White Online

Chapter 572 The Tournament

Chapter 572 The Tournament

Chapter 572 The Tournament

''That was fun.'' Kalzer said as everyone received their rewards from the stall owner. The crowd slowly started dispersing as they saw that everyone had finished trying the machine.

''Yes... if someone didn't cheat!'' Amour looked at Xerxus with tired eyes.

Xerxus innocently smiled, ''No one said that punching with superspeed wasn't allowed.''

''That's right!'' A sweet voice sounded behind him. Noelle jumped, and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him like a koala, ''Honey, you were great!''

''Tsk.'' Amour clicked his tongue, and glanced at the rankings before puffing, and turning away.

''The time is getting late...'' Luna walked next to them, and showed the clock. Surprisingly, the night had already dawned.

''I think we should return.'' Kalzer said while looking at the starry sky. It fooled them, thinking that there might be still a few hours left. However, since there wasn't a proper way to track time in Moon City, it was hard to know when it was night or morning.

The rest nodded, and they bid farewell to the teary-eyed stall owner, and left.

Finally, those monsters are gone!' He cheered joyfully while streams rolled down his cheeks. There weren't any rewards left for the punching machine.

''Excuse me, can I try?'' A deep voice asked.

''I am sorry sir, but there wouldn't be any rewards left.'' The owner wiped his teary eyes, and turned to the person who spoke. His jaw dropped as he had to looked way up. An monster of a man stood tall, easily over three meters in height.

He wore a long robe that fell over his unnaturally strong frame, and he had a thick brown beard that ran down from the point of his chin.

''Doesn't matter.'' He said with his very deep voice.

''A-Alright.'' The owner nodded shakily, and didn't even dare to ask for payment.

The tall man walked to the punching bag. He slowly raised his gloved hand. The size of his fist was as big as the owner's head.

Moving his hand back, the tall man gritted his teeth, and shouted, ''Rah!''josei

The single shout echoed to far away lands.

The Inhumans looked confusedly around, wondering where the shout came from. But then, an earthquake shook the ground!

''A-A-Ah...'' The owner fell to his buttocks with terror filling his face. His machine lay on the ground, the punching bag broken in half.

However, the number showed a number, and the ranking showed a new name.

[1. Kratos - Score: 100000]


''Earthquake?!'' Xerxus shouted as he tried to keep standing. However, short moment later, the quaking stopped.

Several roadside stalls fell over because of the earthquake. The Inhumans looked fearful because that might have been the first ever earthquake that happened in Moon City. They didn't even think it could be possible.

''Strange...'' Isaac thought since he didn't know that earthquakes were possible in the moon. However, they soon shrugged off the strange phenomenon, and walked back to the Arena.

The construction workers had returned to their homes several hours ago, emptying the Arena from everyone else other than players, and New-Gen Humans.

''Luna!'' A voice echoed from a nearby bench, situated near the Arena's entrance.

''She is...'' Xerxus, and Arawn recognized her.

Luna turned to the voice, and smiled with a pleasant expression.

Queen Cecilia picked up her books, and stood up from the bench. She skipped over to them, and excitedly said, ''This place is amazing!''

''Yes, this is perhaps the most beautiful place I have been in.'' Luna excitedly told everything they saw to Cecilia. Both of them noticed the strange buildings that looked smaller outside, but were huge inside.

Queen Cecilia then turned to others, and showed her tongue after seeing Xerxus, and Arawn. Then, she waved to Diana, and to Jonathan. They all met during the Beta Testing, and she didn't have very pleasurable meeting with Xerxus, and Arawn.

However, she got along with Diana and Jonathan.

''Wow, so many famous people!'' She said with a giggle as she looked at Kalzer, and Amour. Lastly, she saw Darth, but looked over him quite quickly, and then saw Isaac. Her eyes widened in surprise as she instantly skipped over to him, and shook his hand excitedly.

''This is honor!'' She shouted excitedly.

''Oh?'' Isaac looked at her as she shook his hand.

''I am a big fan of your books!''

''Oh, I see.'' Isaac smiled, and talked about his books with her while they entered the Arena. Apparently, she visited his store in Priesthood, but he doesn't remember seeing her.

However, his store received thousands of customers per day, and sometimes, during those days he wasn't always the storekeeper. He had to hire workers because there was too much traffic, and if he worked alone there with Luna, he wouldn't ever be able to level up.

After they reached the players' quarters, they all bid farewells, and left to their own rooms. Luna left with Cecilia, and Noelle, walking to the female quarters. They were separated by male, and female quarters.

Isaac entered his room, and closed the door behind him. After checking the time, he decided to rest. Tomorrow was an big day.


''Here, put it here!'' A sharp-tongued man shouted, pointing at the statue.

A tired-looking man followed him while carrying a bag filled with cameras. They were both employees of Legacy Company. It was their job to plant the cameras on the Arena, at places they wouldn't be seen. Thus, they could use these cameras to livestream the event.

They had to do it silently because if the Gods knew about it, they wouldn't let them do it. Thus, at the dawn of the night, they sneaked into the Arena to plant these cameras.

They hid them, and placed them in areas that have good visibility to the Arena.

After done, they logged off from the game, and activated those cameras in real-life.

At the current Headquarters of Legacy Company, the room with thousands of monitors was re-built.

After activating the cameras, all the monitors showed different angles of the arena. They were all set for tomorrow's tournament.

Emilia nodded with satisfaction, smiling tiredly, ''Arthur, I trust in your judgement... if you think it's better to livestream the event, even at the cost of angering the Gods, then we shall listen to you.''

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