards them with a cane in hand, a monocle adorning his right eye, ''This place might be dangerous with hazard gases, etc. Would you two want to come with us instead? We have antidote ready if needed.''

With a handsome smile, he expected that they would blindly follow him. The Martial Artist status already made him a crown jewel in the eyes of ordinary people, and not many would reject his advances.

However, these two girls didn't even blink as they brushed past him, completely ignoring his existence.

With mouth agape, he watched as the two girls entered the forest amid giggles like they didn't even hear him!

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