White Online

Chapter 569 The Meeting with Iah, and Mona

Chapter 569 The Meeting with Iah, and Mona

Chapter 569 The Meeting with Iah, and Mona

The Moon City shone with a brilliant luster.

The Gods roamed the earth, walking alongside Inhumans in the bustling streets. Nevertheless, they were accorded the utmost reverence and respect by everyone.

Before entering any of the stores, they gazed in the direction of the Moon City Arena, amazement flashing in their eyes. Even some of the buildings in the God Realm paled in comparison.

"Wow, this place is beautiful." Luna let out peals of amazement while walking alongside the sidewalk. She was accompanied by a group of players. While King Arawn and Lord Amour bickered, others enjoyed the sights to the fullest.

"We are here." Isaac's words caught their attention. They stopped before a courtyard with a tall metal fence blocking their path. At the top of the gate, the words 'Moon's Range' were adorning the sight.josei

Darth walked next to him, feeling a wave of nostalgia. He softly touched the gate, and pushed it gently open.

After the gate opened, Isaac, and Darth stepped into the courtyard. The scene looked familiar with flourishing grass patches, a stone wall at the far end of the yard, and a wooden door. The white house adorned with square-shaped windows acted as a home for two.

''We are closed!'' A deep voice rang from the house, ''If it's you Liam, I suggest you to pick up your feet, and get out! Last time you shot with eyes closed, fucking eyes closed! How dumb can you fucking be?''

Kalzer, and the rest heard the shouting from the sidewalks. They smiled weirdly, curious about the person Darth, and Isaac went to meet. They decided to wait outside because having more people would just be a bother.

''Honey...'' A sweet voice, followed by a long sigh, came from behind the door. Soon, a lovely woman in her 30s appeared with an eternal glow radiating off her face. She could be mistaken as a teenager with her youthful vigor.

Mona blinked with surprise as she saw Darth, standing with a bow hanging over his shoulder. It didn't take long for her to realize who he was.

''Darth!'' She exclaimed pleasantly.

''Mona.'' Darth smiled, and shared hugs with the lovely woman. Shortly afterward, the muscular man stomped out of the house. Iah looked at Darth hugging his wife with a murderous expression. However, then he recognized him as the black-haired brat he met over a year ago.

''Darth.'' Iah shook hands with Darth. After that, they noticed another presence in the courtyard. A white-haired man with a powerful aura.

''Hmm, who is this?'' Mona, and Iah asked.

Darth chuckled, ''It's Wraith.''

''What?!'' They shouted in disbelief. A memory of a cute-looking boy flashed over their minds. The current person looked vastly different. Such a transformation would seem impossible to happen in a year.

''Mona, and Iah." Isaac greeted them with his deeper voice. The voice had some similarities, but it was still deeper, and more powerful sounding.

After making sure that he was actually Isaac, they got seated around a round table while Mona went to fetch tea.

''Why have you two come here?'' Iah asked, ''It's always a pleasure to meet old acquaintances, but is there a deeper reason?''

Darth looked away into the distance. The tall Arena's lights rayed in his direction, ''See that Arena?''F

''Yes, and?'' After asking, Iah's eyes slightly bulged as he started to understand what he meant.

''We are competing in the Tournament of Champions.'' Isaac said, and he noticed Mona's frozen figure at the doorway. She carried the teapot with a surprised face.

''I see. That is indeed a surprise.'' Iah chuckled with a surprised expression. To think that the two brats from a year ago had reached such a level. To be spectated by the Gods was the ultimate honor many desired.

Mona sat down on her seat, and placed the teapot on the table. Then, she softly poured everyone their drinks, and after that, she lowered the teapot, and said, ''That is indeed a surprise. Even two of us planned to visit the Arena, maybe watch the tournament.''

Amid the tea, they caught up with everything. In the past year, Iah had trained several gunmen, and even had the pleasure of guiding one of the visiting Gods. The Moon's Range was well known among the Inhumans.

''By the way, Wraith, what has happened to you?'' Mona had to ask. She was dying to know the secret to Isaac's transformation.

Iah, and Darth turned to look at him also. While Iah thought that maybe Isaac went on rampage, and trained till his dying breath, Darth didn't know what to think. The transformation came as a surprise to everyone. It happened so suddenly.

The reason for Isaac's transformation was the removal of God illness. It kept him from growing past a certain point.

Isaac sipped the tea, and answered, ''Puberty.''

Mona covered her mouth, and giggled. Even a blind man would know that it was definitely not because of puberty. The growth was inhuman.

Iah rubbed his small beard, thinking, 'Is he hiding some kind of secret training method?'

Darth sipped the tea while thinking, 'Maybe it's because of breaking the chains?'

''Ahem, Isaac.'' They all turned towards the entrance of the courtyard. A beautiful black-haired girl waved her hand while showing the clock. There was a time limit on how much they could waste time in the City. They all wanted to get a proper rest before tomorrow's long day.

''Ah, it seems that time is running out.'' Isaac finished the tea, and stood up from the chair, ''Mona, Iah, it was a pleasure to meet you."

''Same, same.'' Iah shook their hands firmly.

Mona hugged Darth, and then wrapped her arms around Isaac's waist while whispering, ''Your girlfriend?''

''How...'' Isaac didn't know how she knew that, with just a glance.

Mona left the hug with a teasing smile, ''Easy to know. Everyone with a glance would notice.''

'Notice? Notice what?' Isaac shrugged his shoulders, and left the courtyard with Darth. As the metal fence slowly creaked shut, they continued their walk towards another destination.

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